Copying Expense Report Expense Lines

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for copying expense report expense lines using the Classic Navigation or Fluid Tiles in ctcLink.

Audience:  Finance and Business Office staff.

Copying Expense Report Expense Lines using Classic Navigation

Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Expense Report > Create/Modify


Navigation: Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Expense Report > Create/Modify

  1. The Expense Report search page displays. Select the Find an Existing Value tab.
  2. Enter Search Criteria to identify your expense report. Select Search.
  3. The Modify Expense Report page displays.
  4. Select the Actions drop down menu arrow to "Copy Expense Lines".
  5. Select the GO button.
Select the Action drop down arrow to Coy Expense Lines
  1. The Copy Expense Lines window displays. Select one of the Copy Option radio button:
    • Copy to One Date option if you want to copy each selected line just once using the To Date as the new expense date
    • Copy to Range of Dates if you want to copy each line multiple times with the expense date for the new lines set to each day within the specified date range.
  2. Select the Include Weekends and Include Holidays checkboxes to copy the expense type for the entire date range.  If you do not select to include weekends, Expenses checks the day of the week and does not copy expense lines for Saturdays or Sundays.  If you do not select to include holidays, Expenses checks the holiday calendar for the employee's business unit. Expenses does not copy expense lines for days that the calendar designates as holidays.
  3. Select the expense lines checkbox(es) to copy.
  4. Select the OK button.
Copy Expense Lines window
  1. The Copy Expense Lines window disappears. The updated Modify Expense Report page displays.
  2. Note that the copied expense line(s) display. Update the copied row(s) field(s) as needed, such as the Date, Description, Amount, etc.
  3. Select the Save for Later button to save changes.
Updated Modify Expense Report page. Select save to save changes.
  1. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Copying Expense Report Lines (Classic). This link will open in a new tab/window.

Copying Expense Report Lines using the Fluid Tile

Navigation:  Fluid Tiles > Employee Self-Service > Expenses

  1. From the Employee Self Service main screen select the Expenses Tile.
  2. Select the Create Expense Report tile. The Expense Report page will display.
Select the Create Expense Report tile
  1. On the Expense Report page use the drop down arrow to select the Business Purpose.
  2. Enter a meaningful Description.
  3. Use the lookup tool to select the Default Location. If you have receipts, attach them under Attach Receipt button.
  4. In the Expense Details section, select the Expense Report Acton: Add Expense Lines.
Expense Report page
  1. The Expense Entry page displays with the current default date
  2. Enter a new Expense Line by entering using the lookup tool, or drop down menu:
    1. Select or enter the Date.
    2. Enter or lookup Expense Type. If the Expense Type is for "Transportation Mileage", enter the Transportation ID and Miles and select the  icon to calculate the mileage.
    3. Enter a meaningful Description.
    4. Select the Payment type.
    5. Enter the Amount (if not per diem expense type)
    6. The Billing Type defaults to Billable.
    7. Optional to attach Receipts (as needed by local business processes).

Optional to select Save (top right of screen) to save as you go.

Enter Expense Line data
  1. Select the Accounting arrow to view, add, or modify the Expense Report Distributions or Chartfield values for the expense line.
  2. Select the Add [+] icon (on left side of screen) to create additional expense lines if desired, entering required information. Select the Done button to return to the Expense Entry page.
Review or edit Expense Report Distributions
  1. The Expense Entry page displays. On the left side of the page, select the More button.
Select the More button
  1. From the left side of the page or side panel, select the check box(es) of the expense line(s) you want to copy. Select the Copy button.
  2. The Copy Expense window displays.
  3. Enter the Date From and Date To dates to copy the Expense Lines to those dates. if you only want to copy the expense lines to one date, use the same date in the Date From and Date To Fields. If you want to copy the expense lines to multiple dates, enter a date range in Date From and Date To.
  4. Deselect/Select Include Weekends and Include Holidays as needed to fit your needs.
  5. Select the Done button.
Window to Copy Expense lines
  1. The copied expense lines are displayed on the left side of the screen.
  2. Optional to update any expense fields as needed, such as Description(s) and add Attachments/Receipts as per your local travel business practices.
  3. Select the Save or Review and Submit buttons.
Newly copied lines display
  1. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Copying Expense Report Lines (Fluid). This link will open in a new tab/window.


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