Run DirectLine FAE Reports

Purpose: There are many financial reports for land, buildings, equipment, and depreciation available in this module.  The most frequently used report is the CR2128 for a detailed report of all active assets and their associated depreciation.

Audience: Business office personnel responsible for year-end and financial statement accounting data.

Navigation: Module / FAE Inventory / FAE Reports

  1. From the main menu, select FAE Inventory.
  2. From the FAE Inventory menu, select FAE Reports.
Home screen with FAE Reports highlighted

A list of reports will display with an assortment of filtering options associated with each report. There is also a brief description given for each report just below the list. Sample below:


FAE Report list of reports

For this QRG example, we'll use the CR2128 report.

  1. Select CR2128 Fixed Asset radio button.
  2. Select desired fiscal year.
  3. Confirm or change Start Date or End Date.
  4. Select OK.
CR2128 screen with fiscal year, start and end dates highlighted

Report results are collected in an Excel workbook.  There could be multiple tabs in each report.  Below is a sample screen of the CR2128 Navigation page.

Sample CR2128 Navigation tab of Excel workbook

These reports can be saved and sent to your computer or email address for record-keeping purposes or further analysis.

Please refer to Save and Export DirectLine Reports


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