Processing Purchase Order Rollover

Purpose:  To bring Purchase Orders forward to the new fiscal year if there are any unused encumbrance balances remaining.

Audience: Purchasing staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Purchasing Period End

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

The rollover process helps identify purchase orders that have remaining balances and provides a method to update old year lines and generate new year distribution rows.

Purchase Order Eligibility:

Purchase Orders Cannot Be:

  • Canceled 
  • On Hold
  • In Process
  • Awaiting Budget Check

Purchase Order Distributions Cannot Be:

  • Canceled 

Helpful Navigational Hints:

  • From the PO Rollover Workbench, able to run an Exception Report
  • From the Budget Year End Processing menu, able to run the PO Rollover Activity Report

Processing Purchase Order Rollover

Navigation:  varies; see below.

Two Methods of Rollover

Keep Prior Year Encumbrances Closed:  Liquidates any remaining encumbrance in prior budget period and creates new distributions and encumbrance entries in the new period.

Keep Prior Year Encumbrances Open:  Leaves the existing/prior year encumbrance unchanged and creates new distributions and encumbrance entries for the new period.

Example of Roll Methods

Purchase Order in 2016 10 EA @ $10 = $100
Voucher in 2016 7 EA @ $10 = $70
Remaining Encumbrance = $30
Liquidate and Roll Keep PY Encumbrance Open
2016 Enc Reduced to $0 2016 Enc Remains $30
2017 Enc is $30 2017 Enc is $30

PO Rollover View Flow Chart

Finding Purchase Orders

Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Budget Year End Processing > Request PO Roll View

  1. The Request PO Roll View page displays.
  2. Enter Business Unit.
  3. Enter other search criteria as needed.
  4. Select Run.  Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
Request P O Roll View page

Selecting Purchase Orders

Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Budget Year End Processing > PO Rollover Workbench

  1. The PO Rollover Workbench page displays.
  2. Select Purchase Order(s).
  3. Select Rollover Method:
    1. PY Encum Open:  Select to keep the prior year remaining encumbrances open for the selected PO.
    2. PY Encum Close:  Select to close the prior year remaining encumbrances for the selected PO. If you used the PY Encum Open button to check selected lines, you can undo the selection using this button.
  4. Select Other Option:
    1. Hold from Rollover:  Select to hold the selected PO from rolling over. PO in hold status are not qualified for PO rollover 1 or PO rollover 2 processing.
    2. Release Hold:  Select to release the selected PO from Hold status. Only PO with a Hold status are updated after selecting Save. The lines should be available for selection on the PO rollover page.
  5. Select Save.
P O Rollover Workbench page

Choosing Prior Year Encumbrance Close Method

Prior Year Encumbrance Close Method
  1. On the PO Rollover Workbench page, select PO.
  2. Select PY Encum Close.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Roll Status will change to "Pending" and PY Encum Open is "N".
P O Rollover Workbench page
Step 1:  Rolling Purchase Orders - Rollover 1

Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Budget Year End Processing > Request PO Rollover1

  1. The Request PO Rollover1 page displays.
  2. Enter From Date and To Date.
  3. Enter new Budget Date.
  4. Finalize Requisitions option is available for eligible documents. This will process PO previously set to Pending on the Rollover workbench.
  5. Selecting Finalize Requisitions will liquidate pre-encumbrance amount and Requisition is not re-opened for sourcing.
  6. Select Run.  Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for instructions.
Request P O Rollover 1 page
Step 2: Run Budget Check

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Purchase Order Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Budget Check

  1. The Budget Check page displays.
  2. Enter Description.
  3. Enter Business Unit.
  4. Enter PO ID.
  5. Select Run.  Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
  6. Encumbrance will be liquidated from PY.  Pre-encumbrance is also liquidated from PY.
Budget Check page
Step 3: Rolling Purchase Orders - Rollover 2

Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Budget Year End Processing > Request PO Rollover2

  1. The Request PO Rollover2 page displays.  It creates a new PO distribution row with a new budget date specified in Rollover 1 process.
  2. Rollover 2 details:
    1. Requisition line is no longer associated with the rolled distribution
    2. PO row is inserted with the remaining amount under the new budget date
  3. Enter Business Unit.
  4. Enter PO Number.
  5. Select Run.  Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.


Request P O Rollover 2 page
Step 4: Budget Check Rolled PO

Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Budget Check

  1. The Budget Check page displays.
  2. Enter Description.
  3. Enter Business Unit.
  4. Enter PO ID.
  5. Select Run.  Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
  6. The rolled encumbrance appears in the new budget year.
Budget Check page

Choosing Prior Year Encumbrance Open Method

Prior Year Encumbrance Open Method

Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Budget Year End Processing > PO Rollover Workbench

  1. The PO Rollover Workbench displays.
  2. Select your purchase order.
  3. Select PY Encum Open.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Roll Status will change to "Pending" and PY Encum Open is “Y”.
P O Rollover Workbench page
Step 1: Rolling Purchase Orders - Roll Open Encumbrances

Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Budget Year End Processing > Request PO Roll Open Encum

This will process PO’s in pending status that were marked “Keep PY Encumbrances Open” on the workbench. Finalize requisition option is not available with this method.

  1. The Request PO Roll Open Encum page displays.
  2. Enter Business Unit.
  3. Enter PO Number.
  4. Enter From Date.
  5. Enter To Date.
  6. Enter new Budget Date.
  7. Select Run.  Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
Request P O Open Encum
Step 2: Run Budget Check

Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Budget Check

Roll Open Encumbrances details:

  • New distribution rows are inserted
  • PO header is updated with new accounting date and is marked Not Budget Checked
  • Prior period encumbrances are now locked.
  1. The Budget Check page displays.
  2. Enter Description.
  3. Enter Business Unit.
  4. Enter PO ID.
  5. Select Run.  Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
Budget Check page
  1. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above.  This video includes audio and closed captioning. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to access the Purchase Order Rollover Process work session. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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