Using Receiver Workbench
Purpose: The Receiver Workbench provides users with the ability to analyze, review, and manage receipts in a workbench. The user can define the criteria to search for receipts to review, select those into the workbench, perform validation and identify the receipts that are qualified for further processing.
Audience: Purchasing staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Receipt Processing
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Using the Receiver Workbench
Navigation: Purchasing > Receipts > Receiver Workbench
- The Receiver Workbench search page displays.
- Enter an existing Run Control ID or select the Add a New Value tab.
- In the Workbench ID field, create a name for the workbench.
- Select Add.

- The Filter Options page will open.
- If adding a new Run Control ID, enter a description in the Description field. It is a required field.
- Use the available fields to customize your search if needed.
- Select Search at the bottom of the page.
- The Receiver Workbench page will open. Use the outer, vertical scroll bar if needed to see the entire screen.

Actions are listed at the bottom of the Receiver Workbench page:
- Interface Receipt - to submit the Process Receipts jobs to the process scheduler for the selected receipts.
- Receipt Accrual - to submit the Receipt Accrual process to the process scheduler for the selected receipts.
- Cancel Receipt - to cancel the selected receipts.
Close Receipt - to perform close processing on the selected receipts. To qualify for closure, the receipts should have:
- Process Complete equal to "Yes" after the Process Receipt job completed
- Asset Management Move status equal to “Moved” or “N/A”
- Receipt Match Status equals to "Matched" if Matching is required for the receipt line.
- Re-open Receipt - Use the Re-open Receipt to reopen closed receipts. Receipts that have been canceled do not qualify for reopening.
Go To options:
- Process Monitor - Use the Process Monitor to view the status of the submitted receipt process.
- Process Request Options - Use the Process Request Options to set the run control and processing action specific values.
If selecting the Close Receipt action listed above, the Process Request Options page will display.
- The Server Name will default, so a selection is not required.
- The Receipt Close Delay Days is used to indicate the minimum number of days that must pass since a receipt was last updated to make it eligible for closing and an entry is not required.
- Check the Select option next to the receipt(s). There are Select All and Clear All options at the bottom of the Select column if needed.
- Choose an Action.
- The Processing Results Options page will open and entering a Server Name is not necessary. Select OK.

Note: Users can close non-qualified receipts if the security setting Override Non-Qualified Receipt for Close field is enabled in their User Preferences. This is configured on the Receiver/RTV Setup link in the User Preference - Procurement page.
- The Processing Results page will open and list which receipts are qualified and which are not qualified before submitting them for final processing.
- Select the Log Message Detail icon to access the Processing Log page. This page is a log for the selected receipts that are not qualified for the previously selected action. A message will display describing why the selected receipt is not qualified.
- Select Proceed Yes or No to continue processing qualified receipts.
- After processing is completed, Select the Return to Receiver Workbench link.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. This video includes audio and closed captioning. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Customizing the Purchasing: WorkCenter & Workbenches training session. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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