Submit a Student Alert through Advisor Homepage

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for creating student Alerts in ctcLink.

Audience: ctcLink Advisor.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ PeopleSoft User

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Submit a Student Alert through Advisor Homepage

Navigation:  ctcLink Gateway > Advisor Homepage > Advisor Center

  1. The My Advisees page displays.
  2. Select View Data for Other Students.
  3. The Advisee's Student Center search page displays.
  4. Enter student ID.
  5. Select Search.
  6. Select the Submit Alert in the student’s This Week’s Schedule for the appropriate class.
This Week's Schedule
  1. The Create Student Alert page displays.
  2. Select the Alert Code from the drop-down menu.
  3. Input Comments:
    1. If you want the comment included in the Student’s Notification, select the Include Comments in Student Notification box.

Note: The character limit for Student Alert Comments is 254 characters, including spaces.

  1. Input Notes to Responder (optional).
    1. Notes to Responder are not included in the notification to students.
  2. Select the [+] icon to add additional Alerts (optional).
  3. Once all Alerts have been added, select the Submit button.
Alert Code section
  1. A confirmation message displays.
  2. Select the Add button to add Alerts to additional students by ID and Institution.

Process complete.


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