Legacy Data Cleanup
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide colleges instructions on how to begin data cleanup activities in preparation for deployment of the PeopleSoft solution. Included are instructions for data clean-up and guidance on how to correct data in Legacy to enable conversion to PeopleSoft.
Audience: College data entry/clean-up staff.
Executive Summary
As part of the ctcLink data conversion, data will be extracted from the legacy production system and error log spreadsheets will be generated and provided to the colleges. Those spreadsheets will contain error messages related to data that will be problematic during the migration to PeopleSoft.
Colleges are being asked to review those spreadsheets and make decisions regarding corrections to data in the legacy production systems. Data owners/sponsors will be responsible for ensuring that data is cleansed (at the source) in coordination with the ctcLink Project team. College executives are asked to support the time and effort expended by college Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) necessary to complete the following:
- Review the error conditions and make decisions regarding how to handle the error
- Correct erroneous legacy data conditions (As needed priority order by critical data elements)
- Recognize business practices that may be contributing to data cleanliness and either change them or commit to continued data cleansing to support the data conversion testing process.
The goal of data clean-up activities at the college is to ensure data can be loaded into the PeopleSoft system both during data conversion testing and at deployment or “GO LIVE.” For BIO/Demo data an additional step POST “GO LIVE” is recommended for students to validate their information and update their personal information in PeopleSoft Student Self-Service.
What do the severity levels mean?https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LP5A9OEeHTfeVt89CMPfI7HFKKPQj6JU/view?usp=sharing
- Critical Must fix or the record data will stop a record from being converted into PS
- Warning Data element many not convert. The person record will still convert, but not the data element.
- Informational Will convert as bad data
Student SID List
A file is included with the errors logs that contains a list of student SIDs. This file provides colleges with a list of all students who will currently convert to PeopleSoft. If an SID is on an error log as critical that SID will not convert and will not appear on the Student SID List. Colleges can pull a list of all students from legacy and compare to this file to find any students with conversion issues.
A second use for this file is to help colleges prepare for data validation cycles. Data validation should be conducted using a sample of students with various characteristics. These SIDs can be matched to student records and lists of students for validation can be created.
Help Session Materials
Links to Help Sessions materials from 9/1/2020.
Presentation (download and open in powerpoint to view notes)
Join the College Data Governance listserve to collaborate with others and receive notices of updates to the data cleansing instructions. https://lists.ctc.edu/mailman/listinfo/coldg_lists.ctc.edu
Searching for a Msg Num
Use the F3 key to open a search box and enter the message number. You may need to use the Fn key with the F3.
Accounts Receivable Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: The ACCOUNT-STRUCTURE for this item is retrieved from SLEDG-DETAIL-D with a match on the item’s CHRG-ID. This error is generated if no match is found or if the retrieved ACCOUNT-STRUCTURE is blank.
Error Message: Account Structure has not been assigned to this item
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: This transaction will not be included in the extract because there is no associated account structure.
- This transaction may be in mid process for billing. Need to assign the account structure.
Note: at GoLive only charges that are fully processed will come over.
- BM1620 screen can be used to determine if the new charges and GL transaction is pending. Use the list pending button on the bottom of the screen. Either delete from pending log or complete so it can post.
- If there are old pending transactions that you are ok not converting to PS you can leave this as bad data in legacy.
- If this is data that should convert you will need to add the account structure using the BM1620 screen
Note: If the college has written off the student account transaction and would not expect the value to exist in the sub-ledger then this error can be ignored and this data will not convert to PeopleSoft.
Issue: The invoice line item’s CHRG-ID is used to retrieve the ACCOUNT-STRUCTURE from SLEDG-DETAIL-D. This error is generated if the CHRG-ID is blank.
Error Message: CHRG-ID has not been assigned to this item
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: This transaction will not be included in the extract because there is no assigned CHRG-ID. Without a CHRG-ID, the account structure cannot be retrieved.
- Charge IDs are system assigned.
- If you have this error on your report please contact the Legacy support team at [email protected].
Issue: The INV-TOT-AMT stored in the CUST-INV-M table for this invoice is zero.
Error Message: INVOICE-TOTAL is equal to zero
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: This transaction will not be included in the extract because the invoice total is equal to zero.
- The invoice must have a balance or a credit balance to convert to PS.
- If these should come over (a true open receivable has an amt) then correct the amount of the invoice
Issue: Because both the SOBJ and SRC-REV fields are blank, the ACCOUNT cannot be populated.
Error Message: Both SOBJ and SRC-REV are spaces. Cannot populate ACCOUNT
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: If both the SOBJ and SRC-REV fields are spaces then the ACCOUNT field can’t be populated in PeopleSoft.
- Review the GL to determine if this is a revenue or expense that this id is associated with.
- Then add the correct SOBJ or SRC-REV, whichever is the required field.
Issue: Needs Legacy AR account for proper crosswalk to PS AR account. This occurs when colleges use a debt type of RA.
Error Message: GL associated with charge does not equal 13xx.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Correct the GL. SBCTC is reviewing this error to see what additional conversion logic can be applied.
Benefits Admin Participant
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: Data will not be converted into the following areas in PeopleSoft if the employee ID is invalid:
- Health Benefits (HCM053)
- AD&D Benefits (HCM055)
- Retirement Benefits (HCM056)
- FSA Benefits (HCM058)
- Savings Plan (HCM060)
- ACA Status (HCM061)
- Retiree Fields (HCM063)
Error Message: INVALID EMP-ID
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Identify the correct employee ID and ensure it matches in these records and the Employee table.
Issue: RETIRE-DED-IND replaced & converted
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: If you have a 1 (do not take deductions, below service hours) it will be replaced with a 3 (always take deductions). No action needed.
Issue: An employee cannot have both a Health Savings Account (HSA) and a Flexible Spending Account (FSA). The HSA benefit will not be converted, only the FSA will be converted.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: In the event that a record has both a HSA and FSA the FSA will be the account converted. No action needed if this is the correct action. If the employee should not have a FSA account this needs to be cleaned up in legacy so the HSA account can convert.
Issue: Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Health Saving Account (HSA), or Dependent Care (DCAP) benefits will not be converted if they have no year to date balance.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: New employee (before their first deduction) or at the beginning of the year for all employees, will not have a year to date balance in their account. The benefits cannot be converted with out a balance.
Note: This error will occur due to timing. Verify that the employees with this error have no balance.
Issue: ACA status of 74 will not be converted. Valid Values are "Y" and "N".
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Correct EMP-MISC-D number 74 to MISC-VAL “Y” or “N”.
Course Catalog Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
The COURSE-ID is extracted from one of four sources in the legacy system: Transfer-in Courses (SD3005), Transcript Courses (SM6013), Class Schedule (IS1001), and Course Catalog (CM3001).
Issue: In order to load courses into PeopleSoft, it must have a valid Course ID and YRQ. In addition, there can be only one course with the same YRQ value.
A Course with the same Course ID and YRQ as another course will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft. This is not an issue since the first course has already been included.
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: This error can usually be ignored. This is because the first course that matches on Course ID and YRQ has already been included in the extract. There is no need for this duplicate course to be converted.
- If you error is due to a transfer-in course verify that it is entered correctly. Sometimes staff enter the course ID from the receiving institution, when it should be the equivalent course at the receiving college.
