UAT CC.006 - Admissions through Enrollment - [Sprint 1] (Project Archive)
Admissions through Enrollment
User Acceptance Test Overview
The information below is intended to provide colleges guidance on performing a User Acceptance Test on the business process of admitting applicants through the completion of enrollment in classes.
Once the applicant has been admitted, the test will continue with providing the ability to enroll the student. To ensure the best test coverage please review the minimum data scenarios and make a plan for how these scenarios will be tested. Keep in mind this is a test environment so you can create whatever names you like, so long as they allow you to represent your business process in the system and enable you to test how you will do this work once live on the system.
Depending on how your college staffs the process of admitting and enrolling students this test may include many different individuals in the same department, or staff in different departments. Coordination with other colleagues at your college in advance of commencing testing is key to success. In the same way that it doesn't take a single individual to operate the business of running a college it will require coordination across departments to successfully test a business flow from beginning to end.
Business Process Flow Diagram
The following 'End-to-End' data scenarios need to be tested as part of this process:
- New student submitting an application via OAAP
- New student submitting a paper application
- Staff maintaining term and student alert configurations needed for enrollment
- Staff enrolling students
The NEXT step in the testing process for Admissions through Enrollment is:
Make sure to check with the Financial Aid and Student Financials testers to ensure all needed applicants have been established to fulfill their testing requirements before marking the Admissions test as passed.
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