PO "Review Change History" Screen
Purpose: Use this as a reference how to view changes for a PO change order number using ctcLink.
Audience: Buyer's / Finance - Purchasing
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- ZD Accounts Payable Inquiry
- ZD Purchasing Inquiry
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Change Orders are created manually or automatically when a dispatched PO requires modifications that affect the supplier's shipment to the company. After the change orders are created, they must be approved, if necessary, and dispatched to the supplier.
The following explains how to view the changes for a selected change order number since the last dispatch of the purchase or change order.
PO "Review Change History" Screen
Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Manage Change Orders > Review PO Change Order History
- The Change History search page displays. Enter the desired information:
- Business Unit.
- PO Number.
- Optional Change Order Number.
- Select the Search button to review results are displayed at the bottom of the page. Use the search results to select your desired change order by Business Unit, PO Number, or Change Order Number.
- Change Order Number column data identify the batches of changes that you make to a requisition. In this example, in the Change Order Number column, select 1.

- The Review PO Change Order History page displays with 4 different tabs of information. Let's review each tab:
Use the Batch tab to review purchase order batch changes.

Use the Header Changes tab to reivew the purchase order header change information stored in the PO_CHNG_HDR table.
Use the Line Changes tab to review purchase order line change information stored in the PO_CHNG_LINE table.
Use the Ship Changes tab to review purchase order schedule change information stored in the PO_CHNG_SHIP table.
Use the Next in List and Previous in List buttons to view the other associated PO ID Change Orders.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to PO "Review Change History" Screen. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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