CS Core - Data Validation - Enrollment, Transfer Credit & Transcript Text
Purpose: This document is to provide colleges instructions on how to perform the validation of data in the PeopleSoft environment.
Colleges are being asked to review data that was converted from the legacy environment to PeopleSoft. The goal of data validation is to ensure legacy data was accurately converted into PeopleSoft. College Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are included in data validation as a learning experience in navigating the PeopleSoft application, selecting records to review, and reporting issues discovered.
College executives are asked to support the time and effort expended by college SMEs necessary to complete the following:
- Develop a familiarity with navigating the relevant PeopleSoft menus and pages.
- Review selected records, comparing legacy data to the records as converted into PeopleSoft.
- Report issues discovered after careful review of converted data.
- Monitor resolution of reported issues for review in the next conversion testing round.
- Develop an approach for self-managing the data validation and issue reporting process in subsequent rounds of data conversion testing.
It is expected that College Data Validation SMEs will have already read the Data Validation Overview guides before beginning their validation activities:
This round of conversion validation includes the following areas:
- Enrollment & Grades
- Transfer Credit (Validate 10% of records; confirm that transformed courses converted as expected)
- Transcript Classes (Validate 10% of records; confirm that transformed courses converted as expected)
- Transcript Text
- Transcript Notes
- Quarterly Honors & Awards
- Degree Honors
The Validation Results and Feedback are due NO LATER THAN on the last day of the Data Validation Period. It is strong recommended that issues are reported EARLY in the validation period and are not held until the end of the period. Validation Results and Feedback are for reporting closure of the college's validation activities for the conversion cycle. To view a list of the validation periods please refer to the timeline topic in the Data Validation Overview - Getting Started Guide.
Name | Title | Phone | |
Karen Erickson |
Solutions Functional Analyst |
(360)704-3946 |
Rebecca Poe |
Campus Solutions Lead |
(360)704-1062 |
John Henry Whatley |
Campus Solutions Project Manager |
(360)704-1060 |
Students who have enrolled at your institution within the last six years will be converted to PeopleSoft. These students’ full history of classes, grades, and current enrollment is converted. Data for this conversion is extracted from the legacy STU-CLASS-D and TRAN-CLASS-D records. Transcript class (SM6013) conversion is covered in the Transfer Credit & Transcript Class section of this document. Please refer to that section for transcript class info.
During validation it’s important to note that colleges are given the option to exclude certain enrollments from conversion or a course may be transformed to another Department/Division in PeopleSoft. Enrollments may also be excluded through the exclude subject file, exclude class file, or the exclude/transform Department/Division file.
During the conversion process, enrollments are assigned to the Undergraduate Academic Career (UGRD) unless the class MISC-2 field has a value of CE, which converted to the Continuing Education Career (CNED). Waitlist enrollments are converted for any term (YRQ) equal to or greater than the designated go-live term.
Students’ grades are converted to PeopleSoft based on a data crosswalk populated by your college. Legacy grade qualifiers are not converted to PeopleSoft. Instead, special qualifiers are captured in PeopleSoft Grade Basis. Data crosswalks are used to map Legacy grades (including those with special qualifiers) to the necessary PeopleSoft Grade Basis and Grade. The PeopleSoft Grade Basis denotes special grading rules including grade forgiveness, suppressed grades and repeated courses (for historical enrollments).
Enrollment conversion is impacted by upstream conversion issues, including Course Catalog and Bio/Demo. Enrollment-specific conditions identified for this round of conversion include:
Continuing Education Grade Review
- Some enrollments for Continuing Education courses failed to convert because the grade awarded is not present in the college PeopleSoft Grade Scheme Table.
- Review file to determine if courses are CNED
- Decide if grades should be converted or if you will cleanup the student grades in legacy
Duplicate Enrollment Error
- This error occurs when a student is enrolled in a class on screen SM7001 and also receives credit for the same item number as a transcripted class on SM6013.
- Determine which record is a duplicate and where credit should be awarded (SM7001 or SM6013).
- Award credit on the appropriate record and remove the duplicate record
Your validation process should confirm that a student’s full history of enrollment and graded classes were converted to PeopleSoft.
- Review converted enrollments for terms prior to the go-live term
- Review both Academic and Continuing Education enrollments
- Waitlists may not be available for validation depending on the legacy snapshot date.
- Confirm that grades with special qualifiers converted to the crosswalked Grading Basis.
- Confirm that enrollments did not convert for subjects that were excluded.
- Confirm that courses transformed to a new PeopleSoft Subject and Catalog number converted as expected.
The information included in this section provides validation guidance for the enrollment conversion. SMEs are recommended to use a combination of validation methods to review this information, including running queries, viewing pages in PeopleSoft, and generating a PeopleSoft transcript. Please validate using the steps below.
Run the queries listed below as the first step in validation. These will help you identify students with a variety of enrollment scenarios. You can then use the student ID’s and associated terms to view their records in the PeopleSoft pages. The class and grade data in the query results can also be used to compare with legacy data. The data in the query results is pulled from the pages in PeopleSoft where converted enrollments were input.
- Converted enrollments with status of enrolled or withdrawn (no waitlist)
- Waitlisted students
- Continuing Education enrollments by term
- A list of all enrollments, withdrawals and waitlisted classes for a student, for all terms, with grades.
- Converted enrollments by Grading Basis
- TIP: All values for Grading Basis will be available to select in the dropdown box, including values your college does not use.
*Please note: these queries do not include transcript classes. Please refer to the Transfer Credit and Transcript Classes section of this document for validation queries and instructions.
Navigate to the Query Viewer page:
Query Viewer: Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Steps to Search for a Query
- Enter the query name
- Click Search
- Select the “HTML” hyperlink to run the query in your browser. You can download the results directly from this page.
- Enter your Institution code
- Enter a term, ID (ctcLink), Legacy SID or any other prompt values
- Click View Results
- TIP: Enter a value into more than one prompt or there may be too many results to display.
- TIP: If you receive a message that there are too many results, you can use any results returned to validate.
- Steps to Search for a Query
After you have identified students to validate, navigate to the following pages to review enrollment and grade information. Compare the PeopleSoft and legacy student records.
Enrollment Page
The Student Enrollment 1 tab (pictured below), displays full class and grade information a student is enrolled in for each term.
Navigation: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment
Steps to Search for a Student
- Enter the student’s ID
- Enter your Institution code
- Click Search
- TIP: All terms and careers for the student will display. Click a specific term to review.
What to Validate:
TIP: Use the [>] or click “View All” to review each enrolled class that was converted
- Student Career
- Subject & Catalog Number
- Status: displays whether the student is enrolled or waitlisted
- Grading: displays the student’s official grade and grading basis
- Repeat Code: A Repeat code of REXP was added to all converted enrollments to exclude it from the Repeat Checking process
Example of the Enrollment page, Student Enrollment 1 tab
Example of a Waitlisted student
Enrollment Summary Page
The Enrollment Summary page provides a condensed list of a student’s enrollment and statistics for a term (pictured below).
Navigation: Main Menu Records and Enrollment Enrollment Summaries Enrollment
Steps to Search for a Student
- Enter the student’s ID
- Enter your Institution code
- Click Search
- TIP: All terms and careers for the student will display. Click a specific term to review.
Steps to Search for a Student
What to Validate:
- TIP: The summary shows three classes at a time. Click the “View All” link for the full list.
- TIP: Additional class data is available by clicking the Lookup glass.
- On the Enrollment Summary tab, review the student’s enrolled or waitlisted classes for the term
- On the Term Statistics tab, review the total Units and GPA for the term
Example of the Enrollment Summary
Term History
This page is used to review term and cumulative statistics, including GPA, enrolled units, and transfer units. This page displays unit and GPA values for all institutions, terms and careers a student is active in. Make sure to use the [>] to identify your institution and the correct career/term combination.
Navigation: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term History
- Steps to Search for a Student
- Enter the student’s ID
- Click Search
- Tip: This page is first sorted into Academic Career: use the arrows to navigate from Continuing Education to Academic. Use the next set of arrows to confirm the Institution and Term you are validating.
- Use the Term and Cumulative Statistics tabs to validate GPA with legacy records
- Steps to Search for a Student
Example of Term History

