ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Human Capital Management9.2 HCM - Absence ManagementManage Off-Cycle Processing9.2 Correcting or Reversing Leave Balances/Running the Absence Management Off Cycle on Demand Process

9.2 Correcting or Reversing Leave Balances/Running the Absence Management Off Cycle on Demand Process

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to correct or reverse leave balances in ctcLink. The after the entitlement process must have been run prior to this process.  Then run the Absence Management Off Cycle on Demand process.

Audience:  Leave Administrator.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD Absence Calc Results
  • ZZ Abs Events and Adjs
  • ZZ SS ABS Administration

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Correct or Reverse Leave Balances/Running the Absence Management Off Cycle on Demand Process

Review Absence Balances

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Maintain Absences > Review Absence Balances

  1. The Review Absence Balances search page displays.
  2. Enter the Empl ID.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Search Results display.
  5. Select the Empl ID link to open the Absences page.
review absence balances search page

NOTE: Some employees may have more than one employee record.  If the Search Results screen displays with multiple choices for the Empl ID, select the applicable Empl Record number.

  1. The Review Absence Balances screen displays.
  2. Review all current balance amounts for the employee to identify which rows to adjust.
  3. Leave this window open for use in the Adjust Balances section.
Review Absence Balances page
  1. This completes the Review Absence Balances section.
Adjust Balances
  1. Open a new window to navigate to the Absences page.  Select the New Window link in the top right side of the Review Absence Balances screen used in the Review Absence Balances section.
new window
  1. A new window displaying the Review Absence Balances page displays.
  2. Navigate to the Adjust Balances from this window:
    • Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Adjust Balances > Absences

NOTE:  You adjust leave balances only after the Absence Entitlement Process (which reflects leave accrual) is run. These next steps (5-7) are outlined on the QRG titled Payroll Checklist.  Therefore, all adjustments to leave balances (outside of self service) are considered off cycle adjustments. Examples of adjustments one might make include shared leave exchanges and separations/terminations when balances must be zeroed out.

  1. The Absences search page displays.
  2. Enter the same Empl ID and other search criteria to match data reviewed in previous section to be adjusted.
  3. Select the Search button.
absences search page
  1. The Search Results display.
  2. Select the appropriate Empl ID for the correct employee record used in the Review Absence Balances section.
Adjust balances search results
  1. The Absences page displays.
  2. If zeroing out leave balances, copy and paste the Entitlement Element(s) and Amount(s) from the (A) Review Absence Balances screen to the (B) Absences Screen as shown below (Balance adjustment amounts should be entered as a negative which zeroes out the existing balance).
  3. Remember to select Save when you have finished your entries.
Adjust balances absence page

IMPORTANT: You must make sure no open processes exist within Absence before you do an off cycle.  Cancel any open Takes or Entitlements you were calculating and then run the Off Cycle to completion.  If you can’t finish the off-cycle to completion for any reason, cancel it and then try again later.  

You can only run an off cycle adjustment on a completed and finalized calendar for an employee.  This process is not intended for use for active and current calendars.  

(A) From Review Absence Balances window:

review absence balances copy from

(B) To Absences window:

  1. If more than one row is needed, select the [+] icon to add a new row.
  2. A prompt pagelet will appear.
  3. You have the option to enter multiple adjustments for an employee.  
  4. Enter the number of rows you would like to add in the field.  This will add rows all at once rather than adding individual rows (+)(-), one at a time.  
  5. Select the OK button.
add row prompt pagelet
  1. The Absence page displays with added row(s).
  2. Copy and paste added info to be adjusted as needed.
  3. Be sure to make the number a negative number if balancing to zero.
  4. Select the Save button.
absences adjustment screen
  1. This completes the Adjust Balances section.
Running an Off Cycle Adjustment

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Abs Off Cycle Processing
  • ZZ SS ABS Administration

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Off-cycle absence processing refers to processing absences and making corrections to finalized results outside of the normal absence schedule. Off cycle transactions are typically made to correct prior absence results or to zero out leave balances for terminated employees.  

