Request What-If Report from Advisor Center (Fluid)
Purpose: Request a what-if report from the Fluid Advisor Center in ctcLink.
Audience: Advisors.
Request What-If Report from the Advisor Center
- Login and navigate to the ctcLink Advisor Homepage.
- Select the Advisor Center tile.
- The My Advisees page displays.
- Select Student Center.
- The Advisee's Student Center page displays.
- Enter Search Criteria to identify your student.
- Select Search.
- On the left side of the Advisee Student Center, select the grey arrow next to the field that says "other academic…" which will display a drop-down menu.
- Select What-if Report value in the drop-down menu.
- Select the round double-arrow button icon.
- The What-If Report page displays.
- Select the Create New Report button.
- Enter the desired information into:
- Institution
- Career
- Catalog Year
- Academic Program
- Area of Study
- Concentration: If your college offers Sub-Plans, this is where the appropriate Sub-Plan will be entered (will default to n/a).
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Submit Request link.

- The What-If Report displays under the Advisee Requirements.
- Select the View Report as PDF button. The pdf file displays in a new window.
End of procedure.
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