Generate a PeopleSoft transcript for the student and compare the classes displayed to those on the legacy transcript.
Navigation: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term History
- Steps to Generate a Transcript: http://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79558/l/1027232-9-2-viewing-and-printing-student-transcript
Transfer credits from Legacy (entered in TRNSFR-COURSE-D) are converted to the equivalent area in PeopleSoft referred to as Course Credits Manual.
- On the PeopleSoft transcript, transfer credit totals appear at the top of the first page under the heading Transfer Credits Summary.
- Transfer credits are converted to PeopleSoft using the Transfer grading basis.
Transcript Classes (entered in TRAN-CLASS-D) with credits and grades but no matching class (legacy item number), are also converted to transfer credits in PeopleSoft and entered in Course Credits Manual. The source or “from” institution is converted as your institution. However, unlike transfer credits, transcript classes appear as enrollments on the transcript rather than the Transfer Credit Summary.
- On the PeopleSoft transcript, classes entered in TRAN-CLASS-D (SM6013) will display as enrollments with the same class information detail as enrolled classes.
- Transcript classes are converted to PeopleSoft with a grade that was not categorized as a transfer grade. Transcript class grades should match the equivalent legacy grade and qualifier.
Transfer credit and transcript classes are not converted if:
- The grade and credit value in legacy is blank
- The course Subject is on the exclude list
- The course (department/division) was added to the exclude list
Transfer credit and transcript class entries can also be converted to another course:
- During the conversion process, the TRANSFR-COURSE-D and TRAN-CLASS-D records were compared to the Exclude/Transform file, decided on by your college. A legacy course ID may be transformed to a new PeopleSoft Subject and Catalog Number.
Transfer credit and transcript class conversion is impacted by upstream conversion issues including course catalog, enrollment and Bio/Demo.
Transfer Credit for University of Washington Multiple codes used
- A few students have transfer credit awarded for the UW using more than one code (410-413).
- Transfer credit for one code was converted and the other was rejected as a duplicate.
- To convert all UW credit, only one code can be used in SD3005. Review file and make updated to the legacy student record.
Students with Transcripted classes and transfer credit (where your institution is the “Transfer From” college)
- Only partial transfer/transcripted records were converted for students who have transcripted classes on SM6013 and Transfer credit on SD3005 where your college code is listed in the “Trnsfr From Col” field
- Review file and update the student record so courses only exist on either SD3005 or SM6013
Continuing Education courses as Transfer or Transcripted classes
- Students who were awarded courses from the Continuing Education career failed to convert. In PeopleSoft, only academic courses can convert as transfer credit (or as a transcripted class)
- Review file to determine if these courses should be Continuing Education.
Your validation process should confirm that transfer and transcripted classes converted as expected based on the curriculum mapping submitted by your college. You may also confirm that excluded courses did not convert. Verify that that transfer and transcript grades converted based on grade mapping submitted by your college.
This section provides guidance for validating Transfer Credit. Transcript Classes are covered in section 6.2. Transfer credit conversion can be validated by navigating to the PeopleSoft screen where the transfer credits were input (Course Credits Manual) or by running a query that displays the data from Course Credits Manual.
Navigate to Query Viewer: Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Steps to Using Query
- Enter the query name: CTC_VAL_STDNT_TRANSFER_COURSES
- Click Search
- Enter your institution code
- Enter a term
- Click View Results
- TIP Enter a term into the query prompts or there may be too many results to display.
- Alternatively, you can enter a student ID (from PeopleSoft or Legacy) and leave the term prompt blank to view all transfer credits for a student.
Navigate to Course Credits Manual: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Course Credits Manual
- Steps to view student transfer credit:
- Enter a student ID
- Click search
- The Course Credits Manual screen will show your institution in the Transfer Credit Model section at the top.
- TIP A student could have credits posted from more than one Source. Use the arrows at the top to view each one.
- The Source Information section will include the institution from which courses were transferred.
- Under the section Incoming Course, fillers were placed in all fields and will show a Subject of “XFER” and Course Nbr “XXX”.
- The Equivalent Course section contains the transfer course data from Legacy.
- Click the arrows in the section headings to navigate to additional terms and courses that were posted.
- Using the Query results or data from the Course Credits Manual page in PeopleSoft, verify these fields and compare to student records in legacy TRANSFER-COURSE-D (SD3005):
- Source Institution
- Articulation Term
- Subject and Catalog , displayed to the right Course ID
- Units Transferred
- Grading Basis
- Official Grade
Transfer credits for a student in the Course Credits Manual screen

