9.2 Course Development ctcLink to CampusCE

Purpose: Use this document to understand how after course creation, course data is pulled into CampusCE. All courses and class sections must be created in PeopleSoft. If colleges are using the integration between PeopleSoft and Campus CE the courses and class sections will be moved to CampusCE on a nightly basis. If colleges are using a different third party system they will need to build courses and class sections in both PeopleSoft and their system.  

Audience: Course/Class Builders, Continuing Education Staff

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry
  • ZD CM Local Configuration
  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ CM Course Catalog
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc
  • ZZ SS Student

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Step 2 - Publishing Course in CampusCE and Website

Refer to external CampusCE site for most current information - Course Add/Edit.

Note* - CampusCE login necessary to access documentation.

Navigation: Courses > Course Edit

  1. Select Course Edit.
  2. Search for course.
  3. Select Course.
  4. Six Information tabs are visible:
    1. Info
    2. Section
    3. Catalog
    4. Links
    5. Media
  5. Info tab 
    1. Review to confirm information is correct.
    2. Scroll to Course Publishing
      1. Course Web Description – description published to website
        1. HTML embedded tool
      2. Print Description – for printed catalogs
        1. No HTML in print description
    3. Other Information
      1. Course comments are internal only
      2. Course Notes are external notes, used for print catalog production
    4. Select the Save button.
  6. Section Tab – will be covered in Class/Section Business process – Course will not publish without a section.
  7. Catalog Tab
    1. Navigate to the Categories sub-tab.
    2. From the drop down, select the appropriate Catalog.
      1. Web Catalogs refer to the student facing website(s) where students register for courses and items. Web Catalog names are configurable.
      2. Print Catalogs refer to an exportable catalog used in creating a printed schedule for distribution. Web Catalog names are configurable.
    3. Click on the drop-down menu to view all the active categories within a catalog. You may assign a course to multiple categories and subcategories.
      1. Click the plus (+) sign to show sub-categories.
    4. Select the desired Category or Subcategory.
    5. Select the Add Category button.
    6. When selected, category appears under the Edit Course Categories Area Courses – Course Add/Edit.
    7. Select the Update button to associate the Course with that Category. Repeat if necessary, with other Categories or Subcategories.
    8. To un-publish the Course:
      • Un-check the Publish Checkbox.
      • Select the Update button.

*Note: Courses may also be unpublished in Publishing > Catalogs. This is helpful when managing publishing settings for multiple courses/categories at once.

  1. To delete the Course from a Category
    1. Select the Delete Checkbox next to the category from which you'd like to remove the Course.
    2. Select the Update button.


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