Navigating PeopleSoft - Using the Home Page

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for adding, creating and reordering tiles on a Home Page and making changes to the Notifications Panel.

Audience:  All Staff

Add a Tile to a Home Page
  1. From your Home Page, select the vertical ellipsis (or activity list) in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Choose Personalize Homepage.  
  3. The Personalize Homepage page displays. The top of your screen is the name of the active homepage on which tiles can be added. All Homepages are listed in the left-side vertical navigation.
  4. Select the Homepage in the left-side navigation to which you wish to add a tile.
  5. To add a tile to the active Homepage, select Add Tile in the upper-right corner of the page.
  6. In the center of the screen, an Add Tile box appears. Search for or choose a tile from the available list.
  7. Once selected, the tile will appear on the active  Homepage. To delete the tile, select the garbage can icon in the upper-right corner of the tile.
  8. To add more tiles, select Add Tile again.
  9. Select Save in the top-right corner of the screen.
  10. The new tile displays.

End of Process

Create a Tile from a PeopleSoft Page

Create a tile from a PeopleSoft page for a tile that does not exist on any Homepage.

  1. Navigate to a PeopleSoft page that you want to add to a Homepage.
  2. Select the vertical ellipsis in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Select Add To Homepage from the menu.
  4. The Add To Homepage box appears. A Tile Label can be customized according to your requirements.
  5. Below the Tile Label field, available Homepages display. To add the new tile, choose an available Homepage or create a new Homepage. If adding a new Homepage, enter a Homepage title and select Add.
  6. A confirmation displays. Select OK.
  7. Using the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen, select the house icon to access the new Homepage.
  8. The Homepage and tile display.

End of Process

Reorder Tiles from Personal Homepages
  1. Navigate to your personal homepage you would like to edit.
  2. Drag and drop the tile into the desired locations.  Movement of tile is immediate- you will be able to see where it was moved.

End of Process

Move or Copy a Tile
  1. From your Homepage, select the vertical ellipsis (or activity list) in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Choose Personalize Homepage.
  3. To move or copy the tile, select the edit icon in the lower-right corner of the tile.
  4. Select Action box appears in the center of your screen--choose the desired action: Move To or Copy To.
  5. Select Homepage of choice to Move To or Copy To.
  6. Select Save in the top-right corner of the screen.  (You will see the move/copy actions once screen is saved).
  7. Return to the Homepage.
  8. The moved or copied tile displays (once screen is saved).

End of Process

Making Changes to Your Notifications Panel

Users can edit their homepage settings to have the Notifications Panel show or be hidden for each pillar they have access to. When the Notifications Panel is showing on the homepage, the notifications button (bell icon) will no longer display in the banner at the top of the page.

  1. To have the Notifications Panel display on the homepage, select the Actions button (three dots icon) in the banner at the top of the page, select the Personalize Homepage option in the drop down.
  2. Set the Show Notifications Panel button to Yes, then select the Save button. (Setting this button to No and then saving will hide the Notifications Panel).

End of Process


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