Transcript class conversion can be validated by navigating to the PeopleSoft page where the class credits were input (Course Credits Manual) or by running a query that displays the data from Course Credits Manual.
Navigate to Query Viewer: Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Enter the query name: CTC_VAL_STDNT_TRANSCRIPT_CLASS
- Click Search
- Enter your institution code
- Enter a term
- Click View Results
- TIP Enter a term into the query prompts or the maximum number of results may be exceeded.
- Alternatively, you can enter a student ID (from PeopleSoft or Legacy) and leave the term prompt blank to view all transcript classes for a student.
Navigate to Course Credits Manual:
- Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Course Credits Manual
- Steps to view student transcript classes:
- Enter a student ID
- Click Search
- The Course Credits Manual screen will show your institution in the Transfer Credit Model section at the top.
- TIP A student could have credits posted from more than one Source, you can click the arrows at the top to view each one.
- Source Institution To find transcript classes, verify your institution as the Source. If a student also has Transfer Credits they may have multiple “rows” with additional Source Institutions. Click through the arrows in the top header to locate your institution as the Source (figure below).
- The course information in the Incoming Course section will match the information in the Equivalent Course section.
- Click the arrows in the section headings to navigate to additional terms and courses that were posted.
- Steps to view student transcript classes:
- Using the Query results or data from the Course Credits Manual page in PeopleSoft, verify these fields to the student records in Legacy TRAN-CLASS-D (SM6013):
- Source Institution = Your Institution
- Articulation Term
- Subject and Catalog , displayed to the right Course ID
- Units Transferred
- Grading Basis
- Official Grade
Transcript classes for a student in the Course Credits Manual screen
In PeopleSoft, grades are assigned to a category called a Grading Basis, used to organize and apply different grade settings such as Administrative, Audit, Grade Forgiveness and Transfer. Legacy grades for transcript classes are mapped to a PeopleSoft Grading Basis.
Use the query below to show grades for transcript classes by Grading Basis.
Navigate to Query Viewer: Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
Steps to Using Query -
- Enter the query name: CTC_VAL_STDNT_TRNSCR_CLASS_GRD
- Click Search
- Enter your institution code
- Using the dropdown menu, select the Grading Basis description.
- Click View Results
- TIP - All values for Grading Basis will be available to select in the dropdown box, including values your college does not use.
Transcript Comments entered in SM6012 (TRAN-COMMENT-D) are converted to the equivalent area in PeopleSoft, referred to as Transcript Text.Both the Official and Unofficial PeopleSoft transcript will display transcript text. This includes comments that were entered for:
- Notations for transcript classes and transfer credit
- Quarterly Honors & Awards
- Degree Honors

