Reviewing the ISIR Suspense Management Report Video
Purpose: Video explaining the process for reviewing the ISIR suspense management report
Audience: Financial Aid Counselor/Technician
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Laura Barnes
When getting the student not found message in the ISIR management screen, does it always mean that a student hasn't enrolled or applied to the college?
Kelly Forsberg
Hi Laura, Good question! Typically yes, when the 'Student Not Found' message is linked to the student, and also a max max level of 0, that means they have not applied for admission to the college. However, it is noteworthy that an ISIR with this message may also mean the student's online admission application may be in suspense too, so it is important to note the max match level with these messages, and review all the appropriate areas before moving on to the next student to review. But, yes, typically, these Student Not Found messages and max match level of 0 are due to not yet applying for admission to the college. -Kelly Forsberg, ctcLink Functional Trainer (Financial Aid)
Laura Barnes
Thank you!, One follow up question. If you have a max match of 40, due to a name change, does manually loading the ISIR correct this on the suspense record?
Kelly Forsberg
If there is a max match level of 40 due to a name change, and the ISIR is manually loaded, the "ISIR Bio Demo Mismatch" checklist will be assigned. The student will then have to provide documentation to the Financial Aid and/or the Student Records office to resolve the discrepancy. If the student's SSN/name passes the ISIR CPS SSA edits, however, the checklist can be resolved that way, as long as the records are updated in the Student Records office as well. Great questions! -Kelly
Laura Barnes
How do I resolve suspense files with a max match level of 20?
Kelly Forsberg
Hi Laura, I sent you a detailed email in response to your question. Thanks! -Kelly Forsberg