Commitment Control Checklist & Process Steps Guide

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference to assist in the standard or end-to-end processes in chronological order for a specific Finance Module.

Audience:  Finance Staff/Administrators

The following spreadsheet below provides the standard key processes to Commitment Control, such as:

Manage Budget Journal checklist, Importing a Budget Journal, Budget roles, and Queries/Reports.

Commitment Control Checklist and Process Steps Guide

Or for better accessibility, use the following drop-down checklist style for the Commitment Control Checklist & Process Steps Guide:

Manual Budget Journal Checklist

To view inserted information, select the down facing arrow on the right of the checklist title.

A manual Budget journal can be entered.  Generally, if it's many lines, you will want to use the import a budget journal tab.  Your ledger group will be CC_ORG (on rare occasions it may not be) which is the child ledger.  Notice in the Parent Budget Option it identifies that it's going to create a Parent budget.  This will be your ledger CC_SUM which is a role up level of accounts. You will be on the Budget Header Tab.  Notice also, that you do not normally enter a journal ID and it will be NEXT which means it will chose the next consecutive number. Click on Budget Lines tab.

On tab "Budget Lines" enter the chartstring, including the budget period. This is where you will enter the dollar amount of your budget. If you are doing a zero dollar budget with "Budget with Tracking" you will need to enter at least a zero in the amount (a dollar amount depending on your budget processes). If you are doing control type budgeting you will need to enter a dollar amount. If you do not understand what that means you can reach out to your subject matter experts or contact ERP Support. If you have approval authority you can go directly to the Process pull down and select "Post Journal". Once a journal is posted it will come back with a status under "Approval Heading Status" of "posted". You are done. However, If you do not have authority to post a budget journal see the next step.

The process to submit a journal for approval depends on the set up determined by the college.  Some colleges have their Budget Managers submit the budget journals to a second person for review and approval.  

Not all colleges are set up to require approvals for budget journals.  This step is only necessary if your college opted to have approvals for journals. On the tab "budget Lines" after you have completed the chartstring, go to the "Process" and do a pull down and select "Budget pre-check".  You are checking your budget before you send it off for approval.  Then under the process pull down, select "Submit for Approval".

There are four ways to approve a budget journal.  This is for after the budget journal has been submitted for approval

This process is for when a college requires approval of budget journals and the above steps 4 "Submitting a Journal for Approval"  and 5 "Approving a Budget Journal" has already been done. After finding the journal the person who will post it  will go to the process pull down and select Post.

There is no advantage or disadvantage on which way you post a budget journal.  This way is navigating to the general ledger workcenter and click on the "Journals Ready to post" and following the process to post.

Related QRG(s)

Importing a Budget Journal

To view inserted information, select the down facing arrow on the right of the checklist title.

Obtain the import budget file.  It can be obtained from the QRG to the right; or by some one in ERP Support. Note the average amount of lines per journal import is about 250 lines.  It is not specifically limited to a count; but to process time  - 250

The QRG will lead you through filling it out.  The most common errors are putting slashes in the date, too long of descriptions or adding special characters.  Note it must be an unopened CVS file and the Journal ID mask must start with BD_

Because this was imported it will be in V V status.  Do a search of the journal and post if you have authority to post

NOTE:  if you do not have authority to post but have to submit for approval the following are those steps

Not all colleges are set up to require approvals for budget journals.  This step is only necessary if your college opted to have approvals for journals. On the tab "budget Lines" , go to the "Process" and do a pull down and select "Budget pre-check".  You are checking your budget before you send it off for approval.  Then under the process pull down, select "Submit for Approval".

There are four ways to approve a budget journal.  This is for after the budget journal has been submitted for approval and you are the person who is approving.

This process is for when a college requires approval of budget journals and the above steps 4 "Submitting a Journal for Approval"  and 5 "Approving a Budget Journal" has already been done. After finding the journal the person who will post it  will go to the process pull down and select Post.

There is no advantage or disadvantage on which way you post a budget journal.  This way is navigating to the general ledger workcenter and click on the "Journals Ready to post".

Related QRG(s)

Budget Roles

Commitment Control Local Configuration Only ZZ Roles Grant Add/Update Access to Pages to Perform the Work.

Role:  ZZ CC Budget Entry - Enter budget journal (header and lines), Enter Budget Transfer, Budget Journal Lines Page, Import Budget Journal, Manage Control Budget Journal, Manage KK Budget Jrnl Approval, Define Control Budgets, Associated Budgets,  Budget Definitions (Budget Definition, Keys and Translations, Control Chartfield, Offsets, Excluded Accounts & Types, Rule Set, Budget Def Fund Expiration, Budget Period Status, Budget Defn: include accounts), Budget overview (Inquiry Budgets Overview, Inquiry Criteria), Third Party Transaction Entry, GL Workcenter.

Role:  ZZ CC Budget Processing - Close Budget, Budget Close Process Request, Budget Closing Status, Define Budget Security (Create Alert Notifications, Request Build), Request Entry Even Processor, Request Posting, Third Party Transactions (Budget Check Generic Trans, Budget Check HR Payroll, Budget Check Hyperion Budgets), Maintain Standard Budgets (Request budget copy> Allocation Request), Set Up Financials/Supply Chain> Product Related> Budgeting>Import Budget Ledger>Import Budgets Ledger

Role:  ZZ CC Budget Reports - Activity Log (Activity Log Detail), Associated Budgets Reports, Budget Attributes Report, Budget Checking Status Report, Budget Control Report, Budget key Translations Report, Budget Periods, Budget Status Report, Budget Transaction Rpt Request, Budgetary Control Tree Audit, Ledger Detail Report, Project Expiration, Budget close Calculation Log,  Budget Closing Rule Report, Budget Close Status Report, Closing Sets Validation Report, Closing Sets Validation Report, Budget Security Report, Budget Details Report, General Ledger Units, Ledgers For a Unit, TableSet Ids, Summary Calendar Report, TimeSpans Report, Journal Source Report