Issue: In order to load courses into PeopleSoft, it must have a valid Effective Date. The effective date is derived by retrieving the first day of the quarter for the YRQ associated with the course. If the YRQ value cannot be found in the year quarter master, then it is edited against the following criteria.
- The first 2 characters must be between 50 and 84, inclusive
- The 3rd character must be 0 or one greater than the second character
- The 4th character must be either 1, 2, 3, or 4
Courses with an Invalid begin YRQ will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Correct the YRQ value associated with the course. The error is coming up in course extract but really has to do with student transcript or transfer credit. This is actually just a warning because the course is still being created because of other data. If there isn’t a connected error in the enrollment or transfer error reports, colleges they can disregard this one.
Issue: These 5 contact hours should add up to the total contact hours (lecture, lab, contract, system, other). If this total > 9999 then the error is generated.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Review all the contact hours and correct them.
Issue: In order to load courses into PeopleSoft, it must have a valid Course ID. Courses with a blank Course ID will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Ensure there is a valid Course ID associated with the course on screen SM2001.
Issue: In order to load courses into PeopleSoft, it must have a valid Course Num. Courses with a blank Course Num will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure there is a valid Course Num associated with the course on screen SM2001.
Issue: In order to load courses into PeopleSoft, it must have a valid Course Num. Courses with a Course Num of zero will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft with a Course Num of “OOO”.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure there is a valid Course Num associated with the course on screen SM2001.
Issue: In order to load courses into PeopleSoft, it must have a valid Course ID. Courses with a blank first position of Course ID will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: The COURSE-ID is extracted from one of the following 4 sources in the legacy system. Refer to the Dataset column on the error report to determine the source of the record in error. Based on the source, use one of the screens identified below to ensure that there is not a space in the first position of the Course ID.
Source | Screen |
Transfer-In Courses | SD3005 |
Transcript Courses | SM6013 |
Class Schedule | IS1001 |
Course Catalog | CM3001 |
Issue: In order to load courses into PeopleSoft, it must have a valid Course ID and Effective Date. In addition, there can be only one course with the same Effective Date. The effective date is derived by retrieving the first day of the quarter for the YRQ associated with the course. If the YRQ value cannot be found in the year quarter master, then an effective date is derive based on the YRQ value.
A Course with the same Course ID and Effective Date as another course will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft. This is not an issue since the first course has already been included.
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: This error can usually be ignored. This is because the first course that matches on Course ID and Effective date has already been included in the extract. There is no need for this duplicate course to be converted.
Issue: Colleges can provide an optional file with course descriptions. This error provides colleges with any descriptions that did not get applied to a course. This happens when begin and end dates do not match the course data.
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: The course description is pulled from legacy. If an optional file description is provided, this is used instead. First, review to ensure that the course exists. You may have submitted a description but there is not associated course. If this is the case remove this description from the file. If the course exists then submit a new file with accurate begin and end dates that do not conflict with the dates of the course. You can also update in PeopleSoft when you have access to the catalog in production.
Employee Bio/Demo Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: The legacy Employee ID (EMP-M.EMP-ID) will be converted to the SSN field in PeopleSoft.
A valid SSN is required for employees to be loaded into PeopleSoft. The PeopleSoft application edits SSNs based on the valid values defined by the Social Security Administration, and these same edits are included in the data conversion extract process as follows:
- Must be 9 digits
- Character 1 cannot be ‘9'
- Characters 1-3 cannot be ‘000’ or ‘666’
- Characters 4-5 cannot be ‘00’
- Characters 6-9 cannot be ‘0000'
If there is no valid SSN then the employee bio-demo record will not convert to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: INVALID EMP-ID
Severity: Critical
Error Handling:
- Correct to a valid SSN
- Keep the invalid Employee ID’s in legacy with the knowledge that the employee will not load to PeopleSoft
Issue: In order to load an employee record into PeopleSoft, it must contain both a first and last name. Records that do not have data in both the first and last name will not be loaded into PeopleSoft.
The employee first name (EMP-M.EMP-NAME-FIRST) is being converted to the PeopleSoft employee first name. The employee last name (EMP-M.EMP-NAME-LAST) is being converted to the PeopleSoft employee last name.
Employees with only one name (a mononym) should have the name in the last name position, and a “-“ in the first name position.
Error Message:
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Records that do not have both a first and last name will not be loaded into PeopleSoft.
- Enter the Employee First Name if missing or enter “-“ if they only have one name
- Enter the Employee Last Name if missing
- Keep the employee in legacy with the knowledge that the employee record will not load into PeopleSoft. Do this only if this is not a valid employee record.
Issue: In order for Birth Date to be loaded and used as part of the employee’s bio/demo record, the birth date must be valid. Employees with an invalid birth date will be loaded into PeopleSoft and their birth date will be blank. In order to be valid it must meet the following criteria:
- Employee Birthdate must be a valid date
- Employee Birthdate cannot be a date in the future
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Birth date will be blank in PeopleSoft.
- Replace the invalid birth date with the employee’s valid birth date
- If the birthdate is invalid or prior to 01/01/1920, it will generate an edit and it will be converted as a blank. Note all birthdates prior to 01/01/1920 so they can be corrected after conversion.
- Keep invalid employee birth date in legacy with the knowledge that the birth date will not load to PeopleSoft; however, all other valid values will load.
Issue: In order for Federal Marital Status to be loaded and used as part of the employee’s bio/demo record, the Federal Marital Status must be a blank, S (single), or M (married), or H (head of household)
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Federal marital status will not be converted
- Replace invalid value with a valid value
- Keep invalid marital status in legacy with the knowledge that the Federal Marital Status will not load to PeopleSoft, however, all other valid values will load.
Issue: In order to load an employee prefix into PeopleSoft, it must be one of the following.
- DR or DR
- MR or MR
- MRS or MRS
- MS or MS
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: If there is no employee name prefix for a record the field will be blank in PeopleSoft.
- Correct the prefix to one in the above list
- Remove the prefix
- Keep the prefix in legacy with the knowledge that the prefix will not load into PeopleSoft, however, all other valid values will load.
Issue: In order to load an employee suffix into PeopleSoft, it must be one of the following.
- II
- IV
- V
- JR or JR
- SR or SR
- RN
- JD
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: If there is no employee name suffix for a record the field will be blank in PeopleSoft.
- Correct the suffix to one in the above list
- Remove the suffix
- Keep the employee suffix in legacy with the knowledge that the suffix will not load into PeopleSoft. However, all other valid values will load.
The Permanent Address will be converted to the Home Address in PeopleSoft. If the Current Address is different, it will be converted to the Mailing Address in PeopleSoft.
Issue: In order for Addresses to be loaded and used as part of the employee’s bio/demo record, the first line of the address must not be blank. Address will not be converted if ADDR-LN-1 is spaces.
Error Message: ADDR-LN-1 = SPACES
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: An address with a blank line 1 will not convert to PeopleSoft.
- If possible, add the missing address line 1
- Keep Address Line 1 blank in legacy with the knowledge that the address will not load to PeopleSoft. However, all other valid values will load.
