Regenerate a Contract Using Maintain Faculty Workload (Online)

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to Regenerate a contract online Using Maintain Faculty Workload.

Once a contract has been generated via the FWL Generate Contract Process (batch) has been run, subsequent recalculations can rescind those contracts if changes occur. Contracts and then be regenerated online from within the Maintain Faculty Workload page if desired.

Audience: Class Scheduling Staff, HR\Payroll Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ FWL Contract Approve
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc
  • ZZ FWL Contract Gen
  • ZZ FWL Contract Submit
  • ZZ FWL Pay Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation: Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > Faculty Workload> Faculty Workload Transaction> Maintain Faculty Workload

  1. The Maintain Faculty Workload search page displays.
  2. Search for an existing instructor:
    • Empl ID: Enter the ID of the Instructor or use the lookup.
    • Academic Institution: Enter or use the lookup.
    • Term: Enter or use the lookup.
    • Last Name: Enter the instructor's last name or first character(s) of the last name.
    • First Name: Enter the instructor's first name or first character(s) of the first name.
  3. Select Search. If only 1 record is selected the page will open upon selecting Search.  If more than one record is found, all records that match the search criteria will be returned and selecting the desired record will open the page.
  4. The Maintain Faculty Workload page displays.
  5. From the HCM Data tab, in the HCM Data Contract Info section, a Regenerate button will be activated if a contract has been recalculated or rescinded.
  6. Select the Regenerate button to regenerate a new online contract (appointment letter) for the instructor.
  7. A pop-up message displays to confirm you want to regenerate the contract.
  8. Select Yes.
  9. Wait for the page to refresh. Upon successful completion the pop-up message "Contract Successfully Regenerated" will appear.
  10. Select the OK button.
  11. A successful contract regeneration will result in a second contract row to appear on the HCM Data Contract Info.

End of procedure.


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