Most Commonly Used Finance ctcLink Queries
Purpose: Use this document as a resource for the most commonly used queries and their descriptions for the Finance in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance Staff
Note: Most of the following queries can be run in Query Viewer, but due to the size of some of the queries, some may have to be run in Schedule Query, for which you will need a Run Control ID to run the query.
Depending upon your security roles, you may have limited results. Hint: Try running the query first to HTML for a quick preview of the results.
For a complete list of all Queries which includes all pillar-areas, please see Most Used and Favorite Queries.
- QFS_GL_AM_ACCTG_LINE - AM Line Detail.
- Please see the Asset Management Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_AP_VOUCHER_PAYMENT_DATA - Voucher Payment Data.
- QFS_AP_VOUCHER_PAY_ON_HOLD - Supplier Outstanding Balance.
- QFS_AP_VOUCHER_TO_ACCTG_LINE - Voucher Dist to Accounting Line.
- QFS_AP_VCHR_ACCTG_LINE - Voucher Acctg Line Data.
- QFS_AP_VCH_BY_GL_ACCT - AP Vouchers by GL Account.
- QFS_AP_APY1408_RPT_DATA - Supplier Liability Aging report.
- QFS_AP_STALE_CHECKS - List of Unreconciled Checks.
- QFS_AP_PAYMENT_DETAIL - AP Payment Detail.
- QFS_AP_PAYMENT_ACTION - AP Payment Action Detail.
- Please see the Accounts Payable Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_AR_ITEM_DIST_ALL - Payments distributed to GL for the month which are items that are connected to an Invoice.
- QFS_AR_DIRECT_JOURNAL_PAYMENTS - Payments received that are not connected to an Invoice, received directly into ChartString.
- QFS_AR_PAYMENT_STATUS - Review all items by posting status.
- AR_DB_PAYMENTS - View incomplete payment worksheets.
- AR_DB_POSTING_ERRORS - View posting errors by type.
- QFS_GL_AR_ACCTG_LINE_EXCEPT - AR Accounting line exceptions.
- Please see the Billing & Accounts Receivable Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_GL_BI_ACCTG_LINE - Billing accounting line details.
- QFS_BI_INVOICES_BY_BU - Summary of invoices/totals.
- QFS_BI_BILLING_INVOICE_RPT - To & From Dates Summary.
- BILL_STATUS - Lists Bills NOT invoiced.
- BI_BILL_STATUS - Bills by Status, shows TEMP, RDY, NEW.
- Please see the Billing & Accounts Receivable Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_KK_BUDGET_OVERVIEW_OPR -List of operational summary.
- QFS_KK_BUDGET_OVERVIEW_OPR_DTL - Detailed budget overview information.
- QFS_KK_LEDGER_REV_CC - KK Budget Overview Ledger Rev (includes all funds).
- BFS_KK_B2AOP - Budget to Actual for Operational Depts (Query Report Viewer).
- BFS_KK_B2AGN - Budget to Actual for Grant Depts (Query Report Viewer).
- Please see the Commitment Control Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_GL_ACCT_ANALYSIS - High summary of the General Ledger Table/Trial Balance.
- QFS_GL_ACCOUNT_ANALYSIS - General Ledger Trial Balance detail that contains the Project and Activity fields.
- QFS_GL_JRNL_ACCT_ANALYSIS_POST - Journal analysis with optional criteria like the 'Source'.
- QFS_GL_JRNL_ERRORS - Lists all journals with errors.
- QFS_GL_SMARTER_REPORTS - View a list of all College SMARTER report queries.
- CTC_JRNL_LN_BY_ACCT - Journal Line by Account.
- Please see the General Ledger Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_EX_PCARD_DETAIL - P-Card line detail.
- QFS_AP_VCHR_ACCTG_LINE - AP voucher line detail.
- QFS_GL_EX_ACCTG_LINE - Travel or Expense accounting line detail.
- EX_ER_ALL_STATUS - Full Expense Report.
- QFS_GM_AWARDED_GRANTS - pulls from PI Proposal field.
- Please see the Grants & Projects Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_PC_PROJECT_RESOURCE_PYMNT - Detailed analysis of all transactions (will have the Project ID level with Activity transaction details. Results criteria. displays the Supplier ID/Name, POs & Voucher IDs, REQs, and User Field 5).
- QFS_PR_PROJ_BUD_EXP - Project Budget and Expenses. Filter by Expense GL Accounts (5XXXXXX) to review budget and expenditures.
- QFS_GL_ACCT_ANALYSIS - Trial Balance. High level summary level transaction data (Department ID & Time frame).
- QFS_GL_ACCOUNT_ANALYSIS - Detailed Project/Activity Transactions (Project ID & Time frame). Filter by specific Project ID, Department Number, or complete ChartString.
- QFS_GL_ACCTG_LN_JRNL_CHARTSTR - GL Acctg Line Journal Chartstr. Drills down to specific Journal ID, for example AP Voucher ID details.
- QFS_AP_VCHR_ACCTG_LINE - Voucher/Supplier Info.
- Please see the Grants & Projects Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_PO_PO_LINE_DETAIL Purchase Order History
- QFS_PO_PO_FINALIZED_BY_VOUCHER - PO Finalized by Voucher.
- QFS_PO_RECEIVABLE_ITEMS - PO Receivable Items.
- QFS_PO_VCHR_MATCH_DETAIL - POs and the Vouchers they have been linked to.
- QFS_PO_PO_WIP_ENCUMBRANCE_ACC - helps you see PO with encumbrance balance & GL ChartString.
- QFS_PO_REQ_NOT_SOURCED_TO_PO - Requisitions not sourced to a Purchase Order.
- QFS_PO_REQ_WIP - Requisitions work in process.
- QFS_PO_PO_WIP - Purchase Orders work in process.
- Please see the Purchasing Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_EX_TRAVEL_AUTH_NOT_CLOSED - Outstanding TA query.
- QFS_EX_CA_NOT_CLOSED - Outstanding CA query.
- QFS_EX_ER_NOT_CLOSED - Outstanding ER query.
- QFS_GL_EX_ACCTG_LINE- EX accounting lines.
- QFS_EX_CA_All_STATUS - Review Cash Advances.
- QFS_EX_ER_ALL_STATUS - Review Expense Reports.
- QFS_EX_TRAVEL_AUTH_ALL_STATUS - Review Travel Authorizations.
- Please see the Expenses Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
- QFS_AP_VCHR_ACCTG_LINE - Voucher Accounting line data.
- QFS_BK_BANK_STMT_DETAIL - Bank Statement detail.
- QFS_GL_ACCOUNT_ANALYSIS - General Ledger account analysis.
- QFS_GL_ACCT_ANALYSIS - General Ledger table/trial balance.
- QFS_GL_TR_ACCTG_LINE - Treasury accounting line detail.
- QFS_GL_TR_ACCTG_LINE_EXCEPT - Treasury accounting line exceptions.
- QFS_GL_TR_ACCTG_LINE_SUM - Treasury accounting line summary.
- QFS_SEC_USER_EMAIL_RTE_CNTRL - User ID email and route controls.
- QFS_TEST_USER_ROLES_BY_UNIT - Users by unit role for testing.
- TRA_ACCTG_LINE - Banking transaction accounting line.
- Please see the Banking and Cash Management Checklist & Process Steps Guide for additional queries and descriptions.
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