Batch Dispatch Purchase Orders
Purpose: Use this as a reference to dispatch multiple Purchase Orders (POs) using a Batch process in ctcLink.
Audience: Buyer's / Finance - Purchasing
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Purchase Order Processing
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Use the Dispatch POs page to run the PO Dispatch/Print process and dispatch purchase orders, run the Email process, or run the PO Dispatch & Email multi-process job.
Batch Dispatch Purchase Orders
Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Dispatch POs
- The Dispatch POs search page displays.
- If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button.
- NOTE: Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA020_DISPATCH_POS (College, process).
- The Dispatch POs page displays. In the Process Request Parameter section, enter the Business Unit.
- Enter or lookup valid field values to dispatch one Purchase Order or multiple Purchase Orders, such as:
- Enter PO ID or select the Select Purchase Order link to open up a Search Criteria window. Select PO number and then select OK.
- Date range using From Date and Though Date.
- Supplier ID.
- Buyer.
- Optional to select a specific PO Status using the Statuses to Include section. Select by:
- Approved.
- Dispatched.
- Pending Cancel.
- Use the Dispatch Methods to Include group box to select which dispatch methods to include in this run of the process. Selected values are only used as a part of the data selection criteria. To change the method by which the purchase order is to be dispatched, you must modify the dispatch method on the Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order page.
- From the Miscellaneous Options group box, select the applicable Chartfields value from the drop-down menu:
- Select Valid Chartfields to process only purchase orders with distribution lines whose Chartfields are identified as Valid. (PO_LINE_DISTRIB.CHARTFIELD_STATUS = 'V').
- Select Recycled and Valid Chartfields to process purchase orders regardless of whether the Chartfields are valid or recycled.
- Select Recycled Chartfields to process only purchase orders with distribution lines whose Chartfields are identified as Recycled. (PO_LINE_DISTRIB.CHARTFIELD_STATUS = 'R').
- From the Miscellaneous Options group box, select the Change Orders value from the drop-down menu:
- Select Changed Orders to process only purchase orders that have been changed.
- Select Changed and UnChanged Orders to process changed and unchanged purchase orders.
- Select UnChanged Orders to process only purchase orders that have never been changed.
- If you select to dispatch changed orders in the Change Orders field, the Print Changes Only option becomes available. Select to dispatch only the changes to the purchase order, rather than the entire purchase order.
- If you create the purchase order from a contract with the Release To Single PO Only option selected, select this option to have the system send only the latest changes to the supplier.
- Select the Print PO Item Description option to print the item description from the Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order page, instead of from the Purchasing Attributes page. The item description stored on the purchase order is in the base language and may have been modified on the purchase order.
- Keep all other fields as defaulted. Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request page will display. Please refer to the Process Schedule Request steps for final instructions.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Batch Dispatch Purchase Orders. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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