Add New Fiscal Year in DirectLine
Purpose: Use this document to add a new fiscal year in DirectLine. This information is used to capture depreciation, acquisitions, disposals and adjustments of assets during a specific period of time.
Audience: Finance business office staff that oversee depreciation reports and state tagged assets.
Add New Fiscal Year
Navigation: Menu > Administration > Fiscal Year Entry
- On the DirectLine Menu screen, select Administration

- Scroll down if needed to select Fiscal Year Entry.

Complete the Fiscal Year Entry screen by entering:
- Fiscal Year Code (FY20xx)
- Starting Date (20xx-07-01)
- Ending Date (20xx-06-30)
- select the checkbox for Fiscal year is active, open

Below is a sample of a completed screen.

- Save the record by selecting the floppy disk icon from the task bar.

- End of procedure.
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