9.2 View and Notify My Advisees (Fluid)

Purpose:  Use this document to reference viewing and notifying your advisees via Fluid navigation in ctcLink.

Audience:  Advisors.

View and Notify My Advisees

Some email systems, such as Gmail, have strict Spam filtering mechanisms to protect their users. However, these filters can also prevent students from receiving emails sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center when more than one recipient is selected. While SBCTC discusses this issue and looks for solutions, staff should minimize their use of the “Notify All” functionality in ctcLink. At this time, we recommend limiting notifications to one recipient at a time when sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center.

How does this differ from 3Cs? 3Cs functionality sends one email at a time per user, whereas Faculty and Advisor Centers send one email to all selected users at a time.

Navigation:  ctcLink Advisor Homepage

  1. Select the My Advisees tile.
  2. The My Advisees page displays.  Review it.
  3. Select the ID Card icon below the My Advisees label.
My Advisees page
  1. The system displays the Advisee information by ID card format, and the cards display Name, ID, Advising Note icon, and email address of the student.
  2. Select the Advising Notes icon for a student.
  3. The Advising Notes page displays.
  4. Select the My Advisees link at the top-left of the page.
  5. The My Advisees page displays.
  6. Select the Grid icon below the My Advisees label.
My Advisees page
  1. The system displays the advisee information in grid format, including the Name/ID, Email, and Advising Note icon.
  2. Select the Email link for a student.
  3. The email link is opened in your default email account to be able to send a communication.
  4. Return to the My Advisees page.
  5. Select the Advising Notes icon for a student, located on the right side of screen under Advising Notes.
  6. The Advising Notes page displays.
  7. Select the View Note icon for an advising note.
Advising Notes page
  1. The Advising Notes page displays.
  2. Select the Advising Notes link at the top-left of the page.
  3. The Advising Notes page displays.
  4. Select the My Advisees link at the top-left of the page.
  5. The My Advisees page displays.
  6. Select the circle icon below the My Advisees label.
  7. To notify all of your advisees: Some email systems, such as Gmail, have strict Spam filtering mechanisms to protect their users. However, these filters can also prevent students from receiving emails sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center when more than one recipient is selected. While SBCTC discusses this issue and looks for solutions, staff should minimize their use of the “Notify All” functionality in ctcLink. At this time, we recommend limiting notifications to one recipient at a time when sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center.
    1. Select the Notify All Advisees link.
  8. To notify some of your advisees:
    1. Check the Notify checkbox for the advisee(s) you wish to notify.
    2. Select the Notify Selected Advisees link.
My Advisees page
  1. The Send Notification page displays.
  2. Complete it.
  3. Select Send.
  4. The My Advisees page displays.
  5. Select the circle icon below the My Advisees label.
  6. Select the My Advising Notes link.
  7. The My Advising Notes page displays.
  8. Select the My Advisees link at the top-left of the page.
  9. The My Advisees page displays.
  10. Select the ctcLink Advisor Homepage link at the top-left of the page.

Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to View and Notify My Advisees (Fluid). This link will open in a new tab/window.


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