Generate a Receipt Notice Report
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to run the Receipt Notice Query in ctcLink.
Audience: Purchasing Staff
Generating a Receipt Notice Report
Navigation: Main Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
- On the search page of Query Viewer Search By“Query Name” begins with“CTC_LATE_RECEIPTS.”

- Click Search.
- Click either the HTML or Excel link for the query named CTC_LATE_RECEIPTS.

- A new window will open and you will be prompted for the following:
- From Date
- To Date
- Business Unit

- Click View Results. Receipts that match your search criteria will be displayed with the following:
- Unit
- Receipt Nbr
- Received Date
- Receipt Line
- PO Unit
- Due
- PO Number
- SupplierNote: The query will return only those receipts that have a receipt match status of N (have not been matched), were received between the specified dates, and the receipt date is past due.
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