Finance Training Course Query List (1/28/2021)
Purpose: This document provides a list of queries that are mentioned in Finance Canvas training courses.
Audience: Finance staff.
Each foldable section below corresponds to a single Finance Canvas training course.
Within each foldable section, you'll find a list of hyperlinked query names, titles, and output samples. Click on the hyperlinked query name to open, in a new window, the Canvas course module that contains the query.
- CTC_CNV_ASSET_VALIDATION - Converted Asset Validation

- CTC_CNV_DEPR_VALIDATION - Depreciation Validation

This course does not contain any queries.


- QFS_AR_ITEM_DST_GL - AR Item Distribution GL

- QFS_AR_PAYMENTS_BI - AR Payment BI Report


- QFS_AR_PENDING_ITEMS - Pending AR items w/group info

- QFS_GL_AR_ACCTG_LINE - AR Accounting Line Detail

This course does not contain any queries.
- AR_CUSTOMER_ACTIVITY - AR_Customer_Activity

- CTC_AR_AGING_BY_CUST_NAME - AR Aging Sort by Customer Name

- CTC_JRNL_LN_PC_ACT - Journals and Project Resources

- CTC_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE - Query from Project Resource

- CTC_PR_BILLABLE - Billable Projects by BU

- CTC_PR_BILLED - Billable Projects by BU

- CTC_PR_OLT_ROWS - OLT rows in Proj Res


- QFS_AR_ITEM_DST_GL - AR Item Distribution GL

- QFS_GL_ACCT_ANALYSIS - GL Ledger Table/Trial Balance

- QFS_GL_ACCT_DETAILS - GL Ledger Table/Trial Balance

- QFS_GL_CAPC_ACCTG_LINE - CAPC Accounting Line Detail

- QFS_GL_CAPC_ACCTG_LINE_EXCEPT - CAPC Accounting Line Exception

- QFS_GL_CA_ACCTG_LINE - CA Accounting Line Detail

- QFS_GL_AC_ACCTG_LINE_SUM - CA Accounting Line Summary

- QFS_GL_LEDGER_FOR_PROJECT - Project query in ledger

- CTC_PR_OLT_ROWS - OLT rows in Proj Res

- CTC_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE - Query from Project Resource

- FG1004_HIGH_VALUE_PAYMENTS - High Value Payments

- FG1003_PAYMENT_TYPE_STATISTICS - Payment Type Statistics

- FG1000_PAYMENT_ACTIVITY - Gateway Payment Activity

- FIN3004_ACCOUNT_REGISTER - Account Register Report

- FIN3002_AUTORECON_ERRORS - AutoReconciliation Errors

- FIN3001_AUTORECON_EXCEPTIONS - AutoReconciliation Exceptions

- TRC1000_ACCOUNTING_ENTRIES - Treasury Accounting Entries

- TRX3008_RESETS - Resets by Period

This course does not contain any queries.
This course does not contain any queries.
This course does not contain any queries.
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
This course does not contain any queries.
This course does not contain any queries.
- CTC_CO_GRANT_EXP_RPT - Grant Expenditure Report CEMLI

- CTC_CO_GRANT_EXP_RPT1 - Grant Expenditure Report CEMLI

- QFS_CO_GRANT_BY_EMPLID - Grant Expenditure by Employee

- QFS_CO_GRANT_EXP_RPT - Grant Expenditure Report

- QFS_CO_HR_ACCTG_LINE_EE_DIST - HR Acct Dist Grants Use

- QFS_CO_HR_ACCT_LINE_PAY_PERIOD - HR Acct PayCheck Grants Use

- QCS_SF_STDNT_GRP_PAYMENT_DETAILS - How Student Payments are split
- QFS_KK_OPEN_ENCUMBRANCE - POs with Open Encumbrance
- CTC_JRNL_LN_PC_ACT - Journals and Project Resources
- CTC_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE - Query from Project Resource
- CTC_PR_BILLABLE - Billable Projects by BU
- CTC_PR_BILLED - Billable Projects by BU
- CTC_PR_OLT_ROWS - OLT rows in Proj Res
- QFS_GL_LEDGER_FOR_PROJECT - Project query in ledger
This course does not contain any queries.
This course does not contain any queries.
This course does not contain any queries.
This course does not contain any queries.
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