Transcript text will display on the student’s PeopleSoft transcript based on the YRQ used in legacy:
- If the Legacy YRQ value was a specific term, the PeopleSoft term will be populated and transcript text printed after the term on the transcript (figure below, box 1).
- If the Legacy YRQ was “9999”, “Z999”, blank, or there was no enrollment for the term, transcript text is printed at the end of the transcript after the cumulative statistics (figure below, box 2).

Transcript text conversion (including degree and quarterly honors) is impacted by upstream conversions including enrollment. If the enrollment for a term (YRQ) is not converted, transcript text for that term will be placed after the cumulative statistics on the PeopleSoft transcript.
It is recommended to validate a variety of transcript comments based on how your college has utilized this page. Scenarios may include comments related to transfer credit, Academic Credit for Prior Learning, Advanced Placement credit, grade forgiveness, and similar topics.
Transcript Text can be validated using the query described below as well as navigating to the Transcript Text page in PeopleSoft. Conversion results should be compared to the legacy Transcript Comments in SM6012.
Navigate to Query Viewer:
- Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Enter the query name: CTC_VAL_STDNT_TRANSCRIPT_TEXT
- Click Search
- Enter your institution code
- Enter a term
- Click “View Results”
- Make note of student ID’s for validation
- Run the query again populating the prompts for one student ID and your institution, leaving the other prompts blank:
- All transcript text entries for the student from all terms will be displayed
- You can also search for key words within transcript text using the Text Search prompt
- This prompt is case sensitive. The case of the text you enter, will be exactly what the query looks for in transcript text.
- Entering “HONOR ROLL” will not return transcript text typed as “Honor Roll”.
- You can search for a portion of text within the transcript text by typing the % symbol before and after your search words.
- Entering %Honors% will return “High Honors for term” along with “High Honors”
- This prompt is case sensitive. The case of the text you enter, will be exactly what the query looks for in transcript text.

