Add New PO Receipt
Purpose: Use this document to create a new PO receipt in ctcLink.
Audience: Buyer's, Receiver's, Finance - Purchasing staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Receipt Entry
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Add New PO Receipt
Navigation: Purchasing > Receipts > Add/Update Receipts
- The Receiving search page displays. Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter Business Unit.
- Allow Receipt Number to default to "NEXT". The system will assign a unique receipt number later.
- Select Add.

- The Select Purchase Order page displays. Enter or lookup search criteria to identify your purchase order.
- Select the Search button.
- The Retrieved Rows section of the page populates below. Select the Sel checkbox for your purchase order.
- Select OK.
- The Maintain Receipts - Receiving page displays. Select the Header Details link. The Header Details window displays. The required header details fields will be filled out automatically if you are creating a PO Receipt, which is what this QRG is guiding you to do. Entering all other fields are optional. Use this page to view and/or enter receipt header information.
- Select OK to close the Header Details window.
OPTIONAL: Select the Header Comments/Attachments link to open the Receipt Header Comments window. Enter comments and/or attach your associated document(s). Select the OK button to close the Receipt Header Comments window.
OPTIONAL: Select the Activities link to open the Receipt Activity window. Use this page to add or review activities associated with the receipt header, including Due Date and Comments. This is used to track activities/tasks that may be associated with the receipt. This also works as a reminder to carry out activities (depending on your college business process) that should be carried out once the goods are received. Select the OK button to close the Receipt Activity window.
- The Receipt Activity page disappears. Select the expand arrow icon expand the Header section. The Supplier ID and Ship To Location will default from PO selected. If not, enter Supplier ID and Supplier Location.
- Enter Receipt Qty and Recv UOM in the Receipts Lines tab. Use the Receipt Qty and Recv UOM fields to enter the quantity delivered and the UOM in which it was received. When you enter the receipt quantity for a line, the system calculates the Accept Qty value by subtracting the rejected quantity from the receipt quantity.
- The Accept Qty field displays the quantity of items accepted. When you enter a Receipt Qty value for a line, the system calculates the accepted quantity by subtracting the rejected quantity from the receipt quantity.
- Select the Details icon link.
- The Receipt Line Details for Line 1 window displays. This page formats the information that you see here and on the subsequent tabs in a single long page format. Use the Expand All and Collapse All links to review detailed information. Select the Return button to close the window.
- The Maintain Receipts page displays. In the Receipt Lines section, select the More Details tab. Use it to enter or view information such as:
- Whether inspection is required (checkbox inspect and enter inspect Qty).
- The quantity and action for item rejects.
- RMA information.
- The received quantity less the quantity of items rejected and returned.
- The allocation type for the receipt.
- The Ship To location.
- Optional to enter Reject Qty, Reject Action, and Reject Reason.
- Select Save.
- The system displays a message that the receipt is being updated. If you carry out additional processing, you need to reopen the receipt in the Update mode. Select the OK (or Cancel) button.
The system may provide additional warnings messages to help verify action.
- Notice that the system generates a receipt ID for the receipt that you created and the Receipt Status has been updated. Values are:
- Closed (closed receipt)
- Hold (hold receipt)
- Moved (moved to destination)
- Open (open)
- Received (fully received)
- Canceled (canceled)
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Add New PO Receipt. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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