UAT FF.001 - Procure to Pay thru GL [Sprint 1] (Project Archive)
User Acceptance Test Overview
PeopleSoft follows a traditional procure-to-pay approach. PeopleSoft procure to pay process (also known as P2P) involves numerous steps which includes Creating Requisitions, Creating Purchase Orders, Receiving Goods, Creating Vouchers and Processing Payments. It’s important to differentiate between common definitions of business processes and the PeopleSoft definition of system processes that have the same or similar names.
The information below is intended to provide colleges guidance on performing a User Acceptance Test on this business process. The business process shown in the flow diagrams below may be only part of what is needed to complete an end-to-end test of a full business cycle. Coordination with other colleagues at your college in advance of commencing testing is key to success. In the same way that it doesn't take a single individual to operate the business of running a college it will require coordination across departments to successfully test a business flow from beginning to end.
Procure to Pay through GL Flow Diagram:
Data Scenarios for End-to-End High Level Flow (Tier 1)
The following 'End-to-End' data scenarios need to be tested as part of this process:
- Create a Purchase Requisition thru General Ledger
- Create a Purchase Order thru General Ledger
- Process a P-Card payment thru General Ledger
- Create a Voucher payment thru General Ledger
- Creating a Procurement Contract thru General Ledger
The FIRST step in the testing process for Procure to Pay: