9.2 Running the Net Book Value Report

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for Running the Net Book Value Report.

Audience: Finance Staff, Asset Management Staff

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Asset Management Reporting

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Use the Asset Net Book Value page to enter the request parameters. These parameters will be used to define the processing rules and data to be included when the process is run.

Running the Net Book Value Report

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Asset Net Book Value

  1. On the Asset Net Book Value search page, select the Add a New Value tab.
  2. Enter a Run Control ID.
  3. Select Add.  The Asset Net Book Value page will display.

A Run Control ID is an identifier that, when paired  with your user ID, uniquely identifies the process that you are running.  The run control ID defines parameters that are used when a process is  run. This ensures that when a process runs in the background, the system  does not prompt you for additional values.

Asset Net Book Value search page
  1. On the Asset Net Book Value page, enter or lookup Business Unit.
  2. Enter As Of Fiscal Year.
  3. Enter Period.
  4. Expand the Report Print Options section by clicking on the arrow.
  5. In the Report Print Options section, enter or select Report By.
  6. Select the Update/Add CF Template link. The ChartField Format Template page will display.  
Asset Net Book Value page
  1. On the ChartField Format Template page, enter CF Template ID.
  2. Select the Add Template link.  The Chartfields section will display.
ChartField Format Template
  1. On the ChartField Format Template page, make selections for the Chartfields to be displayed on the report and the subtotals included.
  2. Select OK.  The ChartField Format Template page will close.
ChartField Format Template page
  1. On the Asset Net Book Value page, select the Update/Add RF Template link.  The Report Template page will display.
Asset Net Book Value pagelet
  1. On the Report Fields Format Template page, enter the RF Template ID.  
  2. Select Add Template. The Report Fields Section will display.
Report Fields Format Template pagelet
  1. On the Report Template page, make selections for the Asset information fields to to be displayed on the report.
  2. Select OK.  The Report Fields Format Template page will close.
Report Fields Format Template
  1. On the Asset Net Book Value page, select Run.  The Process Scheduler Request page will display.
Asset Net Book Value
  1. On the Process Scheduler Request page, enter or update parameters such as Server Name and process output format.
  2. Select the Select checkbox for process Asset Net Book Value Detail
  3. Select OK to initiate the selected process.  The Process Scheduler Request page will close.
Process Scheduler Request pagelet
  1. On the Asset Net Book Value page, note the Process Instance number.
  2. Select the Process Monitor link. The Process Monitor page will display.
Asset Net Book Value
  1. On the Process Monitor page, look for the Process Instance number noted above and ensure that the Run Status is "Success" and the Distribution Status is "Posted".   Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
  2. Select the Go Back to Asset Net Book Value link.  The Asset Net Book Value page will display.
Process Monitor Pagelet
  1. On the Asset Net Book Value page, select the Report Manager link to access the report.  The Report Manager page will display.
Asset Net Book Value page
  1. On the Report Manager page, select the Administration tab.
  2. Select the Report link to view the report.
Report Manager Pagelet
  1. Process complete.


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