Role:  ZZ CC Local Config - To allow management of local configuration for Commitment Control module: Close Budget (Budget Period Transfer Set, Budget Close Rule options, Budget Close Rule - Criteria, Budget Close Rule - Offset, Budget Close Rule - Set), Assign Rule to Dynamic Group, Assign Rule to Permission List, Assign Rule to User ID, Security Events Page, Security Field Setup, Rule Definitions (Apply rule to BU and Events, Rule Definition), KK Budget Attributes, Budget Definition, Keys and Translations, Control Chartfield, Offsets, Excluded Accounts & Types, Rules Sets, Budget Def Fund Expiration, Budget Period Status, Budget Defn: Include Accounts, Funding Source Definition, Funding Source Definition, Funding Source Allocation, Comm Cntrl Source Tran Defn, Comm Cntrl Source Tran Fields, Comm Cntrl page Transfers, Comm Cntrl Selection Criteria, Comm Cntrl Status Fields, Comm Cntrl Ref'd Records Keys, Comm Cntrl page Event, Comm Cntrl Options, Budget Alert Profile, Budget Alert Selection, Budget Alert Confirmation, Adjustment Period mass Update, Open Period Update, Open Period Mass update

Role:  ZZ CC Manager - Budget Search, Budget Search (Self Serve) Wrk, Inquiry Criteria, Budget Alert Profile, Budget Alert Selection Budget Alert Confirmation

Commitment Control Local Configuration Only ZD Roles Grant Read Only Access to Pages to see, but not touch.

Role:  ZD CC Local Config Inq - Budget Period Transfer set, Budget Close Rule (Options, Criteria, Offset, Budget Close Rule Set), Attach Dynamic Rules, Attach Rules to Operator Class, Security Rules for Operator, Define Budget Security (Events, Field Setup), Apply rule to BU and Events, Rule Definition, KK Budget Attributes, Budget Definitions (Budget Definition, Keys and Translations, Control Chartfield, Offsets, Excluded Accounts & Types, Rules sets, Budget Def Fund, budget period  Status, Budget Defn: Include Accounts), Funding Source Definition, Funding Source Allocation, Comm Cntrl source Tran Defn, Comm Cntrl Source Tran Fields, Comm Cntrl page Transfers, Comm Cntrl Selection Criteria, Comm Cntrl Status Fields, Comm Cntrl Ref'd Record Keys, Comm Cntrl page Event, Comm Cntrl options), Budget Alert Profile, Budget Alert Selection, Budget Alert Confirmation, Setup Financial Supply Chain> Business Unit Related> General Ledger> Open Periods> (Open Period Update, Adjustment Period Mass update)

Role:  ZD CC Budget Inquiry - Accounts Payable (Vchr Accounting entries, AP Voucher Inquiry),Customer Account (AR Direct Journal Drillback), Receivable update (Revenue Estimate Correction, Revenue Estimate Review), Enter Budget Journals, Enter Budget Transfer, Review Budget Calculation Log (Budget Close Calculation),  Activity Log, Budget Detail, Inquiry budgets Overview, Review Fund source Allocation, Accounts Payable (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Wrk Pnl for Budget Exceptions, Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel, Journal (Transaction header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work panel), Projects and Grants > Facilities (Trans Line Exception, Work Panel) Project and Grants> Project Journals>(Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans exception Work Panel), Purchasing and Cost Management> Cost Management (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Purchasing and Cost Management> Cost Management (Transaction Line exceptions, Trans Exception Work panel), Procurement Card (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Purchase Order (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Purchasing and Cost Management>Purchase Order Non-prorated> (Transaction Line exceptions, Trans Exception Work panel), Purchasing and Cost Management>Receipt Accrual Encumbrance>PO RecAccrEnc (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Purchasing and Cost Management>Receipt Accrual Expense>PO RecAccrExp (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Purchasing and Cost Management>Requisition> (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel),Purchasing and Cost Management>Requisition Non-prorated (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Revenues>Billing Invoice (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel),  Revenues>Direct Journal (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Revenues>Revenue Estimate (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Travel and Expenses>Expense Sheet Travel and Expenses>Travel Authorization (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Travel and Expenses>Travel Authorization (Transaction Header Exception, Transaction Line Exceptions, Trans Exception Work Panel), Travel and Expense Center>Expense Report, Travel and Expense Center>Travel Authorization>View a Travel Authorization( Authorization Line Entry, submit page for TA entry, Travel Auth Project Summary, TE Travel Auth Accting Split,  Travel Authorization main)

Queries and Reports
Common Budget Reports & Queries Recommended by BARS Comments
Navigation:  Reporting Tools > BI Publisher > Query Report Viewer
CTC_BUDGET_ANALYSIS Breakdown of the budget ledgers showing chartfields they are hitting
New BI Report - Liked by BARS
Navigation:  Reporting Tools > BI Publisher > Query Report Scheduler
BFS_KK_BOOPR Has detail budget by dept, detail budget by dept and fund, summary budget by dep
BFS_KK_B2AOP KK Budget to Actual Oper Dept
BFS_GL_FINST Financial Status Report
BFS_KK_B2AGN KK Budget to Actual Grant Dept
BFS_GL_BEROP GL Budget, Expense, and Revenue for Operational Departments-can choose up to 10 departments
Budget Queries
Navigation:  Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
Special Mention
QFS_KK_BUDGET_EXCEPTIONS Several college budget managers like this query.  They use it every morning to see if there were any budget issue in which they need to be adding a budget to free up this document from error status. 

You are done. Great job!


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