You can also validate transcript comments by navigating to the Transcript Text page in PeopleSoft.
Navigation to Transcript Text: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Transcripts > Transcript Text
- Steps to Searching for a Student
- Enter the student’s ID
- Click Search
- TIP The student’s name will appear in the search results multiple times if they have more than one program/plan stack. Clicking on any of these rows will take you to the same page.
What to validate:
Using the Query results or data from the Transcript Text page in PeopleSoft, confirm these fields match the student’s legacy record:
- Verify your Institution
- Term (can also be blank)
- Print Location (Cumulative Stats or Term Stats)
- Transcript Text
- TIP - When validating using the Transcript Text page, a student may have multiple terms with transcript text, or multiple rows of text within a term. You can navigate through terms and rows by using the arrows or clicking the View All link.

Generate a PeopleSoft transcript for the student and compare the classes displayed to those on the legacy transcript.
Navigation: Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term History
- Steps to Generate a Transcript: http://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79558/l/1027232-9-2-viewing-and-printing-student-transcript
Quarterly Honors and Awards that were posted in the legacy Transcript Comments Page, SM6012, (TRAN-COMMENT-D) are converted to PeopleSoft as Transcript Text.

Transcript text will display on the Official and Unofficial PeopleSoft transcript based on the YRQ used in legacy:
- If the Legacy YRQ value was a specific term, the PeopleSoft term will be populated and transcript text printed after the term on the transcript (figure below, box 1).
- If the Legacy YRQ was “9999”, “Z999”, blank, or there was no enrollment for the term, transcript text is printed at the end of the transcript after the cumulative statistics (figure below, box 2).

Students who were affected by course catalog and enrollment conversion errors may not have been activated for terms in which transcript text was entered. Transcript text for these students will be placed after the cumulative statistics area of the transcript.
Your validation process should confirm that legacy Transcript Comments in SM6012 converted to PeopleSoft Transcript Text. Also confirm the text displays in the correct location either with the associated term or at the end of the transcript.
This section provides step-by-step guidance for validating Quarterly Honors and Awards. The ctcLink Project team has created a PeopleSoft query to identify applicable students. You can validate Transcript Text using this query, as well as navigating to the Transcript Text page in Peoplesoft. Compare the Transcript Text page in PeopleSoft, to the legacy Transcript Comments screen (SM6012).
Navigate to Query Viewer:
- Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Enter the query name: CTC_VAL_STDNT_TRANSCRIPT_TEXT
- Click Search
- Enter your institution code
- Enter a term, click View Results
- Make note of student ID’s for validation
- Run the query again using one of the ID’s, leaving
- All of the transcript text entries for one student entered by your institution will be displayed
- You can also search for words within the transcript text using the Text Search prompt
- This prompt is case sensitive. The case of the text you enter, will be exactly what the query looks for in transcript text.
- Entering “HONOR ROLL” will not return transcript text typed as “Honor Roll”.
- You can search for a portion of text within the transcript text by typing the % symbol before and after your search words.
- Entering %Honors% will return “High Honors for term” along with “High Honors”
- This prompt is case sensitive. The case of the text you enter, will be exactly what the query looks for in transcript text.

