Override DL Bio Demo Information
Purpose: Use this document as a reference on how to override the direct loan bio demo information.
Audience: Financial Aid staff
Override DL Bio Demo Information
Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Override Loan Application Data
- Enter the desired ID.
- Enter the Institution.
- Enter the Aid Year.
- Select the Search button.

Use the Direct Loan Name page to view the current name information on a Direct Loan record. This page is view only.

- Select the Direct Loan Phone tab.

The Direct Loan Phone page displays the current telephone number for the borrower. The telephone number originates from Campus Community and is displayed until you select the Override Phone check box.
Use the Override Phone check box to override the current phone number on the loan record only. Selecting this check box clears and activates the Telephone field.
If you override this telephone number, future adjustments to Campus Community information will not update this field.
If you clear this check box, the system reinserts the telephone number originating from Campus Community.
- Select the Override Phone option. Use the Telephone field to enter the new telephone number.
- Enter the desired information into the Telephone field.
- Select the Direct Loan Address tab.

Use the Direct Loan Address page to review the mailing address. You cannot change the address on this page. Access the Campus Community page to change the address.
- Select the Direct Loan Email tab.

Use the Direct Loan Email page to override the email address on the Direct Loan record.
The email address is submitted to the COD for Stafford loans.
For direct lending, the Email Address is restricted to 50 characters and must follow Email address identification protocol.""Use the Override Email Address check box to override the student's email address and enter the updated email address.
If you override the student's email address, future adjustments to Campus Community information will not update this field.
If you clear this check box, the system reinserts the email information originating from Campus Community.
- Select the Override Email Address option.
- Enter the desired information into the Override Email Address field.
- Select the Direct Loan Demo Ovrd tab.

Use the Direct Loan Demo Ovrd page to override the following Campus Community or institutional application information:
- Social security number or date for the SSN.
- Start date of the academic year for this borrower.
- End date of academic year for this borrower.
- Borrower's federal dependency status.
- Borrower's date of birth and date you changed the date of birth.
- Borrower's citizenship status.
- Borrower's alien registration or Visa/permit number.
- Select the Save button.
You have successfully viewed current biographic and loan application information on a Direct Loan record. You have also overridden Direct Loan phone and email information.
End of Procedure.
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