Issue: In order for Zip Code to be loaded and used as part of the employee’s bio/demo record, the Zip Code must meet the following criteria:
- If a United States address, the first 5 characters of Zip Code(EMP-M.PERM-ZIP) must be a valid zip code on the Zip Code Table (screen ZX0020 in legacy).
- Foreign address (value other than US or USA in the country field) will be converted as they are entered in legacy.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Zip codes that do not have a matching entry in the Zip Code Table in legacy will not be converted to PeopleSoft.
- Enter the zip code on the Zip Code Table in legacy
- Correct the Zip Code
- Keep the invalid Zip Code in legacy with the knowledge that the zip code will not load to PeopleSoft. However, all other valid values will load.
Any email address that ends in .edu will be converted to the employee’s Work Email. Any other email address will be converted to the employee’s Home Email.
Issue: In order for the Email Address to be loaded and used as part of the employee’s bio/demo record, the address must meet the following criteria:
- Must contain one @
- Must contain at least one ‘.’ after the ‘@’
- Must not contain a space
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: Email addresses that do not match the required format will not be converted to PeopleSoft.
- Replace the invalid value with a valid value
- If possible, add the missing value
- Keep the invalid email in legacy with the knowledge that the email will not load to PeopleSoft. However, all other valid values will load.
The employee’s home phone number will be converted to the home phone number in PeopleSoft. The employee’s work phone number will be converted to the work phone number in PeopleSoft.
Issue: In order for Phone Number to be loaded and used as part of the employee’s bio/demo record, the telephone number must contain 7 or 10 digits.
Error Message:
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: Phone numbers that do not match the required format will not be converted to PeopleSoft.
- Replace invalid value with a valid value
- If possible, add missing value
- Keep invalid Phone Number in legacy with the knowledge that the telephone number will not load to PeopleSoft. However, all other valid values will load.
The employee’s Work Extension will be converted to the Work Extension in PeopleSoft.
Issue: In order for Work Extension to be loaded and used as part of the employee’s bio/demo record, it must be a numeric value.
Error Message:
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Work Extensions that do not match the required format will not be converted to PeopleSoft. If there is a valid Work Phone, it will be converted.
- Replace invalid value with a valid value
- Keep invalid Work Extension in legacy with the knowledge that the extension will not load to PeopleSoft. However, all other valid values will load.
The employee’s cell phone will be converted to PeopleSoft as a personal phone number.
Issue: The employee’s cell phone will be converted to PeopleSoft as a personal phone number. This will not convert as a cell phone type.
Error Message:
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: The invalid extension value (cell) will not be extracted, but the associated phone number will (if it is valid.)
- Keep invalid Work Extension in legacy with the knowledge that the extension will not load to PeopleSoft. However, all other valid values will load.
Issue: In order for the SID to be loaded and used as part of the employee’s bio/demo record, the SID cannot be blank.
Error Message: SID IS BLANK
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: The SID will not load to PeopleSoft as an external system ID. However, all other valid values will load
- If possible, add missing value
Issue: This is a system generated date and cannot be changed by a college. It is being converted as follows:
- If the Last PayCheck field is blank, the Employment Date will be used
- If both the Last PayCheck field and Employment Date field are blank, PeopleSoft will use 01/01/1901
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Colleges cannot change this date. Contact ctcLink HCM project team to resolve this error.
Issue: During the Disability data conversion, the Employee ID value is validated, using the same criteria as used in the Bio/Demo Extract to ensure that disability records that are converted can be linked to employee records that will be added to PeopleSoft. If the Empl ID cannot be validated, no record will be added to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: INVALID EMP-ID
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Any disability record with an invalid Employee ID value will not be included in the disability conversion and added to the extract file. Correct the Employee ID.
Issue: In order for an employee’s Employee Degree Data to be loaded into PeopleSoft, it must include a value (no blanks) for the highest education level. If this value is missing, an Employee Degree Data record will not be added to PeopleSoft. This is derived from the legacy EMP.EMP-M. HI-EDUC-YR and EMP.EMP-EDUC-D fields.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: If the highest educational level is missing, or not a valid value, an Employee Degree Data record will not be added to PeopleSoft.
- HI-EDUC-YR must not be blank
- There must be a valid EMP-EDUC-D record
Issue: In order for an employee’s Emergency Contact Data to be loaded into PeopleSoft, it must include a value (no blanks), a first and last name and the phone number must be a valid phone number (all digits and either 7 or 10 numbers long). If either of these edits fails, no Emergency Contact record will be added to PeopleSoft.
Error Message:
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: An employee’s Emergency Contact Data will not be converted into PeopleSoft, if there is missing first and last name or phone number.
- EMERG-PHONE must be all digits and either 7 or 10 numbers long
- EMERG-CONTACT must not be blank
- EMERG-CONTACT must include a first and last name
Issue: In order for an employee’s Visa Data to be loaded into PeopleSoft, the legacy Employee Visa Type (EMP-ADDR-D.VISA-TYP) must be valid.
A valid VISA-TYP must not contain “IM” or “FN”.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling:
- Correct to a valid VISA-TYP
- Keep the invalid VISA-TYP in legacy with the knowledge that Visa data for this employee will not load to PeopleSoft.
Issue: In order for an employee’s Visa Data to be loaded into PeopleSoft, the legacy Employee Visa Expiration Date (EMP-ADDR-D.VISA-EXPIR-DATE) must be valid.
The legacy VISA date is in YYMM format. In order for this to be a valid date in PeopleSoft, it must be in YYMMDD format. The extract program inserts “01” for the day, and then validates the date. If this derived date is not valid, then an error is generated.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling:
- Correct to a valid YYMM date
- Keep the invalid VISA-EXPIR-DATE in legacy with the knowledge that Visa data for this employee will not load to PeopleSoft.
Issue: Duplicate Degree record will not be converted
Severity: Informational
Error Handling:
- Correct information so there is no duplication, or remove duplicate
Enrollment Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: In order to load a Student’s enrollments into PeopleSoft, they must have a valid Term. Term is converted from the legacy YRQ associated with the enrollment, and that YRQ value is edited against the YRQ-M table (screen SM5020).
Classes with an invalid YRQ will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: INVALID-YRQ
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Assign a valid YRQ to the enrollment record in TRAN-CLASS-D (screen SM6013).
Issue: In order to load a Student’s enrollments into PeopleSoft, they must have a valid Course ID. Classes with a blank Course ID will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Assign a valid Course ID to the enrollment record in TRAN-CLASS-D (screen SM6012).
Issue: In order to load a Student’s enrollments into PeopleSoft, the student must be enrolled in an active class. Enrollments into cancelled classes will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Determine why the student has an active enrollment record in a cancelled class and adjust accordingly.
Issue: In order to load a Student’s enrollments into PeopleSoft, the student must be enrolled in an active class. Academic enrollments must have a grade and credits. The extract process will search for a matching class, if one is not found then this error is generated.
Enrollments without a matching Class record will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Academic Enrollments with no grade or credits will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Continuing Education enrollments must have a class in order to convert to PeopleSoft. Create a class record for any enrollments you want to convert.
- Add a class record.
- Assign either credits or a grade to this enrollment.
Issue: If a student is enrolled in a class, and there is no matching class record found, and the enrollment has either an assigned grade or credits, then the enrollment will be loaded into PeopleSoft as Transfer-in credit.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: If this is a transfer-in course there is no action necessary. If this is not a transfer-in class:
- Add a class record.
