Grants and Projects Checklist & Process Steps Guide
Purpose: Use this document as a reference to assist in the standard or end-to-end processes in chronological order for a specific Finance Module.
Audience: Finance/Grant Fiscal Staff
The following spreadsheet below provides the standard key processes of Grants, such as: Cost Reimbursable and Fixed Price Grants, Capital Projects, Queries and Roles.
Or for better accessibility, use the following drop-down checklist style for the Grants and Projects Checklist & Process Steps Guide:
To view inserted information, select the down facing arrow on the right of the checklist title.
Set up basic information for the grant - name, description, activities, sponsor, grant PI, dates, location, etc.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Create the Proposal
Set up initial budget for the grant.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Enter the Proposed Budget
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Submit the Proposal
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Generate the Award
Identify the grant terms, such as cost-reimbursable.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Grant Terms
Identify the project type for each project associated with the grant.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Project Type
Finalize the budget for the grant. Add complete chart string information.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Finalizing the Budget
Set up and activate the customer contract associated with the grant. Customer contracts manage billing parameters for the grant.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Activating a Cost Reimbursable Contract
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Activate Award
Colleges spends money as needed for the project.
Spending occurs in other modules such as Accounts Payable and may require Purchase Orders. Collaborate with other college staff as needed.
College monitors expenses and budget. This can be done in the commitment control (KK) module or via various queries and reports, such as QFS_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE_PYMNT or BFS_KK_GRANT.
Reconcile Project Resource data to GL data. Ensure all BIL lines are for expense accounts. Ensure all expenses belong in the grant and other expenses are not missing. Review with grant PI or others as applicable.
Proj Resoruce Analysis Types ACT + GLE should equal BIL + DEF + BLD, which also should equal expense lines from GL. Verify that BIL, BLD, DEF lines are all expenses (no cash or liabilities). Suggested queries: QFS_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE_PYMNT and QFS_GL_ACCOUNT_ANALYSIS.
If applicable, do corrections in the GL and/or sub-modules.
Calculate and post F&A/Indirect if applicable.
Related QRG(s)
Run queries to gather billable data.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Run the Billing Query and Review Billable Lines
Run the Over the Limit (OLT) query. OLT rows are transactions that exceed the maximum value of the customer contract and are not billable.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Run the Over the Limit Query and Review OLT rows
If there are OLT transactions, amend the customer contract and release the OLT rows as necessary so the rows will get picked up as billable data.
Related QRG(s)
Run the Contracts to Billing Interface process. This prepares the billing data to move from the customer contracts module to the billing module.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Run the Contracts to Billing Interface
Executed the Billing Interface process. This moves the billing data from the customer contracts module into the billing module.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Execute Billing Interface Process
Review the billing worksheet to ensure all desired billing data is captured and is accurate.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Review Billing Worksheet
In the billing module, generate the invoice via the Single Action invoice process.
Related QRG(s)
- Reimbursable Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Generate Invoice
If necessary, college modifies grant budget. Budget modifications are needed if the college needs to move money between budget items (equipment, goods, salaries, benefits, etc.) or if the total budget needs to be increased or decreased.
Related QRG(s)
After the grant has been completed and all accounting transactions have processed, close the project(s).
Related QRG(s)
If the project was closed before all accounting transactions were completed, the project may be reopened.
To view inserted information, select the down facing arrow on the right of the checklist title.
The following are major process steps and include the most common QRGs. For assistance with additional situations, view all project QRGs or submit a service desk ticket for assistance.
Related QRG(s)
Set up basic information for the grant - name, description, activities, sponsor, grant PI, dates, location, etc.
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Create a Proposal
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Enter the Proposed Budget
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Submit a Proposal
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Generate an Award
Identify the grant terms, such as fixed-price.
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Grant Terms
Identify the project type for each project associated with the grant.
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Project Type
Finalize the budget for the grant. Add complete chart string information.
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Finalizing the Budget
Set up and activate the customer contract associated with the grant. Customer contracts manage billing parameters for the grant.
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Activating a Fixed Price Contract
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant - Creation to Activation
- See section Activate Award
Colleges spends money as needed for the project.
Spending occurs in other modules such as Accounts Payable and may require Purchase Orders. Collaborate with other college staff as needed.
College monitors expenses and budget. This can be done in the commitment control (KK) module or via various queries and reports, such as QFS_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE_PYMNT or BFS_KK_GRANT.
Reconcile Project Resource data to GL data. Ensure all expenses belong in the grant and other expenses are not missing. Review with grant PI or others as applicable.
Project Resource Analysis Types ACT + GLE should equal expense lines from GL. Suggested queries: QFS_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE_PYMNT and QFS_GL_ACCOUNT_ANALYSIS
If applicable, do corrections in GL and/or sub-modules.
Calculate and post F&A/indirect if applicable.
Related QRG(s)
Run the Contracts to Billing Interface process. This prepares the billing data to move from the customer contracts module to the billing module.
