View Student Term Summary (Fluid)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for viewing a student's term summary report via Fluid navigation in ctcLink.
Audience: Advisors
View Student Term Summary
Navigation: ctcLink Advisor Homepage
- Select the Advisor Center tile.
- The My Advisees page displays.
- Select View Data for Other Students button.
- The Advisee's Student Center search page displays.
- Enter student ID.
- Select Search.
- The Advisee Student Center page displays.
- Select Academics from the left tabs.
- The Advisee Academics page displays.
- Under the section Institution/Career/Program, select one or more links that represent the student's program for example ACADM - Academic or CNTED - Continuing Education
- As you select different program links, program status, as of date and plan will refresh on the right side of the page.

- Under the section Term Summary, select one or more links that represent the terms in which a student was active.
- As you select different term links, any enrollments for the term will refresh and appear on the right side of the page. Term statistics will be displayed below class enrollments.
- If no classes are displayed, then the student was term activated although did not enroll in, or drop courses.
- Select Return to Search.
Process complete.
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