Update Packaging Status Summary's Acad Career Field to UGRD

Purpose: Use this document as a reference on how to use a population selection update to find students who have an Acad Career of UKWN (unknown) and who need an update to UGRD (Undergraduate) so the records can be picked up for awarding.

Audience: Financial Aid Staff responsible for ISIR Suspense Management and files ready for File Review

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FA Pop Update

Additionally, you will need access to the Population Update Record (Table): STDNT_AID_ATRBT - Packaging Status Summary

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

The Academic Career field on the Packaging Status Summary page can become a blank or UNKN in the following scenarios:

- The student was not active in the UGRD Acad Career at the time the initial ISIR was loaded for that student for the aid year

- The student was in two Academic Careers at the time the initial ISIR was loaded for that student for the aid year

- The initial ISIR for the aid year was force loaded from suspense (i.e. using ID Lock and ‘Add ISIR’ instead of fixing the issue causing the ISIR to suspend and selecting ‘Recycle’)

Many FA queries as well as packaging equation engines include the STDNT_AID_ATRBT and the criteria of ACAD_CAREER = ‘UGRD’ so it is important to update the field appropriately.

This pop-update process finds and updates student who have an Academic Career field value of blank or ‘UNKN’ for the prompted aid year but are currently active in the UGRD Academic Career.

Population Update Process

Navigation: Set up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population Update > Population Update Process

  1. Enter New or use existing Run Control ID
  2. Select STDNT_AID_ATRBT  Packaging Status Summary for Record (Table) Name from the dropdown menu
  3. Enter the Institution
  4. Enter the Aid Year in which you are processing.
  5. Select the Report Error Messages radio button
  6. Select PS Query from the Selection Tool dropdown menu
  7. For Query Name, enter or look up and select QCS_FA_UPD_ACAD_CAREER_TO_UGRD
  8. Select Edit Prompts and populate Institution and Aid Year
  9. For Field Name, select ‘Academic Career’ from the dropdown menu
  10. For Field Value, enter ‘UGRD’
  1. Select Run
  2. At the Process Scheduler Request page, select the SCC_POP_UPD check-box, then select the OK button to continue
  3. Back at the Population Selection Update page, note the Process Instance number assigned to the process -- use it to track the statuses of this process
  4. Select the Process Monitor hyperlink -- this step takes you to the Process List page
  5. At the Process List page, ensure your process goes to ‘Success’ and ‘Posted’
  6. Select the Details link then Message Log
  7. Confirm the total number of records read and the total number of records updated successfully are the same number of records
  8. The pop-update process is now complete.


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