Dispose Multiple Assets with Disposal Worksheet

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for using the Disposal Worksheet to retire assets in ctcLink.

Audience:  Financial Asset Manager, Facilities Asset Manager.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Asset Entry

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Using the Disposal Worksheet to Retire Assets

 The Disposal Worksheet page provides numerous selection options to retrieve assets for retirement.  Assets that are available for retrieval are determined by asset ownership and user ID.

Navigation: Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Asset Disposal > Disposal Worksheet

  1. The Disposal Worksheet displays.  Use Asset Search Criteria section to enter search criteria to select assets to submit for retirement.
    1. Enter the appropriate business unit in the Business Unit field.
    2. Enter or select the appropriate category in the Category field.
    3. Select Retrieve.
  2. The updated Disposal Worksheet displays.  Qualifying assets are listed in the Search Results grid.  Select the checkbox in the Dispose column for those assets that you want to select to dispose.  If you want to select them all, you can select Select All.
  3. Enter the Retire Date and the Accounting Date.  They do not have to be the same date.  If desired, select a Disposal Code.  The Disposal Code is not required.  You can apply the dates and Disposal Code to all selected assets by selecting Set All.
  4. Navigate to the Retirement Information tab and enter the Retire Quantity, and any Proceeds or Removal Costs associated with each selected asset.  There is a Detail link at the far right of the grid that you can drill into more detail about the asset, including the associated Chartfields used for accounting entries.
  5. Navigate to the Optional Accounting Information tab and select a Trans Code.  
    • The available Trans Codes are PROP for assets recorded in Proprietary Funds (Fund Codes beginning with '4xx' or '5xx') and GOVT for assets recorded in Fund 997.  
    • The Trans Code selected drives the accounting entries, and the accounting is different for Proprietary assets than it is for Governmental assets.  
    • If no value is selected, the Disposal transactions will cause the disposal to fail downstream processes.
  6. Select Submit for Disposal to save the retirement information.
  7. A warning message displays.  Read it, then select OK.

After you select OK, the retirement information is loaded into the interface tables.  The next step is to review the interfaced data and load the transactions into Asset Management.  Follow the QRG "Review and Load AM Interface Data".  

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Dispose Multiple Assets with Disposal Worksheet. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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