9.2 Calculate and View Tuition for an Individual Student
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to calculate and view tuition for an individual student in ctcLink.
Audience: Cashiers, Bursars
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC SF Tuition and Fees
- ZZ SF Tuition Calculation
- ZZ SF Tuition and Fees
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Calculate and View Tuition for an Individual Student
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Tuition Calculation
- The Tuition Calculation search page displays.
- Enter a student ID.
- Select the Search button.

- The Tuition Calculation page displays. This page is used to calculate a student’s tuition.
- OPTIONAL: Use the Override Tuition Group lookup button (magnifying glass) to change a student's assigned tuition group.
- Select the Calculate Tuition and Fees button.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Tuition Calculation
- The Tuition Calculation search page displays.
- Enter Search Criteria.
- Select the Search button.
- The Tuition Calculation page displays.
- Select the Display Tuition and Fees link to review charges for the tuition and fees that have been calculated.

- The Tuition Calculation Tuition and Fees page displays.
- Tuition and Fees tab 1 displays account item type information.
- Tuition and Fees tab 2 displays course and session information.
- Tuition and Fees tab 3 displays waivers, due date calendar, and any adjustment calendar and refund information.
- Tuition and Fees tab 4 displays academic information.
- Select the Return link at the bottom of the page.

- The Tuition Calculation page displays.
- Select the Display Errors/Warnings link to access the Calculation Messages page to review messages associated with the student's tuition and fees calculation.

- The Tuition Calculation Calculation Messages page displays.
- Calculation Messages 1 tab displays warnings and messages associated with the tuition calculation.
- Calculation Messages 2 tab displays academic information for the student.
- Select the Return link at the bottom of the page.

- The Tuition Calculation page displays.
- Select Display Student’s Account to display specific charges for the student.

- The Student Accounts page displays.
- Select the Account Details link for additional detail of a specific charge.
- Select the Return link to go back to the Student Accounts page.
- Then select the Return link to go back to the Tuition Calculation page.

- Process complete.
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