9.2 Finalize Absence Run
Purpose: Rerun the calculate absence and payroll process to finalize data in ctcLink.
Audience: Absence Management specialists.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Abs Off Cycle Processing
- ZZ SS ABS Administration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Finalize Absence Run
Navigation: Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Calculate Absence and Payroll
- The Calculate Absence and Payroll search page is displayed.
- To finalize the absence run for a specific calendar, use the same Run Control ID that was used earlier to run the identify and calculate process.
- Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field.
- Select the Search button.
- The Calculate Absence and Payroll page displays. Enter the desired information into the Calendar Group ID field. Enter a valid value e.g. "890 16 JUN ENT".
- If there are any errors then the Finalize checkbox will be disabled. Resolve all the errors prior to finalizing the absence run.
- Select the Finalize option.
- Select the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request pagelet displays.
- Select the OK button.
- The Calculate Absence and Payroll page displays. Make note of the Process Instance number.
- Select the Process Monitor link. The Process Monitor page displays.
- From the Process List tab, select the Refresh button periodically until the Run Status = Success and Distribution Status = Posted.
End of procedure.
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