Export Definition Wizard (DirectLine)

Purpose: This user guide helps you create or modify an ad hoc report extract to Excel.

Audience: Any DirectLine user that needs to extract data to Excel for further analysis or record keeping.

Navigation: Analysis / Export Definition Wizard

  1. Select Analysis from the DirectLine main menu.
  2. Select Export Definition Wizard.
Main menu with Export Definition Wizard highlighted

You have the choice of creating a new report, revising a current report, or deleting a report.  This user guide takes you through the steps to create a new report.

  1. Select New if not already toggled.
  2. Select Next.
First screen to create new, revise, or delete an export report

This screen includes all DirectLine tables you could select from.  Megamation has created a single table with all asset fields collected from the various tables.

  1. Select ASSET_MASTER.
  2. Select Next.
List of data tables available to choose from

The next screen will not yet display any fields when you are constructing a new extract report. You will add the needed fields here.

  1. Select Add.
screen used to collect fields for your extract report

All available fields will display.  If they don't appear in alphabetical order:

  1. Select Dictionary Name.
  2. Select the field names you want in the export results as well as any fields you want to sort or filter your extract.
  3. Select OK when ready.  You can continue adding fields as needed.
Sample screen of fields selected from complete list

Your selected fields are displayed as you collect them.

  1. Use Add or Remove as needed.
  2. use the Up/Down arrows to reposition the fields as needed.
  3. Select Next when ready to continue.
Screen listing all fields selected

The next screen gives you the option to calculate totals on a selected field. You can total up to three fields.

  1. Select any fields you'd like to total. (This example doesn't include any fields that could be totalled so it's blank)
  2. Select Next to continue.
Question - What fields do you want to total?

The next screen gives you sorting options.  You can select up to 8 fields to sort your results.

  1. Check the boxes you want to include as sorting options.
  2. Select Next when satisfied.
Question - What fields do you want the option to sort by?

The next screen gives you up to 8 fields for filtering your extract results.

  1. Select the fields you'd like available for filtering.
  2. Select Next when satisfied.
Question - What fields will be used to filter the exported data?

The next screen gives you choices to set up defaults. It includes Sorting and Searching criteria.

  1. Start with Set Default Sort Criteria.


Fields available for default sort

You can select up to 4 default sorting options.

  1. Select your default sorting options.
  2. Select OK to continue.
ScreenSteps - Mozilla Firefox

This returns you to the screen for selecting default values.

  1. Select Set Default Search Criteria.
Set default search criteria button

This screen gives you choices to select default search values.

  1. Make your choices.
  2. Select OK to continue.
Fields available for default search criteria
  1. Select Next to continue.
Default criteria screen with Next highlighted
  1. Create a name for your export.
  2. Create a description of  this export to help you remember what it contains, how it will be used, etc.
  3. Use the drop-down list in MPC Module to select the area you want to store the extract report.
  4. Select Finished.
Screen used to name, describe, and store your extract report

You will be returned to the DirectLine home screen.

Navigation: Analysis / Export Reports

  1. Select Analysis from the main menu.
  2. Select Export Reports.
Analysis menu with Export Reports highlighted
  1. Select your extract report.
  2. Review Sort Criteria.
  3. Review Filtering Criteria.
  4. Select Export.
Export report menu with your export report highlighted

Your results will populate an excel workbook.  

Sample results in Excel workbook

You can use the excel workbook here or save it to your desktop.

Save and Export DirectLine Reports

Procedure complete.


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