Administrative Access Navigation
Purpose: This guide demonstrates 3 options to navigate to the Administration screens available for managing local field drop-down lists.
Audience: DirectLine administrators familiar with local field values needed for asset entry.
Locally maintained fields will need values added periodically (ORG code, Program codes, Appropriation Index, etc.).
Option One:
Navigation Path: Module / FAE Inventory / Administration / Select desired field for updates

Option Two:
You may find yourself in the process of adding an asset and discover a needed value in a locally defined field is not yet available. Here's how you can fix that without leaving the asset record.
- Select the field you want to make an entry. This example is using PRG/CLASS.

- Select Lookup Record icon.

- The related administrative screen will open. Enter the new values.

- Save your record by selecting the floppy disk icon from the task bar.

Option Three:
You can go directly to the administration screen by clicking the field name hyperlink. Remember, you can only make changes to the drop-down lists for fields that are managed locally.
- Select the hyperlink next to the field you are working on.

- The related administrative screen will open. Enter the new values.

- Save your record by selecting the floppy disk icon from the task bar.

- End of procedure.
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