View Student Term Summary (Fluid)

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for viewing a student's term summary report via Fluid navigation in ctcLink.

Audience:  Advisors

View Student Term Summary

Navigation:  ctcLink Advisor Homepage

  1. Select the Advisor Center tile.
  2. The My Advisees page displays.
  3. Select View Data for Other Students button.
  4. The Advisee's Student Center search page displays.
  5. Enter student ID.
  6. Select Search.
  7. The Advisee Student Center page displays.
  8. Select Academics from the left tabs.
  9. The Advisee Academics page displays.
  10. Under the section Institution/Career/Program, select one or more links that represent the student's program for example ACADM - Academic or CNTED - Continuing Education
  11. As you select different program links, program status, as of date and plan will refresh on the right side of the page.
Advisee Academics page
  1. Under the section Term Summary, select one or more links that represent the terms in which a student was active.
  2. As you select different term links, any enrollments for the term will refresh and appear on the right side of the page.  Term statistics will be displayed below class enrollments.
  3. If no classes are displayed, then the student was term activated although did not enroll in, or drop courses.
  4. Select Return to Search.

Process complete.


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