SF - Finance GL Integration
Purpose: This document is meant to help with month end balancing and the processing of the Second Journal Set between Student Financials and Finance. This process is often referred as SJS or Month End Playbook.
Audience: Student Financials and Finance Staff
Month End Playbook - Second Journal Set
The link below provides access to the Month End Playbook. It provides a basic guide for activities related to month end balancing and the Second Journal Set.
Budget, Accounting, and Reporting (BAR) Information
Purpose: This document is meant to help with SF to Finance Reconciliation.
Audience: Student Financials and Finance Staff
The Budget, Accounting and Reporting Council (BAR) manages and coordinates community and technical college budget-related policies and procedures, accounting, reporting and financial matters. BAR exists under the authority of the Business Affairs Commission (BAC) of the Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges (WACTC).
In addition to the main BAR Council, the BAR sub-team meets monthly to discuss and deliver varying topics. This is a forum for ctcLink users to share discoveries, issues, quirks, best practices, questions, business process options and whatever else might come up. As a community, we support each other by sharing experiences and identifying solutions. It's an informal community, everyone is invited and we welcome your participation! If you have a discovery or have developed an area of expertise, we encourage you to share with your colleagues.
A number of meeting recordings are available through the ctcLink Canvas course BAR SUB TEAM. Sign into the course and complete the user agreement. You can then chose meeting recordings by topic.
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