- Assign either credits or a grade to this enrollment.
Issue: The issue occurs when there are hours in both the LEC and OTHR fields for IS1001. Hours in the OTHR field are converted as a lecture component. In PeopleSoft, a course or class cannot have two of the same components, in this case lecture.
Error Message:
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Remove the hours in OTHR. Add them to the lecture field (if applicable to lecture) or whatever category of contact hours is correct. If this clean-up is not done the class and enrollments will not convert.
Financial Aid
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: This process extracts financial aid track codes for Satisfactory Academic Progress and Checklist items. Unfortunately, the colleges and FA team aren’t able to define the track code selection criteria until colleges are in an active deployment group. Therefore, colleges wouldn’t see this one during the quarterly reports, but would start receiving them once their group is active.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: The SID cannot be found in the SID-SSN-XREF-D cross reference table. If not found, then this TRACK-CD is not included in the person checklist and checklist item files. This error is ignored when selecting records which are included in the SAP extract.
Error Message: Unable to find SID for Student
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure there is a valid SID and SSN for the student.
Issue: If all of these dates are blank then this TRACK-CD record is not included in the person checklist and checklist item files. This error is ignored when selecting records which are included in the SAP extract.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Add a COMPL-DATE TRANS-DATE and DATE-DUE
Issue: If the TRACK-DTL.DUE-DATE is blank then this TRACK-CD record is not included in the person checklist and checklist item files. This error is ignored when selecting records which are included in the SAP extract.
Error Message: DUE DATE is blank
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Add a DUE DATE
Job/Position Data Cleansing
EMP.EMP_M table has one record per employee. It is possible for an employee to have multiple jobs at a college:
The fields below are on the employee status screen, PS0001. These fields are ALL related to the employee record. Here is screen documentation:
EMP-STAT refers to the employee and not specific jobs, so not necessarily. It is controlled independently: sometimes there is a break between active jobs where they want the employee to remain active. It is not necessarily true that this would be Active if an employee has at least one active job, and Inactive if they have no active job, as this data element is not dependent of the data in the jobs fields.
EMP_TYP – If an employee has multiple jobs and they are of different types, which type is shown in this field? It could be any of them. Whichever is considered the employee’s main classification by the college.
HOME_DEPT - If an employee has multiple jobs and those jobs are in different departments, which Department ID is shown in this field? It could be any or none of them. It is whatever department Payroll Personnel has chosen for the employee.
EMPL_DATE - If an employee has multiple jobs and these jobs have different start dates, which date is shown in this field? It is the hire date of the employee, might or might not correspond to the start date of a job.
FULL_PART_IND - If an employee has multiple jobs and some jobs are full time and some jobs are part time, would this field value be full time? It should be, but they are independent. The value would be whatever is coded on PS0001.
SEPR_DATE - If an employee used to have multiple jobs and separated from those jobs at different dates, which date is shown in this field? Would it be the last separation date? Like EMPL-DATE above, it represents the date the employee separates from the college. It might be the same as a job’s end date, or might not.
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: During the Employment (job) data conversion, the Employee ID in the job record is validated, using the same criteria as used in the Bio/Demo Extract to ensure that employee job records that are converted can be linked to employee records that will be added to PeopleSoft.
The legacy Employee ID (EMP-M.EMP-ID) will be converted to the SSN field in PeopleSoft.
Job data is extracted from the EMP.EMP-JOB-D table. All active jobs (EMP-JOB-STAT = “A”) are included in the conversion. The Employee ID (EMP-ID) must meet the following criteria (the same criteria used in the Bio/Demo extract process):
- Must be 9 digits
- Character 1 cannot be ‘9'
- Characters 1-3 cannot be ‘000’ or ‘666’
- Characters 4-5 cannot be ‘00’
- Characters 6-9 cannot be ‘0000'
Error Message: INVALID EMP-ID
Severity: Critical
Error Handling:
- Correct to a valid SSN
- Keep the invalid Employee ID’s in legacy with the knowledge that the employee will not load to PeopleSoft
Job will not be converted without a valid SSN.
Issue: During the Employment data conversion, the field Percent Full Time in the job record is evaluated, a warning is issued when the value is greater than zero but less than 1%.
This is derived from the EMP.EMP-JOB-D table. All active jobs (EMP-JOB-STAT = “A”) are included in the conversion. A job has a Job Percent of Full time (JOB-PCT-FULL) field that is evaluated, and for any values greater than zero, they should be at least 1% as a good business practice.
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: The cleanup for the Job Percent Full data will not impact if a record is loaded or not in PeopleSoft but will help to get more accurate data into the ctcLink system. The job will convert with an invalid percent for full-time.
Issue: No job accounts will be converted.
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: Job account cannot be converted if not active. Ensure that account is active when conversion is run (within ACCT-BEG-DATE & ACCT-END-DATE) or understand that it will not be converted.
Issue: Job will not be converted.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Ensure JOB-CLASS on employees job is valid.
Issue: In order to convert a job class, it must be associated with one or more active jobs. This selection criteria prevents unused job classes from being included in the conversion. This is derived from the TBL5.JOB-CLASS-TBL-M table. In order for a job class to be loaded into PeopleSoft it must be associated with at least one active job (EMP.EMP-JOB-D.EMP-JOB-STAT = “A”).
A job class record requires a valid combination of pay scale and pay range values.
- Pay Scale values are validated against the TBL5.PAY-SCALE-TBL-M table. Invalid values are set to the default value “XXXX” in the extract file.
- Pay Range values are validated against the TBL5.PAY-SCALE-TBL-D table, based on the pay scale. Invalid values are set to the default value “XXXX” in the extract file.
- Job classes or pay range values that are blank will be set to the default value “XXXX” in the extract file
- Job class data is extracted from the TBL5.JOB-CLASS-TBL-M table. Valid IPEDS codes must be a two-digit number, ranging from 01 to 14. Blank values are okay. A single digit value (e.g., ‘8’) would be invalid
Error Message:
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: There could be a small amount of the Job Classes that are not included in the conversion based on this selection criteria that the district may think they will use for filling an upcoming job opening but there are not active job records for.
The job class record will be included in the conversion extract file even if the combination of pay range and pay scale values cannot be validated. If the values for Pay Range and Pay Scale do not meet the validation criteria, they will be set to the default value (“XXXX”)
If exempt employees do not have a pay scale they will appear on this report, as they will have no data to convert. Verify that the employees are exempt, and ignore this error for exempt employees.
If you have old pay-scales you should remove them from legacy including from the Job Class Table.
During the Position data conversion, the Department field value in the position record is evaluated to ensure it exists.
Position data is extracted from the TBL5. POS-M table. All positions except those with a position status of “D” (Deleted) or “T” (Terminated) are included in the conversion. The department field cannot be blank for a position to be included in the conversion.
Issue: Any position record with a blank department will not be included in the conversion extract file for positions.
Validation includes:
- The Position record is evaluated to make sure that a value exists in the department (POS-DEPT(1)) field
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Position cleanup is critical because the one of the next conversion, job, will require a valid position.