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Run the Contracts to Billing Interface
Executed the Billing Interface process. This moves the billing data from the customer contracts module into the billing module.
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Execute Billing Interface Process
Review the billing worksheet to ensure all desired billing data is captured and is accurate.
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Review Billing Worksheet
In the billing module, generate the invoice via the Single Action invoice process.
Related QRG(s)
- Fixed Price Grant/Contract Billing
- See section Generate Invoice
If necessary, college modifies grant budget. Budget modifications are needed if the college needs to move money between budget items (equipment, goods, salaries, benefits, etc.) or if the total budget needs to be increased or decreased.
Related QRG(s)
After the grant has been completed and all accounting transactions have processed, close the project(s).
Related QRG(s)
NOTE: If the project was closed before all accounting transactions were completed, the project may be reopened.
To view inserted information, select the down facing arrow on the right of the checklist title.
The following are major process steps and include the most common QRGs. For assistance with additional situations, view all project QRGs or submit a service desk ticket for assistance.
Set up basic information for the project - name, description, activities, project type, dates, location, etc.
Related QRG(s)
- Create and Manage a Capital Project
- See section Create a Capital Project
NOTE: Be sure to enter your SBCTC-assigned capital project number in User Field 5.
Related QRG(s)
- Create and Manage a Capital Project
- See section Manage a Capital Project Budget
Colleges spends money as needed for the project.
NOTE: Spending occurs in other modules such as Accounts Payable and may require Purchase Orders. Collaborate with other college staff as needed.
College monitors expenses and budget. This can be done in the commitment control (KK) module or via various queries and reports, such as BFS_GL_BEROP.
If applicable, do corrections in GL and/or sub-modules.
As applicable, create a bill to the State Treasurer.
Related QRG(s)
If necessary, college modifies project budget. Budget modifications are needed if the college needs to move money between budget items (equipment, goods, salaries, benefits, etc.) or if the total budget needs to be increased or decreased.
Related QRG(s)
After the project has been completed and all accounting transactions have processed, close the project.
Related QRG(s)
NOTE: If the project was closed before all accounting transactions were completed, the project may be reopened using this same QRG.
BFS_GL_BERGN | BI Publisher report for projects that shows budget, expenses, pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, and balance in several formats of varying details. Select link for instructions. |
BFS_GL_BEROP | Report for grants, projects, or operational departments that shows budget, expenses, encumbrances, and balances in several formats of varying details. |
BFS_KK_GRANT | BI Publisher report for grants that shows budget, expenses, encumbrances and balances in several formats of varying details. Includes breakdowns by period for multi-period grants. |
CTC_PR_BILLABLE | Shows billable data for cost-reimbursable grants. |
CTC_PR_BILLABLE_SUMMARY | Summary level billable data for cost-reimbursable grants. May be helpful if you need to attach a list of expenses to an invoice you send to a grant sponsor. |
CTC_PR_BILLED | Shows billed data from a given grant. |
PGFS_KK_BUDGET_OVERVIEW_GNT_PG | Pivot Grid that displays how much of a project budget was spent in each budget category in graph and chart formats. |
QFS_CO_HR_ACCT_LINE_PAY_PERIOD | Shows staff charged to projects for a specified period of time. Includes pay period date. Requires additional security to view due to sensitive data. |
QFS_CO_HR_ACCTG_LINE_EE_DIST | Shows payroll by employee by grant. Need higher level security to view this. |
QFS_CO_HR_ACCTG_LINE_EE_DIST | Shows staff charged to projects for a specified period of time. Requires additional security to view due to sensitive data. |
QFS_GM_AWARDED_GRANTS | Shows information for awarded grants - dates, sponsors, FA rates, etc. |
QFS_GR_GRANT_BUDGET_EXPENSES | Shows all expenses in a grant. Includes accounting period but not accounting date. Also includes grant period. |
QFS_KK_BUDGET_OVERVIEW_GNT | Shows budget, expense, encumbrance, and balance for each budget item in a grant by project and activity. |
QFS_KK_BUDGET_OVERVIEW_GNT_DTL | Shows all expenses in a grant for the date range selected. Includes supplier names when applicable. May be helpful for reconciling. |
QFS_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE | Shows all grant or project data from the Project Resource table. May be most helpful when filtering/sorting on analysis type and putting data into a pivot table. |
QFS_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE_PYMNT | Condensed version of QFS_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE that includes details on payments made to others (check/ACH, payment date, payment number, etc.) that were charged to the grant or project. |
QFS_PR_PROJ_BUD_EXP | Shows budgets and expense totals by account/budget item. Includes full chartstrings for each project's budget item. |
QFS_PR_PROJECT_DT_VS_KK_DT | Shows project type, status, and start and end dates for the project as well as commitment control. |
Please refer to the tab Roles in the FIN Grants and Projects Checklist and Process Steps Guide
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