Asset Detail Reports

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for creating Asset Management reports in ctcLink.

Audience: Finance staff, Asset Management staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Asset Management Reporting

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Asset Detail Reports

Navigation: Asset Management > Financial Reports > Asset Details

  1. The Asset Details menu displays.  Use it to create reports on Acquisitions, Locations, History, and several others.  
Nav Menu for Asset Reports
  1. All reports are generated via Run Controls.  Run Controls consist of a name and some parameters to pass to the process at run time.  The parameters may be different for different reports, and each run control is unique to a single report and user ID.
  2. Reports are viewed with the Report Manager.  Please refer to the Report Manager steps for further instructions.
  3. Many Asset report run control pages contain a section for Report Print Options.  This section is collapsed by default and must be expanded and populated for the report to create any output.
  4. Expand the Report Print Options section by selecting the arrow on the left side of the section.
  1. The Report Print Options section expands.
  2. Select a Report By Chartfield value to choose how you want to organize the report. This is a required field.
  3. The Title Override field is optional and is used when you do not wish to use the default title.
  4. Amount Length is also an optional field.
  5. You must define both the CF (Chartfield) and the RF (Report Field) Templates, and you will need to create templates for each report.  The first time you use a run control, you define the templates.  The templates can then be re-used for the same run control for subsequent reports of the same type.  After a template has been defined, you can edit it if needed.  
    1. Select the Update/Add CF Template link to select which Chartfields to include in the Report, and the order to display them.
      1. The Chartfield Format Template pagelet displays.
      2. Enter a CF Template ID and select the Add Template link.
      3. A list of Chartfields display.  Use the Include in Report column to update which fields to include in the report.
      4. You can choose which Chartfields you want to subtotal by updating the Print Subtotals columns.  
      5. Once you have complete the CF Template, select the OK button to return to the main page.
    2. Select the Update/Add RF Template link to choose available data fields to include in the report.  
      1. The Report Fields format Template pagelet displays.
      2. Make updates as applicable and select the OK button to return to the main page.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Report Print Options. This link will open in a new tab/window.

The remainder of this QRG provides instructions and screenshots for a few of the available asset detail reports.


This report lists all acquisitions for a specified Fiscal Year/Period range or Date range, and can be generated in Detail or Summary form.

  1. Remember to supply the Report Print Options as explained above.
  2. Enter or select your AM Business Unit.
  3. Enter or select "WACTC" as the Book Name.
  4. Select a Fiscal Year/Period Range, or
  5. Alternatively, select a Date Range.
  6. Choose your desired Type of Report.
  7. The fields down the right side are report filters.  You can choose one or more filters to tailor the report to your requirements, or leave them all blank to report all asset acquisitions.
  8. Enter your parameters then select Run.  
  9. After the process is finished, view the report from the Report Manager link.
Acquisition Report RC
Assets by Location

This report does not require any Report Print Options.

  1. Enter or select your AM Business Unit.
  2. Enter or select "WACTC" as the Book Name.
  3. Select a Fiscal Year/Period Range, or
  4. Alternatively, select a Date Range.
  5. Choose your desired Type of Report.
  6. The fields down the right side are report filters.  You can choose one or more filters to tailor the report to your requirements, or leave them all blank to report all asset acquisitions.
  7. Enter your parameters then select Run.  
  8. After the process is finished, view the report from the Report Manager link.
Assets by Location
Asset History

This report run control does not require any parameters.  When you run the report, the Process Scheduler Request page will list five separate History reports that have been defined.  Choose one or more reports and select OK.

  1. The Asset History Report page displays.
  2. Select Run. Once the process completes, view the report(s) from the Report Manager link.
Asset History Report RC page