9.2 Adding a New P-Card in ctcLink
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to add a new procurement card and resolve missing card information in a staged Visa transaction in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD Purchasing Local Config Inq
- ZZ Purchasing Local Config
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
When adding a new card to the ctcLink system the following details are required:
- A person to attach this new card to and a way to identify them in ctcLink (EMPLID, First Name, Last Name);
- The card expiration date.
The following details are also recommended:
- A default distribution to assign to the card;
- People who should be Reviewers, Reconcilers or Approvers of this card (assuming you both will be Administrators for the card)
Prior starting this process, all necessary security roles need to be applied to the appropriate user profile, such as CC_REVIEWER, CC_RENCONCILER, CC_APPROVER and CC_ADMINISTRATOR.
Select the Display Unmasked Card Number checkbox to view the entire Procurement or Card Number(s).
![Display Unmasked Card Number example](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/007/846/390/original/60f406f2-5f2b-4f16-bd9d-945f5700cb6c.png)
Adding a New Card to ctcLink
Navigation: Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Definitions > Cardholder Profile
- The Cardholder Profile page displays.
- Enter Search Criteria to identify your cardholder.
- Select Search. If more than one cardholder matches your Search Criteria, the Search Results section of the page populates. Select the appropriate Employee ID.
If unable to find an Employee ID name or number, please make sure the correct security roles have been assigned (such as: CC_RECONCILER).
- The Personal Data tab displays.
- Select the Card Data tab.
- The Card Data tab displays. Use it to display employee’s profile as well as the cards attached to this particular employee under the Credit Card tab.
- If there are no cards listed, select the Add a New Row [+] icon to add additional cards. new card information can be entered into the various Card Data fields.
- Enter Business Unit.
- Enter Card Issuer = "JPMC".
- Enter Card Number.
- Enter Expiry Date. This is a required field and it is for reporting and is designed to help you identify and track cards close to expiration. A future date (1/1/2222) can be entered in order to not micromanage data.
- Enter Card Type.
- Date Issued is required (must be prior to any transactions yet NOT back dated if at all possible).
- Select the Add a New Row [+] icon to add additional cards.
- Select the Additional Information tab.
- The Additional Information tab displays.
- Select the Proxies link.
- The Assign Proxies window is used to assign roles to various users for a specific card. After the new User ID has been entered into the appropriate field, the Role field will appear. The Role dropdown menu will reveal the appropriate roles for that specific User ID: Reviewer, Reconciler, Administrator and/or Approver.
- Select the Add a New Value [+] icon to add additional lines if necessary.
- Select OK.
In the Assign Proxies screen, checking the 'Requester Default' or 'Buyer Default' boxes will automatically update the user's Requester or Buyer Setup profile to default to Override with the specific Procurement Card.
The Assign Proxies screen and Buyer/Requester Setup pages are synchronized or 'linked' together.
Warning: If the default boxes are checked, new REQs or POs entered will override with the Procurement Card method. See example below:
- The Assign Proxies window disappears.
- Select Default Distrib.
- The Default Accounting Distribution window appears. Enter all appropriate information into the various fields. In order to save previous work, simply specify an Account value in the Account field.
- Select OK.
- The Default Accounting Distribution window disappears.
- Select Save.
- Section complete.
Running the Load Statement Process
Please refer to the QRG Uploading Procurement Card (P Card) Statement for further instructions.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Adding a New P-Card in ctcLink. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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