There are three components to running the Off Cycle On Demand process:

  1. Create the Request
  2. Create the Calendar Group
  3. Calculate

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Off Cycle > Off Cycle On Demand

  1. The Off Cycle On Demand search page displays.
  2. Select Add a New Value tab.
  3. Enter the same Pay Group used in previous section.
  4. Enter the Target Period ID. This is the period to be corrected.
  5. Enter the Off Cycle Group.  Create an Off Cycle Group Name for your reference.
  6. Select the Add button.
off cycle on demand search page
  1. The Off Cycle On Demand page displays.
  2. Select the Create Request button.
off cycle on demand page
  1. The Enter Off-Cycle Requests pagelet displays.
  2. This will populate the name and enable the Correction Details icon.
  3. Select the Calendars to Correct arrow to expand the subsection.
  4. The Corrections - List Payees and Calendars to correct section displays.
  5. Enter the Empl ID(s), then select the Corrections Detail icon.

NOTE:  If you have multiple employees within the same pay group and target period, you should process all at once rather than processing each Empl ID individually, as you must otherwise create an off cycle group for each person, which requires many additional steps.

Enter Off-cycle Requests page
  1. The Enter Off-Cycle Correction pagelet displays.
  2. Select the Adjust Absence Balances link.
Enter Off-Cycle Correction pagelet
  1. The Absences pagelet displays.
  2. Enter the Empl ID.
  3. Enter the Pay Group
  4. Select the Search button.
  5. The Search Results display.
  6. Finally, select the associated calendar ID in the Search Results.
off cycle on demand absences search pagelet
  1. The Absences pagelet displays.
  2. Review screen to verify that your entries are correct.
  3. The adjustments should be populated automatically from the Adjust Balances - Absences page.
  4. Select the Apply button.
  5. Select the OK button.  
off cycle on demand absences page auto populate

Note: Repeat for each person you wish to include in the Pay Group, if applicable.

  1. The Enter Off-Cycle Correction page displays.
  2. Enter the Calendar ID.

Calendars control whose absence results will be calculated, and the period of time for which the absences are processed. They link together the:

  • Pay Group (Common examples of pay groups are salaried and hourly payees).
  • Period ID (Calendar period IDs define the period of time for which the absences are processed).
  • Run Type ID (A user-defined method of identifying a payroll or absence run. Common run types are regular, bonus, overtime, and advance pay).
  • Target Calendar ID (The target calendar that you selected when defining the calendar for this calendar run).
  • Payee Selection Criteria (defines who will be processed).
  1. Select the OK button.
calendar ID
  1. The Enter Off-Cycle Requests page displays.
  2. Select the Apply button.
  3. Select the OK button.
enter off cycle requests apply and ok
  1. The Off Cycle on Demand page displays.
  2. Notice the Request Entered box is now checked.
  3. Select the Create Calendar Group button.  Calendar Group ID’s group the calendars that you want to process at the same time.
create calendar group
  1. The Define Calendar Group button displays.
  2. Select the Apply button.
define calendar group pagelet
  1. A Warning Message displays for your review.
  2. Select OK to continue.
warning message
  1. The Define Calendar Group page displays.
  2. Select the OK button.
  3. The Off Cycle On Demand page displays.
  4. Notice the Calendar Group Created box is now checked.
  5. Select the Calculate button.
off cycle on demand page calculate
  1. The Payee Status page displays.
  2. Resolve any messages with Warnings or Errors.
  3. Once you have corrected the warnings and/or errors you will have to Calculate again.
  4. Select the Messages link. There should be 0 messages.
  5. Select the Apply button and then the OK button again.
  6. Then return to Off Cycle On Demand home screen.
  7. Notice the Processing Status = Calculation Successful.
  8. Validate the absence Balance in Results by Calendar Group Page for Off Cycle Calendar Group.
Calendar Information
  1. Select the Finalize button.
finalize button
  1. A confirmation message displays.
  2. Select the OK button.
confirmation message
  1. You have successfully run an off cycle adjustment process.
Review Absence Balances - Verify Updates

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigation > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Maintain Absences > Review Absence Balances

  1. The Review Absence Balances search page displays.
  2. Enter the Empl ID.
  3. Select the Search button.
  4. The Search Results display.
  5. Select the Empl ID link.
Review Absence Balances
  1. You should see all changes you have made.
  2. The process to correct or reverse leave balances and run the Absence Management off cycle on demand process is now complete.
  3. End of procedures.


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