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
During the W4 Federal Tax data conversion, the Employee ID in the tax record is validated, using the same criteria as used in the Bio/Demo Extract to ensure that employee job records that are converted can be linked to employee records that will be added to PeopleSoft. If there isn’t an active job, tax data can’t be written.
Issue: Any job record with an invalid Employee ID value will not be included in the conversion and added to the extract file.
Error Message: INVALID EMP-ID
Severity: Critical (only if the person converting was active during the calendar year you are converting to ctcLink.)
Error Handling: The cleanup for Job Employee IDs will impact if a job record is loaded in PeopleSoft; we only want job records for employees that will exist in the Bio/Demo module.
- If this is an inactive job record no action is required.
Note: The list of invalid employee IDs for this component matches the list of Job invalid IDs (QH2001SE) this is expected since they come from the same legacy source (EMP-JOB-D). One cleanup activity focused on invalid employee IDs should resolve issues for both QH2001SE and QH2101SE.
Note: Based on the timing of the legacy extract and error logs you may have faculty on summer break. As long as they have an active job at conversion no action is needed at this time in legacy.
During the W4 Federal Tax data conversion, the Employee ID in the tax record is validated, using the same criteria as used in the Bio/Demo Extract to ensure that employee job records that are converted can be linked to employee records that will be added to PeopleSoft. If there isn’t an active job, tax data can’t be written.
A requirement for conversion was that if special withholding status of “A” (alien) is converted, then a Citizenship Country must be entered also.
The extract retrieves the Non-resident alien status from EMP-MISC-D (EMP-MISC-NUM=79 – screen PS0035). If value “Y” is found, it will generate the error unless there is also a value in EMP-ADDR-D.CITZ-CNTRY (screen PS0012).
Issue: Fed Tax data will not be converted
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Enter the country if the employee has a “Y” for EMP-MISC-D.EMP-MISC-NUM=79.
Issue: A deduction code of 028 (for third party) cannot be converted
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: This deduction code is not valid in Peoplesoft. Remove it, or understand that the deduction code will not be converted.
During the Direct Deposit data conversion, the Employee ID value is validated, using the same criteria as used in the Bio/Demo Extract to ensure that direct deposit records that are converted can be linked to employee records that will be added to PeopleSoft.
Direct deposit data is selected from the active employees in the EMP-M table who have defined their payment method as direct deposit. The data is extracted from the EMP.EMP-BENE-D table.
The Employee ID (EMP-ID) must meet the following criteria (the same criteria used in the Bio/Demo extract process):
- Must be 9 digits
- Character 1 cannot be ‘9'
- Characters 1-3 cannot be ‘000’ or ‘666’
- Characters 4-5 cannot be ‘00’
- Characters 6-9 cannot be ‘0000'
Issue: Any direct deposit record with an invalid Employee ID value will not be included in the conversion and added to the extract file.
Error Message: INVALID EMP-ID
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: The cleanup for Direct Deposit Employee IDs will impact if a direct deposit record is loaded in PeopleSoft; we only want direct deposit records for employees that will exist in the Bio/Demo module.
Note: the list of invalid employee IDs for this component matches the list of Job invalid IDs (QH2001SE and QH2101SE) this is expected since they come from the same legacy source (EMP-JOB-D). One cleanup activity focused on invalid employee IDs should resolve issues for both QH2001SE, QH2101SE, and QH3501SE.
For individuals on the list who are not active employees and you do not need banking information for them ignore this error.
During the Direct Deposit data conversion, a bank account value is required when the payment method for the employee is set to direct deposit.
Direct deposit data is selected from the active employees in the EMP-M table who have defined their payment method as direct deposit. The data for direct deposit bank account information for the conversion file is extracted from the EMP.EMP-BENE_D table.
Issue: Any employee record that is defined as receiving direct deposits and has a blank bank account value will not be included in the conversion and added to the extract file.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: The cleanup for Direct Deposit Missing Bank Account information will impact if a direct deposit record can be loaded in PeopleSoft.
Note: The error may not be that the bank account is missing but the employee has been flagged incorrectly as receiving a direct deposit in their employee record.
Issue: During the Employment data conversion, the field full time rate in the job record is evaluated, an error is issued when the value is less than $1.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Job data is extracted from the EMP.EMP-JOB-D table. All active jobs (EMP-JOB-STAT = “A”) or JOB-END-DATE not less than Current Year for separated employees are included in the conversion. A job that has a Full Time Rate (FULL-TIME-RATE) value less than $1 will be in error.
These jobs have been considered “placeholder” jobs by the college and will not be converted into PeopleSoft.
If this is an error, correct FULL-TIME-RATE.
Issue: During employee deduction conversion, the Employee ID is validated, using the same criteria as used in the Bio/Demo Extract to ensure that employee deduction records that are converted can be linked to employee records that will be added to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: INVALID EMP-ID
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Any deduction record with an invalid Employee ID value will not be included in the conversion and added to the extract file.
Deduction data is extracted from the EMP. EMP-DED-D table. The Employee ID (EMP-ID) must meet the following criteria (the same criteria used in the Bio/Demo extract process):
- Must be 9 digits
- Character 1 cannot be ‘9'
- Characters 1-3 cannot be ‘000’ or ‘666’
- Characters 4-5 cannot be ‘00’
- Characters 6-9 cannot be ‘0000'
Issue: During employee deduction conversion, a validation is done to check if the deduction amount in the employee’s record matches the deduction amount percentage value established in the master table. When the two values do not match, the value from the employee’s record is written to the exception file to inform the user that these values are out of sync.
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: Employee deduction data is extracted from the EMP. EMP-DED-D table. The value for the Deduction Amount (DED-AMT) is verified against the Deduction Amount Percent (DED-AMT-PCT) in the master table, TBL5.DED-TBL-M. When the two values do not match a warning message is added to the extract error file to indicate this mismatch.
Cleanup is optional for these files. However, if the DED-AMT data is incorrect in Legacy you will be bringing that bad data over to ctcLink PeopleSoft.
Issue: Only leave plans that are currently valid for the employee can be loaded into PS. The leave plan must currently be in the employees EMP-BENE-D record (screen PS0001), or NOT in the leave accrual table (screen PS9009).
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: There is no clean-up required if the employee is separated and no longer has a leave plan. The error indicates that this employee is not eligible for the type of leave. Commonly, these errors are seen for employees whose leave eligibility has changed. The implication is that the history of leave usage/balances for old leave plans will not be available in PeopleSoft.
If this is a sick leave balance that needs to be tracked for a period of time it will not convert to PeopleSoft. This information can be maintained separately, or add an active job to the employee (something you will know is a temporary job) so it converts and then inactivate after conversion. Tracking in a spreadsheet may be the easiest.
Issue: EMP-ID is incorrect. EMP-ID is derived from the Social Security Number (SSN) of the employee. If an employee does not have a valid SSN they will not be converted. If no valid SSN is found in the pool of converted employees then no jobs for that employee are converted, and no other data can be converted. While these are errors for different data elements that will not convert, the source of the issue is the same, an invalid SSN,
No Leave data will be converted for this employee (HCM048)
Prepaid Deductions will not be converted (HCM047)
Job will not be converted (HCM037)
Deduction will not be converted (HCM041)
Error Message: INVALID EMP-ID
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Correct the EMP-ID. If this error is for a test ID this record should be deleted. Note: International student employees are sometimes given a "temporary number" until they obtain an actual SSN. These can be monitored by the college, but must be changed before Go-Live.
