Closing a Requisition
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for closing a requisition in ctcLink.
Audience: Requesters / Purchasing staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Requisition Processing
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Conditions to qualify a Requisition to be Closed
PO Status: The close process verifies that the purchase orders to which the requisition lines are sourced have a Completed status.
Close Days: The close process verifies that the number of close days defined for the requisition PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit have elapsed.
Note: The Close Days field is configured on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Definition page and specifies the number of days beyond a requisition's last activity date during which the requisition cannot be closed. The close days value creates a grace period during which you can change the requisition before the requisition closes. If you leave the Close Days field blank, the system uses zero close days.
Cancel Days: The value for the Cancel Days field works in the same way as the value for the Close Days field, but for canceled requisitions. The close process does not change the line status from Canceled to Complete. However, it does change the header status to Complete. The requisition line status remains Canceled so that you can distinguish canceled lines from closed lines.
Activity Date: The Close Requisitions process adds criteria, such as close days and cancel days, to the last modified date and time on the requisition Activity Log page. Then the process compares the resulting date to the Close Requisitions process run date (current date) to determine whether it can close the requisition.
Distribution Line Status: The close process verifies that the requisition distribution line status is set to X (canceled) or P (processed). A requisition has a status of P after it is sourced to a purchase order.
Use the Requester’s Workbench to close a single requisition or to select multiple requisitions to close at the same time. The Requester’s Workbench provides details if a requisition is not eligible to be closed (unlike the Close Requisitions batch process). To setup your Requester's Workbench, please see QRG Using Requester's Workbench.
Note: The Requester’s Workbench can also be used Approve/Unapprove, Update, Cancel, and Inquire about requisitions.
Navigation: Purchasing > Requisitions > Requester’s Workbench
- The Requester’s Workbench - Filter Options page displays.
- If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button.
- NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA040_REQWB (College, Process).
- The Requester's Workbench Filter Options page will open. Enter search criteria and select Search.
Use the Search Criteria fields to refine your search or leave blank for all values. Also utilize the Status, Sourcing, or Encumbrance options.

- The Requester’s Workbench page will open and requisitions will be listed based on the search parameters.
- If a new Run Control ID was added, enter a description in the *Description field as this is a required field.
Options are available that will produce various details;
- Clicking on the Requisition ID number will open the Requisition Inquiry screen so that requisition details can be reviewed.
- Clicking on the Document Status icon will open the Document Status screen which will list any associated documents (purchase orders, receipts, vouchers, and payments).
- To select requisitions, check the box next to the requisition number. Select All or Clear All options are available if needed.
The following Action buttons are available if not 'grayed-out';
- Approve - Click this button to change the status of the selected requisitions to Approved.
- Unapprove - Click this button to change the status of the selected requisitions to Open.
- Cancel - Click to cancel the selected requisitions.
- Close - Select to close the selected requisitions from further processing.
- Budget Check - Click to initiate the budget check process for the selected requisitions. When you click the Budget Check button, the Processing Results page appears. Use this page to review the selected requisitions and select to proceed with processing.
- Budget Pre-Check - Click to check the budget only. This button enables you to check whether a budget exists for a requisition before the amount is committed to the pre-encumbrance and makes it possible to validate documents in work-in-progress mode without affecting budget balances. The statuses of Provisionally Valid or Error on the transaction pages indicate whether a budget is available.
The Action buttons availability is based on the user’s User Preferences-Requisition Authorization settings.
The Go To options at the bottom of the screen, provide access to the following:
- Set filter options - Click to return to the Requester’s Workbench - Filter Options page to modify the search parameters.
- View Processing Results - Click to access the Requester’s Workbench - Processing Results page, where you can view the results of the actions that you have performed.
- Save - Click the button to save the search criteria that generated the list of requisitions on the Requester’s Workbench page.

- Select the Requisition ID(s) that you want to close from further processing.
- In the Action menu area, select the Close button to navigate to the results screen.
- The Requester's Workbench Processing Results page displays.
- A 'Not Qualified' and 'Qualified' box will display.
Requisitions with this message can be overridden and closed:
- The requisition may not be closed because it has not been fully sourced.
Requisitions with either of these messages cannot be overridden and closed:
- The Requisition is associated with a Purchase Order that has not been closed.
- Cannot close REQ with unchecked or error budget status on header
- The requisition is on Hold from Further Processing.
- If the requisition is listed in the Qualified box, select the Proceed Yes button. A message will display asking whether to continue with the close process. Select Yes to continue or choose No to cancel. OR If the requisition is listed in the Not Qualified box, click the Log icon next to the requisition number to view why the requisition was not qualified for close.
Note: You can override unqualified requisitions and make them available for closing, by selecting the requisition ID and clicking the Override button. To give a user the authority to override non-qualified requisitions, click the Override Non-Qualified requisitions for Close check box on the User Preferences - Procurement: Requisition Authorizations page.
- After the close process completes, the Requester’s Workbench will reappear. The status of the qualified requisition(s) should read "Complete".
- Next run the Budget Check process. The closed requisition(s) will remain selected. Select the Budget Check button to run a final budget check.
- The Processing Results screen will display and the closed requisition will be listed in the Qualified box. Click on Proceed Yes.
- A message will display asking whether to continue with the budget check requisitions process, click Yes to proceed or No to cancel. The final budget check will liquidate any remaining Pre-Encumbrance.
- Section complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Close Requisitions using the Requester's Workbench. This link will open in a new tab/window.
Use the Requester’s Workbench to close a requisition line. The Requester’s Workbench provides details if a requisition is not eligible to be closed (unlike the Close Requisitions batch process). To setup your Requester's Workbench, please see QRG Using Requester's Workbench.
Navigation: Purchasing > Requisitions > Requester’s Workbench
- The Requester’s Workbench - Filter Options page displays.
- If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button.
- NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA040_REQWB (College, Process).
- Or, add a new Run Control ID by clicking on the Add a New Value tab. Input a Workbench ID, then click Add.
- The Requester's Workbench Filter Options page will open. Scroll over to right of the page to select the Requisition ID's Lines icon.
- The Requisition Line displays. Optional to select (or clear all) requisition lines.
- Select the Return to Requester's Workbench link.
- The Requester's Workbench main page displays with the selected REQ ID(s) selected.
Action options for individual lines associated with the requisition;
- Approve - Click this button to change the status of the selected requisitions to Approved.
- Unapprove - Click this button to change the status of the selected requisitions to Open.
- Cancel - Click to cancel the selected requisitions.
- Close - Select to close the selected requisitions from further processing.
- Budget Check - Click to initiate the budget check process for the selected requisitions. When you click the Budget Check button, the Processing Results page appears. Use this page to review the selected requisitions and select to proceed with processing.
- Budget Pre-Check - Click to check the budget only. This button enables you to check whether a budget exists for a requisition before the amount is committed to the pre-encumbrance and makes it possible to validate documents in work-in-progress mode without affecting budget balances. The statuses of Provisionally Valid or Error on the transaction pages indicate whether a budget is available.
The Action buttons availability is based on the user’s User Preferences-Requisition Authorization settings.
- Select the Close button to process the selected Requisition line(s) closed.
- The Processing Results page displays qualified REQ IDs. Select the Process Yes button to run the close process. A message window displays to continue to Close Reqs, select Yes to continue.

The Requester's Workbench displays with the updated REQ ID status of 'Complete'. Next step is to run the final Budget Check process.
Please see the following QRG Running the Requisition Close Process.
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