ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Self Service9.2 Advisor HomepageMy Advisees9.2 Update an Advising Note through My Advisees (Fluid)

9.2 Update an Advising Note through My Advisees (Fluid)

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for updating an advising note via Fluid navigation in ctcLink.

Audience:  Advisors

Update an Advising Note through My Advisees

Some email systems, such as Gmail, have strict Spam filtering mechanisms to protect their users. However, these filters can also prevent students from receiving emails sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center when more than one recipient is selected. While SBCTC discusses this issue and looks for solutions, staff should minimize their use of the “Notify All” functionality in ctcLink. At this time, we recommend limiting notifications to one recipient at a time when sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center.

How does this differ from 3Cs? 3Cs functionality sends one email at a time per user, whereas Faculty and Advisor Centers send one email to all selected users at a time.

Navigation:  ctcLink Advisor Homepage

  1. Select the My Advisees tile.
  2. The My Advisees page displays.
  3. Select the Advising Notes icon for one of the advisees.
My Advisees page
  1. The Advising Notes page displays.
  2. Select the Update Note icon. (symbol resembles a pencil, under Update Note).
  3. The Advising Notes edit page displays.
  4. Select the Add Note Item + icon, located above Note Item.
  5. The Add a New Note Item window displays.
  6. Enter the note.
  7. Select Apply.
  8. The new Note Item displays in the Note Items section of the page.
  9. To update the new Note Item, select it.
  10. The Edit Note Item window displays.
  11. Edit the note.
  12. Select Apply.
  13. The updated Advising Notes page displays.
  14. The edited Note Item displays.
  15. Select the Add Action Item + icon.
updated Advising Notes page
  1. The Add Action Item window displays.
  2. Enter Description.
  3. Enter Action Item Status.
  4. Enter Due Date.
  5. Select Apply.
  6. The updated Advising Notes page displays.  Note the new Action Item, which can be edited simply by selecting the new Action Item.
  7. Select the Add Attachment + icon.
  8. The Add Attachment window displays.
  9. Select Upload Attachment.
  10. The File Attachment window displays.
  11. Select a Choose From data source.
  12. Select the file to be uploaded from your data source.
  13. Select Upload.
  14. Select Done.
  15. The updated Add Attachment window displays.
  16. Select View Attachment.
  17. The attachment displays in a new browser window.  Review it.
  18. Close the new browser window.
  19. The Add Attachment window displays.
  20. Select Apply.
  21. The updated Advising Notes page displays.
  22. Select Submit.
  23. The confirmation window displays.
  24. Select Yes.
  25. The updated Advising Notes page displays.
  26. Select Notify.
  27. The Notify window displays.
  28. Check the Notify checkbox for your recipients. Some email systems, such as Gmail, have strict Spam filtering mechanisms to protect their users. However, these filters can also prevent students from receiving emails sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center when more than one recipient is selected. While SBCTC discusses this issue and looks for solutions, staff should minimize their use of the “Notify All” functionality in ctcLink. At this time, we recommend limiting notifications to one recipient at a time when sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center.
  29. Optionally, enter an Additional Message.
  30. To send the notification to people not in the Notify list, select the Lookup Recipient magnifying glass icon.
  31. Select Send.
  32. A confirmation window displays.
  33. Select Yes.
  34. The updated Advising Notes page displays.
  35. Select a row from the Notifications History section.
  36. The Notification Details window displays.  Review it.
  37. Close the window.
updated Advising Notes page

Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Update an Advising Note through My Advisees (Fluid). This link will open in a new tab/window.



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