Attaching a Document to a Travel Authorization

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for attaching a document to a travel authorization in ctcLink.

Audience:  All travelers

Attaching Document(s) to a Travel Authorization

When attaching large documents to transactions, it is recommended that you create and save the transaction first. In the following example, the attachment is small.

Navigation: FSCM Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Travel Authorizations > Create/Modify

  1. The Employee Self Service page displays. Select the Navigation Menu icon.
  2. Select the Menu icon.
  3. Follow the navigation: Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expenses > Travel Authorizations.
  4. Select Create/Modify.
Navigational path to create Travel Authorizations
  1. On the Travel Authorization search page, use the drop down arrow to select the Search by criteria:
    • Authorization ID
    • Creation Date
    • Description
    • Empl ID
    • Name
    • Status
  2. Select Search.  
  3. The Travel Authorization page will display. Select the Attachments link (to add to the entire Travel Authorization) and/or the Projected Expenses line item paperclip [+] icon (to add to a line item).
  4. The Travel Auth Attachments window displays.
  5. Select Add Attachment.
  6. The File Attachment window displays.
  7. Select the Choose File button to browse for your file.
  8. Once your file(s) are selected, select the Upload button.
  9. The File Attachment window disappears.
  10. The updated Travel Auth Attachments window displays.
  11. Optional to enter a detailed or meaningful Description.
  12. Select OK.
  13. The Travel Auth Attachments window disappears.
  14. The updated Create Travel Authorization page displays.
  15. Select Save for Later.

You can upload multiple attachments using the Attachments link. However, you can only upload 1 attachment per Projected Expense line item using the paperclip icon.

modify trav autho page

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Attaching a Document to a Travel Authorization. This link will open in a new window.


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