Running the Requisition Close Batch Process
Purpose: Use this document as a guide to close requisitions using a Batch Process in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance Staff, Purchasing Staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Requisition Processing
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Use the Close Requisitions process to close requisitions that are fully canceled or fully sourced and no longer need to be modified. When you run the Close Requisitions process, it reconciles requisition-related settings and statuses to change the status of applicable requisitions to C (completed).
The benefit of this status change is that completed requisitions no longer appear in your list of available requisitions when you access requisition pages in update or display mode. These completed requisitions are also removed from the view in many other situations in which the available options have been set to exclude completed or canceled requisitions. Removing these requisitions from these prompts improves system performance and decreases the time required to find requisitions that you must modify.
If commitment control is enabled, the Close Requisitions process also sets the budget header and line statuses, the KK_CLOSE_FLAG option, and PROCESS_MANUAL_CLOSE option accordingly so that the Commitment Control Budget Processor process (FS_BP) can liquidate pre-encumbrance budget amounts for outstanding requisitions.
Although the Close Requisitions process is optional and you can run it at any time, you should run the process at the end of each month to help improve the efficiency of your requisitioning process. Schedule the Close Requisitions process to run at an interval of your choosing using the ctcLink Process Scheduler or run it manually using the Close Requisitions page.
Use the Close Requisitions page to run the Close Requisitions process and produce the Requisition Reconciliation report.
Run the Close Requisition Process
Navigation: Purchasing > Requisitions > Reconcile Requisitions > Close Requisitions
- The Close Requisitions search page displays.
- If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button.
- NOTE: Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA020_EX_PAYCYCLE (College, process).
Use the Close Requisition page to run the Close a Requisitions process and produce the Requisition Reconciliation report.
Note: To close requisitions, they must be first fully sourced to a PO and that PO should be fully sourced into a Receipt, then a Voucher and a Payment
OR the Requisition must be Canceled (click on the red X on top right of the Requisition page next to the Status Field).
Once the Requisition is fully sourced or Canceled, you can run the Req Close process.
The Close Requisitions page displays.
- To close all eligible requisitions, select "1 Bus Unit" in Requisition Run Option.
- Enter your college Business Unit in the Business Unit Field.
- You can leave the Chartfield Criteria blank, this is optional.
- Accounting Date for Action can be current date.
- You can check Update Budget Date Equal to Accounting Date (an optional checkbox which aligns the budget date to the specified accounting date for action).
Use the ChartField Criteria group section to select requisitions for processing based on ChartField values. This option is useful if you are using commitment control and want to process requisitions based on ChartField values.
- Select Run.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- Please refer to the Process Schedule Request steps for further instructions.
- From the Process List, you can select PO_REQRQ and then select OK.
Optional to run a Close Requisition Report [PORQ009], the Close Requisitions [PO_REQRCON], or both the Report and Close Requisitions Process [PO_REQRQ].
Process complete.
Verify Closed Requisition
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD Purchasing Inquiry
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Purchasing > Requisitions > Review Requisition Information > Requisitions
- Use the Requisition Inquiry page to search for the Requisition and check the "requisition status".
- The Status should show “Complete”.
Process complete.
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