Population Selection File Maps
Purpose: This document provides an overview of Population Selection File Maps in ctcLink. It explains when file maps are required, how to properly format and verify population selection files, and how to request a new file map if necessary.
Audience: Campus Solutions Staff
The Create File Mapping and Edit File Mapping links are found on many process pages. However, the ability to create or update file maps has been restricted to enhance system security and protect data integrity. Users can still view and select from existing reusable public and private file maps, which meet most needs. This change helps prevent the creation of excessive or incorrect file maps, which could impact system performance and data accuracy.
Additionally, changes to file maps can impact other staff members who rely on them for processing. Restricting file map modifications ensures consistency and prevents unintended disruptions in workflows.
Users can submit a ticket for new file maps, and CS Core, FA, or SF Support will ensure proper creation and configuration.
Using Population Selection Queries vs. File Maps
Wherever possible, we recommend using a population selection query for processes. Processes run using queries do not require population selection file maps and can be more easily run on recurrence. Additionally, population selection queries help ensure that the students being included in the process meet desired requirements based on query criteria which is a safer option, as what can be processed in batch may require manual correction if done in error.
Processes that are run with population selection files (.csv files) require a file map. A file map enables the process to read data within the uploaded .csv file if the file is properly formatted. Formatting generally involves ensuring that required fields are included in the population selection file, listing data in the correct columns, and ensuring there is/is not a header row.
Required Data for Each Process
Each process has its own set of required data. Some processes require an EMPLID only, while other processes may involve other data values such as institution, academic career, and career number. Uploaded files may list this required data in different columns depending on how the file is generated.
Steps to Use a File Map for Population Selection
- Complete Any Additional Prompts – If your process includes additional prompts, fill these fields out before uploading your file. Your selections may affect which file maps are available.
- Upload your .csv File – You must upload a population selection file before accessing file maps.
Select a File Map – Click the magnifying glass lookup to choose a file map.
- If you receive a "No matching values were found." message, a suitable file map does not exist, and you will need to submit a ticket to request a new one.
- Preview Selection Results – After selecting a file map, click "Preview Selection Results" to check if your file matches the expected format.
- View File Map Details (If Available) – Click "Edit File Mapping" to view the required fields and their expected order. While you cannot edit the file map, this helps you understand how your file should be structured.
- Adjust and Re-upload your .csv File – If needed, modify your file to match the file map requirements (e.g., add/remove header rows, rearrange columns), then save and re-upload it.
- Confirm Accuracy – Use "Preview Selection Results" again to verify that the file meets the mapping requirements before running the process.
Reusing File Maps
Multiple colleges and users can reuse file maps. A new file map is unnecessary each time a process is run; an existing one can often be used to run the process.
When Should I Request New File Map?
College users do not have access to create new file maps. New file maps can be requested from SBCTC. Before requesting a new file map, consider the following:
- Can the process be run with a query?
- Is there an existing file map for this process, and can you adjust your population selection file to fit this file map? (This generally involves copying and pasting data into the appropriate column.)
Example File Map Configuration
Here’s an example of an existing file map and how a user may use this configuration to determine how their .csv file should be formatted.
Header Row:
- The Header Row checkbox is checked, and the Header Row Number is 1.
- This means that the top row of the .csv file should be a header row.
- The File Column Header column lists the labels that can be included in this header row.
Field Number Mapping:
- There are four fields with a field number:
- Column 1 (or A in Excel) → Institution
- Column 2 (or B in Excel) → EMPLID
- Column 3 (or C in Excel) → Academic Career
- Column 4 (or D in Excel) → Academic Program
- Additional values could be included in the spreadsheet in columns E and beyond, though this data will not be read by the population selection file map.
Verifying a Population Selection File
- Users can confirm that their population selection file is read correctly by uploading it and selecting the Preview Selection Results link.
- This link will display the first 300 rows of the population selection file and list the data uploaded into each column.
- Review the results and ensure the correct data is listed in the correct column (i.e., EMPLIDs are listed in the EMPLID column, the college institution code is listed in the INSTITUTION column, etc.).
- If the data is not listed in the correct column, the population selection file can be adjusted, saved, and re-uploaded.
Submitting a Request for a New File Map
A user may request a new population selection file map in the rare instances that there are no existing population selection file maps for a particular process or if the available population selection file maps do not meet the user's needs. Submit tickets under the following ticket request type:
📌 ctcLink Support > Campus Solutions > Other Campus Solutions
Information to Include in the Ticket:
- The process you are running (including the name of the process and the navigation to the process page).
- The method with which the population selection file was generated.
- Attach population selection file.
- The frequency at which the process will be run using a population selection file that uses the same format.
- Detailed explanation for why existing file maps cannot be used with your population selection file/ why your population selection file cannot be adjusted to meet existing file map criteria.
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