Issue: Leave will NOT be converted
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Ensure JOB-CLASS on employees job is valid.
Issue: Comp Time can only be converted for classified employees. If there is a historical balance for an employee who is no longer classified the balance will not convert.
Error Message:
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Understand that Comp Time will not be converted for non classified employees. If there is historical balance it will not convert.
Issue: No Leave data will be converted for this LEAVE-TYP
Error Message:
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that the leave plan is correct for the type of employee.
Issue: Data Element replaced & converted
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: Monthly PAYR-SCHD “M” not allowed in PeopleSoft - conversion will replace with “B”.
Issue: Prepaid Deductions will not be converted
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Ensure employee has Main Pay Cycle. When the EMP-TYP is V this person is a volunteer. They would not have a main pay cycle, so there are no prepay deductions to convert. As long as the individual is accurately coded as V you can ignore this error. You can manually add volunteers to PeopleSoft once you are live on the system.
Issue: Job will not be converted as Additional Pay. If the job class is invalid, the employee’s job will not convert so there will be no row for hire, step increase, termination etc. for that job. However if the employee is active or recently separated, he or she would get payroll history converted – earnings, deductions & taxes for the past 2 years.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Ensure JOB-CLASS on employees job is valid
Issue: Job will not be converted
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Ensure employees pay rate is greater than $1
Program Plan Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: In order to load a Student’s Academic Program into PeopleSoft, it must contain a valid program completion and exit code. The extract process checks TRAN-DEGREE-D (Screen SM6009) to see if there is a valid Prg Compl and Exit Cd for each degree that is listed on this screen.
If the Prg Compl or Exit Cd are blank, then this error occurs. This degree record will not be converted.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Assign a valid PRG-COMPL and EXIT-CD for this student on screen SM6009.
Issue: The extract process checks TRAN-DEGREE-D (Screen SM6009) to see if there is a valid Prg Compl and Exit Cd for each degree that is listed on this screen.
If there is more than one of the same EPC and Exit code error CS036 is generated. This may be a result of short term training programs or departmental ceretificates.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Each different program with completions needs a unique EPC and exit code combination. Create and assign a new PRG-COMPL and EXIT-CD for this student on screen SM6009. This new code will also need to be in your EPC to Plancode crosswalk.
Issue: In order to load a Student’s Academic Program into PeopleSoft, it must contain a valid program admit YRQ value. The extract process determines the admit YRQ by checking all enrollment records and selecting the earliest YRQ. Enrollment records are found in TRAN-CLASS-D and TRNSFR-COURSE-D. If there are no enrollment records, then the process will look at STU-D for the APP-RCPT-DATE and derive YRQ value by searching the year quarter master table to find the first record with the FIRST-DAY-YRQ greater that the APP-RCPT-DATE.
If the process cannot determine the Program admit YRQ, then this error occurs. This program record will not be converted.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Assign a valid YRQ value to enrollment records or a valid APP-RCPT-DATE in the STU-D record. In some cases you may contact the ctcLink project team to remove invalid YRQ values, especially if you find an error in the STU_YRQ_M table.
Residency and Academic Standing Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: An incorrect value is in the student's RES-STAT field. Valid values are 1, 2, 3 or blank.
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Correct to a valid value. Value values are 1, 2, 3 or blank.
Issue: In order to load a Student’s Residency into PeopleSoft, it must contain a valid Effective Term. The extract process looks to see if there’s a valid STU-D.YRQ-PLAN-STRT associated with the student. If there is, then no error is generated. If there’s not a valid YRQ-PLAN-STRT, then it goes on to evaluate the STU-D.APP-RCPT-DATE to see if that date falls within a YRQ’s start and end date. If so, then it assigns that YRQ to the student. If it cannot find a matching YRQ based on the APP-RCPT-DATE, then an error is generated.
For example, if a student doesn’t have a YRQ-PLAN-STRT the extract tries to use the APP-RCPT-DATE of 06/23/2003 to determine the Effective term. The process searches the YRQ master table to find a term that is active for that date. The terms closest to that date are as follows:

Since A234 ends on 6/20 and A341 doesn’t start until 6/24, the program cannot determine an effective term for this student. The easiest solution would be to assign a YRQ-PLAN-START, or change the APP-RCPT-DATE to fall within one of the active YRQ dates.
Residency without a valid Effective Term will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: Unable to determine Effective Term
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Assign a valid YRQ-PLAN-START for this student or Change the APP-RCPT-DATE to fall within one of the active YRQ dates
Issue: The colleges may provide a file with academic standing for students. This may contain only the more current standing, or colleges may provide academic standing by quarter. If the college submits an academic standing for a YRQ in which the students was not actually enrolled that row will not convert to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: Academic standing for YRQ not enrolled
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: The college can remove that row from their Academic Standing supplemental file, or they can change the YRQ in the file to a term in which the student has enrollment. Rows with these errors will not convert.
Issue: Bio demo data is converted from STU-D. If enrolled with a record in SMS they will have an S for Student. If they have a record in STU-D but no enrollment they will have an A for applicant. If they are only in the transcript table then they will have a T for transcript. Anyone who does not calculate as an A,S, or T has this error generated.
Error Message: Unable to determine type of student
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Contact SBCTC Legacy Support, at [email protected], for assistance.
Issue: There is residency information but no student record that matches in Stu_D. This data is provide by the colleges in the academic standing file. The student is either not in the conversion pool (likely for YRQs from many years ago) or there was an issue with the student’s bio/demo record.
Error Message: No matching student in bio/demo extract
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Verify and correct SID. If there is no associated student then residency information will not convert. The rows of data can be removed from the file for this particular student.
Schedule of Classes
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: The start date is later than the end date. If dates are blank they will be calculated based on the YRQ associated with the class. This may result in a calculated start date that is later than the entered end date.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Review these records for YRQ associated along with start and end dates. The conversion program will import blank dates as the term start and end dates associated with the attached YRQ. If this is not accurate you can correct by adding the start or end dates. Correct this information so it is accurate in legacy.
Issue: If hours >12 or minutes >60 or the data is not a numeric value.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Class meeting pattern will not be written for this class for historical classes. Correct the times if you want this information to convert. Do not use military time.
Issue: This looks in YRQ-M for the YRQ and uses the dates for that quarter for the class. Dates before the 1970's may not have a valid entry. Must be a valid YRQ
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Correct to a valid YRQ. Use the term calculator if you are not sure of the correct legacy YRQ code. https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/data-services/term-calculator.aspx
Contact SBCTC Legacy Support, at [email protected], for assistance with missing YRQs.
Issue: There must be a valid day code, which is calculated based on the days entered.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Contact SBCTC Legacy Support, at [email protected], for assistance.
Service Indicator Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: In order to load a Student Service Indicator into PeopleSoft, it must contain a valid YRQ. Service Indicators are converted from legacy Unusual Action code values that are assigned a punitive action. Those Unusual Action codes should have a valid ACTN-ENTR-DATE in YRQ format on screen SM5003. If no valid YRQ is associated with this record, then the extract program will look at the student’s LAST-YRQ-ATTND for a valid YRQ. If one is not found, then this error occurs.
