Purchasing Checklist & Process Steps Guide

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference to assist in the standard or end-to-end processes in chronological order for a specific Finance Module.

Audience:  Finance Staff

The following spreadsheet below provides the standard key processes to Purchasing, such as: Purchasing initial setup and security roles. Requisitions, Purchase Orders and Receipts entry and processing, P-Card upload and reconciliation.

Purchasing Checklist and Process Steps Guide

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Purchasing Checklist

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Purchasing Security Roles

Role:  ZZ Supplier Entry - Access to add/update and review Suppliers.

Role:  ZZ Requisition Entry - Access to add/update requisitions, budget checking and reviewing budget check exceptions.

Role:  ZZ Requisition Processing - Access to closing and re-opening requisitions, as well as to the Requester's Workbench which provides a one-stop page to process multiple requisitions at once, geared towards a power user handling a large volume of requisitions.  Allows the user to budget check, approve, close and re-open groups of requisitions.

Role:  ZZ Requisition Approval - Access to approve requisitions.

Role:  ZZ Purchase Order Entry - Access to add/update purchase orders and express purchase orders, budget checking, reviewing budget check exceptions, viewing the document status (related reqs/vchrs/pymnts), staging/sourcing requests (batch sourcing of reqs to po's), and the Sourcing Workbench.

Role:  ZZ Purchase Order Processing - Access to dispatching, printing, closing and re-opening purchase orders, as well as to the Buyer's Workbench which provides a one-stop page to process multiple PO's at once.  Allows the user to view the PO activity summary, PO accounting entries, and receipts.  Provides access to the PO auto-sourcing feature.

Role:  ZZ Purchasing Approval - Access to approve and edit purchase orders.

Role:  ZZ Receipt Entry - Access to select a PO and create a Receipt to show that ordered goods and/or services were delivered.

Role:  ZZ Receipt Processing - Access to process, review, close, inspect and accrue receipts, as well as access the Receiver Workbench to cancel and close multiple receipts.

Role:  ZZ RTV Entry - Access to dispatch, print and reconcile return to vendor transactions.

Role:  ZZ Purchasing Local Config - Access to pcard configuration and access rights, common definitions and product related procurement options.

Role:  ZZ Purchasing Period End - Access to purchasing budget year end PO Rollover process and reports.

Role:  ZZ Purchasing Reporting - Allows staff to generate system reports to view account payable, procurement contract, procurement card, purchase order, receipt, requisition, and supplier data.

Role:  ZD Purchasing WorkCenter - Allows access to the Buyer WorkCenter to analyze, review, and manage requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, contracts, and related data.

Role:  ZD Purchasing Inquiry - Allows inquiry access to accounts payable info, procurement contracts, purchase orders, receipts, requisitions, and suppliers.

Role:  ZZ Procurement Card Processing - Allows access to procurement card processing, including loading pcard files and staging pcard transactions for the AP voucher build process.

Role:  ZZ Procurement Card Recon - Access to reconcile, review disputes, and review transactions of procurement cards that are assigned to the cardholder.

Role:  CC Administrator - Procurement card access rights:  Review statement, access reports, reconcile transactions (set status to staged, verified, or approved and update distribution), modify transactions (in staged, verified or approved status), modify error transactions, unmask card numbers, maintain cardholder profiles (add card information, proxies and distribution), and use pcards on purchasing transactions.

Role:  CC Approver - Procurement card access rights:  Review statement, access reports, reconcile transactions (set status to staged, verified, or approved and update distribution), and modify transactions (in staged or verified status).

Role:  CC Reconciler - Procurement card access rights:  Review statement, access reports, reconcile transactions (set status to staged or verified and update distribution), modify transactions (in staged or verified status) and use pcards on purchasing transactions.

Role:  CC Reviewer - Procurement card access rights:  Review statement and access reports.

Role:  ZZ Procurement Contract Entry - Access to enter, edit, dispatch, create releases, and stage PO's of procurement contracts.

Role: ZZ_AWE_ADMIN_xxx (xxx=location code) - Access to Approval Workflow Engine (AWE) settings, including monitoring and managing approval routing.

Role:  ZD_TRY_PURCHASING - Query security to access purchasing data.

Role:  ZD_QRY_PURCHASING_HIGHSENS - Query security to access purchasing data that is highly sensitive (banking).


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