Update CampusCE Order Status from ctcLink
Purpose: After a manual correction is made in ctcLink for unsuccessful CampusCE orders, staff can select an option on the CampusCE Transaction Management page in ctcLink to change the transaction from ERR (Error) to COM (Complete). This will send an update of COM back to CampusCE. Note: This does not resend the transaction from CampusCE back to ctcLink; Staff must have manually corrected in ctcLink. This is only to update CampusCE that the staff manually completed the transaction in ctcLink so that both reflect a COM status.
Audience: CampusCE administrators
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD CE Transaction Mgmt
- ZZ CE Transaction Mgmt
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
You also need to set the following SACR Security permission:
The new Update CCE functionality from the CampusCE Transaction Mgmt page is meant to update CampusCE Order Status after the error was resolved directly in ctcLink. Therefore, certain conditions should have occurred prior to using this update functionality:
Condition A: A CampusCE order has an Error status in ctcLink that requires staff to make manual corrections in ctcLink to complete enrollment and payment processing, including but not limited to:
- There was a negative Service Indicator (hold) on the student’s record in ctcLink that prevented enrollment and payments from processing in ctcLink.
- There were multiple Search/Match results found in ctcLink.
- A student attempted to register for a class in CampusCE that was closed in ctcLink.
- A student’s Date of Birth in CampusCE did not match their Date of Birth in ctcLink.
Condition B: Staff have manually completed enrollment and/or payment transactions in ctcLink, but CampusCE still reflects a status other than “Registered.”
Steps to send an updated COM (Complete) status back to CampusCE
Navigation: Curriculum Management > ctcLink Custom > CampusCE > CampusCE Transaction Mgmt
- After you have manually resolved the error in ctcLink, enter the applicable Search Criteria to locate the CampusCE order you have manually corrected in ctcLink. Select the Search button.
- Select the ctcLink Response tab and confirm the status still reflects ERR (error).
- Select the Send Update to CCE link.
- Clicking the link “Send Update to CCE” should result in a Completed status in ctcLink and a Registered status in CampusCE.
Example of ctcLink Response page after sending the update to CampusCE:
Example of CampusCE Order Response Page after sending the update to CampusCE:
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