Service Indicators that do not have a valid YRQ will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: INVALID YRQ
Severity: Critical
Error Handling: Ensure there is a valid YRQ in the ACTN-ENTR-DATE on screen SM5003 for this record or ensure that the student has a valid LAST-YRQ-ATTND.)
Student Bio/Demo Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: In order to load a Student record into PeopleSoft, it must contain both a first and last name. This is derived from the legacy STU-NAME field. This is done by unstringing STU-NAME delimited by a single space. Therefore STU-NAME must contain a minimum of two words separated by a single space.
The entire student record will not convert to PeopleSoft without a student's name. This is a key data element.
Error Message:
Severity: Critical
Error Handling:
- Ensure there is no more than 1 space between last and first name
- Ensure there are no leading spaces in the student name field
- Note any students whose last name occupies the entire length of the student name field (has no first name in student name)-These names should be communicated to the ctcLink project team and they will be manually converted into PeopleSoft.
- Any students who only have a last name (no first name) identified in Legacy and where it is understood that no first name exists, add “-” in the first position of the first name. (EX: Stu Name...... [SMITH -]. Last Name, followed by one space, followed by a hyphen (-)
Issue: In order for SSN to be loaded and used as part of the student’s bio/demo record, the SSN must meet the following criteria:
- Must be 9 digits
- Character 1 cannot be “9”
- Characters 1-3 cannot be “000” or “666”
- Characters 4-5 cannot be “00”
- Characters 6-9 cannot be “0000”
Error Message: INVALID SSN
Severity: Warning
Error Handling:
- Remove invalid SSN’s
- Keep invalid SSN’s in legacy with the knowledge that the SSN will not load to PeopleSoft. However, the student name and all other valid values will load.
- If the SSN’s were entered as a fake on purpose, explain why and trouble-shoot your options with functional analysis.
Issue: In order for Addresses to be loaded and used as part of the student’s bio/demo record, the address must meet the following criteria:
- Street cannot be blank
- Must not contain the ‘@’ character
- City cannot be blank
- State must be a valid 2 character USA state code
- Must be a valid state for the zip code on the Zip Code Table (screen ZX0020)
- Zip Code must be a valid zip code on the Zip Code Table (screen ZX0020)
- Phone number must contain 7 or 10 digits
Error Message:
Severity: Informational
Error Handling:
- Replace invalid value with a valid value
- If possible add missing value
- It may require that the zip code table be corrected if zip can be validated with USPS zip look-up
- It may require that the zip code table be corrected with the valid state code (should also be validated with USPS look-up).
- Keep invalid Address in legacy with the knowledge that the address will not load to PeopleSoft. However, the student name and all other valid values will load.
- Keep invalid Telephone Number in legacy with the knowledge that the telephone number will not load to PeopleSoft, however, the student name and all other valid values will load.
Issue: In order for Email Address to load, it must meet the following criteria:
- Must contain a ‘.’ (dot) ,‘@’ sign, and ‘.’ after the ‘@’ sign
- Must not contain an ‘@’ at the end of the email address
Error Message: INVALID EMAIL
Severity: Informational
Error Handling:
- Replace invalid value with a valid value
- If possible add missing value
Keep invalid Email Address in legacy with the knowledge that the email address will not load to PeopleSoft. However, the student name and all other valid values will load.
Issue: Student Groups and Transcript Text need correct YRQ data.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Correct YRQ
Issue: In order for Emergency Contact info to be loaded and used as part of the student’s bio/demo record, the emergency contact info must contain both a first and last name a minimum of two words separated by a single space.
Error Message:
Severity: Informational
Error Handling:
- Ensure there are no more than 1 space between last and first name
- Ensure there are no leading spaces in the student name field
- Replace invalid value with a valid value
- Remove invalid value
- Keep invalid Emergency Contact in legacy with the knowledge that the emergency contact will not load to PeopleSoft; however, the student name and all other valid values will load.
Issue: In order for Birth Date to be loaded and used as part of the student’s bio/demo record, the birth date must meet the following criteria:
- Birthdate be a valid date
- Birthdate cannot be a date in the future
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Below are the recommendations for data cleansing:
- Replace invalid value with a valid value
- Remove invalid value
- Keep invalid birth date in legacy with the knowledge that the birth date will not load to PeopleSoft; however, the student name and all other valid values will load.
- Known problem of valid birth dates that are less than 12/31/1919 hitting the error file can be ignored
Issue: In order for Handicap Status to be loaded and used as part of the student’s bio/demo record, the handicap status must be either Y or N.
Severity: Informational
Error Handling:
- Replace invalid value with a valid value (Y or N)
- Remove invalid value
Keep invalid Handicap Status in legacy with the knowledge that the handicap status will not load to PeopleSoft. However, the student name and all other valid values will load.
Issue: In order for Citizenship Status to be loaded and used as part of the student’s bio/demo record, the citizenship stat must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a valid Visa Type OR the following
- First character must be alphabetic
- First character must not be N S U V W X Y Z; except ‘ Y ‘ ‘N ‘, ‘Z ’ or ‘ZZ’ is OK
Severity: Informational
Error Handling: CITZ-STAT is a 2 character code. The first character can be Y or N, as long as it’s followed by a space. However if it’s followed by another value then it would be an error (for example N1 or NX would be an error). A code of Z must also be followed by either a space or another Z.
- Replace invalid value with a valid value
- Remove invalid value
- Contact SBCTC Legacy Support about adding the value to Table 3
Student Financials Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: Student financial records are being extracted from the legacy Customer Accounts system (CA. CUST-ACTV-D).
Within Customer Accounts, the customer is identified by a 1 character suffix (CUST-TYP) to their Customer ID, indicating if they are a student or other customer (i.e “S” Student, “O” Other).
The Student Financials extract filters records by a CUST-TYP of “S” so it only includes charges and payments for students. The error below is generated when there is a CUST-ACTV-D record for a student, but that student’s SID does not have a student master record (STU-M) in the Student Management System (SMS). This may happen when an employee is also a student, but they have 2 different SID’s. This is a duplicate record and needs to be cleaned in legacy. HR and student records staff need to work together on duplicate records that involve employees and students.
Error Message: CUST-ID is not in STU-M: not converted
Severity: Warning
Error Handling:
- If the error is due to an employee who has a student record with a different SID work must be done to identify which SID to retain and merge the records in legacy.
- Records should be reviewed, and if the transaction should be included in the extract, the student will need to have the SID resolved with the Student Management system (SMS) with an SID that matches the Customer Accounts CUST-ID (excluding the “S” suffix).
- Look up the student id number, provided by the error report, in BM1625 to get the student name. Then go into SMS and perform a Student Search by the name on SM5015. This provides the Student’s ID number which is different than the FMS ID #.
- Colleges could use either screen SM5001 or SM2001 to add a student’s biographic information. The student’s SID number is the CUST-ID without the trailing “S”.
- Input the Student ID # provided on the error report into the “Current Cust ID” cell, Hit Add, then enter the SID # the student’s name provided in SMS and hit enter.