You can also validate transcript comments by navigating to the Transcript Text page in PeopleSoft.
Navigate to Transcript Text: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Transcripts > Transcript Text
- Enter the student’s ID
- Click Search
- TIP The student’s name will appear in the search results multiple times if they have more than one program/plan stack. Clicking on any of these rows will take you to the same page.
What to Validate:
Using the Query results or data from the Transcript Text page in PeopleSoft, confirm these fields match the student’s Legacy data:
- Verify your Institution
- Term (can also be blank)
- Print Location (Cumulative Stats or Term Stats)
- Transcript Text
- TIP When validating using the Transcript Text page, a student may have multiple terms with transcript text, or multiple rows of text within a term. You can navigate through terms and rows by using the arrows or clicking the View All link.
Student degree honors are converted to PeopleSoft as Transcript Text. Depending on how your college entered this data in legacy, degree honors were extracted from TRAN-COMMENT-D or TRAN-DEGREE-D.
If the degree honor was entered as a transcript comment (SM6012), the comment will convert directly with the exact text. Transcript text will display on the student’s PeopleSoft transcript based on the YRQ used in legacy:
- Valid YRQ - associated to the equivalent term and printed after term statistics
- Generic/Z999 or Blank - printed at the end of the transcript after the cumulative statistics
If degree honors were entered on the student degrees page (SM6009), additional measures were taken to extract this data. Each award must be entered as a separate line using the custom conversion EPCs for degree honors. A specialized mass update job was developed to assist with this separation. Depending on the conversion EPC used, the following Transcript Text will convert:

Students who were affected by course catalog and enrollment conversion errors may not have been activated for terms in which transcript text was entered. Transcript text for these students will be placed after the cumulative statistics area of the transcript.
Validators should confirm legacy degree honors converted successfully as Transcript Text and are recommended to:
- Validate students for each Degree Honors EPC used by your college
- Verify the degree honors are printing on the transcript as expected
The mapping information included in this section provides guidance for validating degree honors. The ctcLink Project team has created a PeopleSoft query to identify applicable students. You can validate Transcript Text using this query as well as navigating to the PeopleSoft page where this information is housed. Navigation for pages applicable to this validation is provided in the steps below. Please compare to the legacy screen where your college enters degree honors.
Run the query listed below as the first step in validation. This query will help you identify students with converted degree honors. You can then use the student IDs to view their records in the PeopleSoft pages and compare to legacy data.
Navigation to Query Viewer: Navigator > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- Enter the query name: CTC_VAL_STDNT_TRANSCRIPT_TEXT
- Click Search
- Select the “HTML” hyperlink to run the query in your browser. You can download the results directly from this page.
- Select prompts
- Use the Text Search prompt
- TIP: This prompt is case sensitive. The case of the text you enter, will be exactly what the query looks for in transcript text. Example Entering “HONOR ROLL” will not return transcript text typed as “Honor Roll”.
- TIP: You can search for a portion of text within the transcript text by typing the % symbol before and after your search words. Example Entering %Honors% will return “High Honors” along with “Graduation with High Honors”
- Make note of student ID’s for validation
Navigation to Transcript Text: Updated Records and Enrollment Transcripts Transcript Text
- Steps to Search for Transcript Text
- Enter the student’s ID
- Click Search
- TIP The student’s name will appear in the search results multiple times if they have more than one program/plan stack. Clicking on any of these rows will take you to the same page.
- Fields to Validate
- Using the Query results or data from the Transcript Text page in PeopleSoft, confirm these fields match the student’s legacy record:
- Verify your Institution
- Term (can also be blank)
- Print Location (Cumulative Stats or Term Stats)
- Transcript Text
- TIP When validating using the Transcript Text page, a student may have multiple terms with transcript text, or multiple rows of text within a term. You can navigate through terms and rows by using the arrows or clicking the View All link.
- Steps to Search for Transcript Text
Figure 1 Converted Degree Honors Transcript Text

Generate a PeopleSoft transcript for the student and compare the classes displayed to those on the legacy transcript.
Navigation: Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term History
- Steps to Generate a Transcript: http://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79558/l/1027232-9-2-viewing-and-printing-student-transcript
College Data Validation SMEs will communicate any conversion issues they encounter during their data validation via the Oracle Test Manager (OTM) application. The ctcLink Testing Team will provide OTM orientation materials before the data validation period for any College Data Validation SMEs who are not familiar with the tool. Please refer to the Data Validation Overview - Reporting Issues guide for more information on using OTM.
When logging a new issue in OTM related to data being validated through this guide, remember to use the following values for these specific required fields in your issue entry under the project tied to this Deployment Group and CS Data Validation Cycle.
- Summary: (Provide a title for the issue discovered)
- Assigned To: Karen Erickson (Transfer Credit & Enrollment) or Matt Sargent (Transcript Text and Quarterly/Degree Honors)
- Status: (Leave as NEW)
- College or Location : (Specify the college or district)
- Priority: (Leave blank - not used)
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