Running the Reconciliation Process
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for running the reconciliation process in ctcLink.
Audience: Settlement Manager, GL Accountant
Navigation: Main Menu > Banking > Reconcile Statements > Process Reconciliation
- Enter an existing Run Control ID or click the Add a New Value tab on the Process Reconciliation page to add a new value.
- Enter a meaningful Run Control ID for the process reconciliation in the Run Control ID field.
Note: A Run Control ID is an identifier that, when paired with your User ID, uniquely identifies the process you are running. The Run Control ID allows important parameters to be available for a process when the process runs to ensure that when a process runs in the background, it does not have to prompt you for additional values. The system stores all parameters and associates them with Run Control IDs and User IDs.
- Click the Add button.

- Enter your process frequency and request parameters:
- Use the Process Frequency drop-down button to select the ‘Always Process’ option.
- Enter the appropriate request number in the Request Number field. Leave this as one (1) unless you are running multiple requests.
- Enter or select the bank ID number in the Bank ID field.
- Enter or select the bank account number in the Bank Account # field.
- Enter or select the appropriate statement number in the Statement ID field. – You can enter a specific statement ID or you can leave Statement ID blank and the system will run the selected process for all statements that are not marked “C” (complete).

- Click the Run button.

- The Process Scheduler Request page displays three reconciliation process methods:
- Selecting Bank Reconciliation runs the FSPRECON Application Engine process. This program processes the specified bank account transactions with the defined reconciliation parameters for the bank account.
- Selecting Recon and Statement Accounting (PSJob) runs the FSPRECON and TR_STMTACCTG Application Engine processes serially. This multi-process job runs both reconciliation and Cash Management Bank Statement Accounting reconciliation parameters on the specified bank account transactions. NOTE: We are not using this option at this time.
- Selecting Recon and Bank Statement Process (PSJOB) runs FSPRECON and AR_BNKSTMT serially. This multi-process job runs both the Bank Reconciliation process and the Bank Stmt Processing (bank statement processing) process (AR_BNKSTMT), which loads payments into the Receivables tables. NOTE: We are not using this option at this time.
Note: It is recommended that you select only one method to run at a time instead of selecting multiple methods to run concurrently.
- Select any combination of the three reconciliation methods to process the defined transactions.
- Use the Type drop-down button to select the type of your output.
- Use the Format drop-down button to select the format of your output.
- Click the OK button.

Note: A Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process you have run when you check its status.
- Click the Process Monitor link.

- Use the Process List page to view the status of submitted process requests.
Note: The process has finished successfully when the Run Status column indicates ‘Success.’
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