- There is a job that typically runs at night (BM1774) that will merge the Student’s FMS ID account to the Student’s SMS ID account. Note: this does not always work (esp. if open charges on both accounts) There is a daily report to run (BM1774) for data validation. FMS screen BM1631 the Customer ID Change screen, is where edits can be made to manually merge.
- Example SID=940-12-5555 then the CUST-ID should be 940-12-5555S. This CUST-ID must have a matching SID.
Issue: In order to load a Student Financials record into PeopleSoft, the YRQ value must not be blank. If the legacy YRQ is blank, but a YRQ can be derived from the payment date, the data is populated and will not appear on this report.
Error Message: CUST-ACTV-D.YRQ value is blank; not converted
Severity: Warning
Error Handling:
- The YRQ value in CUST-ACTV-D must not be blank. Enter a valid YRQ value for the transaction
- This may happen when charges are added manually. There may need to be research to identify the correct YRQ, or look for a transaction date/time for payment date. Use screen BM1620 to add the correct YRQ
Issue: In order to load a Student Financials record into PeopleSoft, it must contain a positive value.
Error Message: CHRG-AMT is negative with no payment. Process refund.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: The CHRG-AMT in CUST-ACTV-D is negative with no corresponding PYMT-AMT. This indicates that there is a refund that has not been processed. Since PeopleSoft does not accept negative values, refunds should be processed before the migration occurs. The Credit Balance Report (BM1727J) looks for any negative charges. Only those with no payment method are in this report, which can be run by YRQ. Current fiscal year detail, and current financial aid year detail is converted to PS plus ANY outstanding charges regardless of year.
Issue: In order to load a Student Financials record into PeopleSoft, it must contain a positive value.
Error Message:
Severity: Warning
Error Handling:
- These errors relate to Return to Title IV funds. If the student owes a balance or needs to repay then the balance will be negative. This is acceptable in Legacy. However, this negative value can’t be converted into PeopleSoft. These will be manually cleaned-up (bringing in the debt into PeopleSoft) by college staff after they are live in ctcLink.
- Colleges can (but may not choose to) refer this debt to the Department of Education after one year. Once this debt is “deferred” it can be cancelled out in legacy and will no longer be a conversion issue.
- This error refers to negative amounts in FAEXP and colleges usually know how to address. The QF0005SE FAEXP error log report may also assist in the clean-up for this message.
- If you are unsure how to address these errors contact Legacy support for additional assistance.
Issue: All transactions are stored by SSN, as these are considered to be fin aid refund/disbursement. There is no SID.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Could be that the summary record has been archived.
Student Test Score Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Errors in these reports are not generated from test scores from the legacy SMS system. These are the test data provided by the college for tests configured in ctcLink, and are written to the test score extract file to be loaded into PeopleSoft. You may correct errors in legacy, or adjust the conversion logic for the college test scores to format all data accurately.
Issue: In order to load Student test scores into PeopleSoft, the record must contain a valid SID. Test score records that have a blank SID will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: BLANK SID
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that there is a valid SID for each record in the college provided test score file.
Issue: In order to load Student test scores into PeopleSoft, the record must contain a valid SID that matches a student’s Bio/Demo record that is being converted into PeopleSoft. Test score records that do not have a matching student Bio/Demo record will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that the test score record has an SID match with a student Bio/Demo record that is being converted into PeopleSoft.
Issue: In order to load Student test scores into PeopleSoft, the record must contain a valid Test Date in yymmdd format. Test score records that have a blank test date will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: BLANK TEST DATE
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that there is a valid test date for each record in the college provided test score file. You may need to choose a standard date to use for any test scores that does not have a date/
Issue: In order to load Student test scores into PeopleSoft, the record must contain a valid Test Date in yymmdd format. Test score records that have a blank test date will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that there is a valid test date in yymmdd format for each record in the college provided test score file. You may need to choose a standard date to use for any test scores that does not have a date, or choose a day of the month to convert any records that may be in month/year format only.
Issue: In order to load Student test scores into PeopleSoft, the record must contain a valid test id. Test score records that have a blank test id will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Error Message: BLANK TEST ID
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that there is a valid test id for each record in the college provided test score file.
Issue: In order to load Student test scores into PeopleSoft, the record must contain a valid test component. Test score records that have a blank test component will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that there is a valid test component for each record in the college provided test score file.
Issue: In order to load Student test scores into PeopleSoft, the record must contain a valid numeric test score. Test score records that have a blank test score will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that there is a valid numeric test score for each record in the college provided test score file.
Issue: In order to load Student test scores into PeopleSoft, the record must contain a valid numeric test score. Test score records that have a non-numeric test score will NOT be converted to PeopleSoft.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that there is a valid numeric test score for each record in the college provided test score file.
Issue: In order to load Student test scores into PeopleSoft, the record must not duplicate a test score record that has already been extracted. A record is considered a duplicated if there is another record in the file that matches on SID, test date, test id, and test component.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that there are not duplicate records that match on SID, test date, test id, and test component in the college provided test score file.
Transfer Course Data Cleansing
The following instructions are listed by the priority of importance. Some data elements will prevent the loading of a record during data conversion. Those clean-up activities will have a higher priority. Other data elements will have priority due to the impact on the ability for Search/Match to avoid duplicating records.
Important Note: Each time an element cannot be loaded it reduces the options for the search/match process.
Once you have opened the excel error log file, please start by filtering on the elements in the order they are listed below.
Issue: In order to load a student’s Transfer Courses into PeopleSoft, it must contain a valid COURSE-ID. The extract process checks COURSE-D to see if there is a matching COURSE-ID.
If the course is not found, then this error occurs. This TRNSFR-COURSE-D record will not be converted.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Ensure that there is a COURSE-D record for each transfer in course.
Issue: In order to load a Student’s Transfer Courses into PeopleSoft, the student must have a valid program admit YRQ value. The extract process determines the admit YRQ by checking all enrollment records and selecting the earliest YRQ. Enrollment records are found in TRAN-CLASS-D and TRNSFR-COURSE-D. If there are no enrollment records, then the process will look at STU-D for the APP-RCPT-DATE and derive YRQ value by searching the year quarter master table to find the first record with the FIRST-DAY-YRQ greater that the APP-RCPT-DATE.
If the process cannot determine the Program admit YRQ, then this error occurs. This program record will not be converted.
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Assign a valid YRQ value to enrollment records or a valid APP-RCPT-DATE in the STU-D record. In some case you may contact the ctcLink project team to remove invalid YRQ values.
Issue: In order to load a student’s Transfer Courses into PeopleSoft, it must contain a valid YRQ in the legacy TRNSFR-COURSE-D record. If the YRQ is not valid, then the extract process will use the admit YRQ logic described above (Msg Num CS069). If both the transfer course YRQ and the admit YRQ are not valid, then this error message is generated.
Error Message: INVALID YRQ
Severity: Warning
Error Handling: Assign a valid YRQ to the TRNSFR-COURSE-D record, or ensure that the earliest TRAN-CLASS-D or TRNSFR-COURSE-D record has a valid YRQ.
Contact Information
ctcLink College
Relations Manager |
Technology and
Integration Manager |
Roger Curry |
Ray Gartner |
[email protected] | [email protected] |
360.704.1038 | 360.704.1067 |
Leslea Berg
Looking for guide for Tenure Track error report. Error: EG_TENURE_HOME