CNED CampusCE Errors

Purpose: This reference guide provides information on configuration of courses and classes that does not work for the CampusCE to ctcLink PeopleSoft integration.  Information on the errors in the CampusCE Transaction Management Page is also provided. This information pertains to all classes built in the CNED career. In addition, there are some business processes that may have been used in the past in CampusCE that should no longer be used.

Audience: CampusCE administrators.

Where do I go to correct an issue or get help?

  • If classes do not pull over to CampusCE you can contact CampusCE for help.  You may need to make changes to your course/class in PeopleSoft.
  • If a student is enrolled in CampusCE but has an error in PeopleSoft you need to determine the cause.
    • If the issue is related to student profile information you will correct in CampusCE and update the transaction to send it to PeopleSoft again.
    • If the registration has passed to PeopleSoft and payment has posted then you will correct in PeopleSoft.  Then return to CampusCE to set the record to registered.  

In the CampusCE Transaction Mgmt page go to a record with an error. On the ctcLink Response tab find the CampusCE Order Id. Copy this number. In CampusCE navigate to the Order Processing, under Registration. Input the CampusCE Order Id in the search box.  This will bring up this transaction.  Click on the transaction and then the Order Detail tab.  Change the Status of Paid Not Posted to Registered.  Then click on the Update button on the Order Detail line. DO NOT Resubmit.

You should see a comment above the Order Detail line that says "Order # nnnnnnn Updated successfully". Go to the Order History tab, scroll to the bottom to the Enrollment Services History and view the Message.  

Course and Class Configuration in PeopleSoft

This section contains information about configurations and settings that should not be used in courses and classes for the CNED career in PeopleSoft. Setting on the course will be inherited by the class.  While you can make changes in the class, it is best to correct issues at the course level.


Do not apply fees to both a course and class.  If the charge for course fee box is checked this will result in tuition calc assigning the amount due for the class as the total of all course and class fees. The price of the class will only calculate as the total of class fees (or course fees in the events there are no class fees.)  This will result in a balance on the student account.  If using a multi component class the fee must be on the primary component.  

Additional Resources: Course Fees and Class Fees

Class Status

Only active classes will move to CampusCE.  Class status is located on the Enrollment Cntrl tab.  Classes with a status of canceled section, stop further enrollment, or tentative section will  not move over to CampusCE.  Only classes which are ready to accept enrollments will move to CampusCE.

If you want a class in CampusCE, but are not ready to accept enrollment, you can wait to publish the class in CampusCE until you are ready for enrollments.  

Classes that are a non-enrollment stats will not move to CampusCE.  Make sure that if you have multiple components that the primary component is enrollable.

Additional Resources: Create Class

Multi Component Classes

Multi component classes can be scheduled in PeopleSoft.  However, on the primary component will move to CampusCE. Only the primary component can have fees.

Additional Resources: Create Class

Grading Basis

Grading Basis is set on the course on the Catalog Data tab.  Only these three grading Basis may be used in CNED:

No Grade Associated (NOG)
Pass/Not Pass (PNP)
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (SUS)

Note: The grading basis used for CNED courses is also limited by the grading basis configured at your college.  If your college has not configured any of these grading basis in CNED then they can not be applied to a course.  Grade basis can be changed for an individual student if a grade is required.

Course Titles

All course titles must be unique in CampusCE.  This means they must be unique in PeopleSoft in order to pull over to CampusCE.  If you have CEART 1 and CEART 2 with the same course title of "Art" both classes will not pull over to CampusCE.  

Options: Keep one course and inactivate the rest.  Add in course topics such as "Drawing" and "Painting".
If you offer a large number of courses it is more effective to use a structure like:
CEART 1 - Drawing (or Art - Drawing)
CEART2 - Painting (or Art - Painting)
CEART3 - Sculpture (or Art - Sculpture), etc.
You may still add topics such a "Pencil Drawing" "Ink Drawing" "Drawing with Colored Pencils".

Course names should not be changed each term.  Use topics to create unique titles.  

Additional Resources: 9. 2 Creating Course Topics

Dates to Enroll

In PeopleSoft students may only register for classes between the First Date to Enroll and the Last Date to Enroll.  These are set on the Term Sessions Table, on the Sessions Table tab.  For CNED classes using the CampusCE integration there is no enrollment appointment, so the date in the *Open Enrollment Date field becomes the first day that enrollments will be successful in PeopleSoft.  If the dates to enroll in CampusCE are set outside these dates in PeopleSoft, enrollments will be successful in CampusCE, and will pass to PeopleSoft where the payment will post but the enrollment will fail.  Staff will then need to override these dates in PeopleSoft to enroll the student.  The Term Session Table is typically maintained by the college Registrar.  

Open Entry and Exit (OEE) Sessions

When enrolling a student in an OEE class the system requires a class start date for that individual student.  This individual student's class start date cannot be earlier that the start of the class.  When data is sent from CampusCE to PeopleSoft the date that is used for the start date is the date of the transaction.  If the registration is taking place after the start of a class there will not be an error.  If it is before the start date the enrollment will create an error.  Change the start date in the Enrollment Request page to process this enrollment.  Using different dates is in the enhancement queue for the project.

Additional Resources: 9.2 Setting Dynamic Class Date Rules

Common Errors from CampusCE Transaction Management Page

This section contains the list of common errors which may be found on the CampusCE Transaction Management page.  For assistance with other error messages please submit a support ticket.  

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > CTC Custom > CampusCE > CampusCE Transaction Mgmt

The registration is in a pending state in PeopleSoft. DO NOT send the enrollment again from CampusCE.  Use the View Enrollment Request link at the bottom of the ctcLink Response tab to make any corrections or overrides and Submit.  

If you have fixed an error in ctcLink PeopleSoft and manually processed the enrollment then you need to return to CampusCE and update.  CampusCE already has the enrollment and payment recorded, but the status is pending - "Paid not Posted".  If you return to CampusCE and update the order detail it will send the enrollment to ctcLink and you will receive the completion message  "Duplicate request - order detail already processed."  Note that currently there is not an update to the ctcLink Response tab in PeopleSoft.

Process is Unsuccessful

Multiple Match found - Record Suspended from processing further

Explanation: No EMPLID was provided, or one was provided but did not match to DOB for that EMPLID, and search/match was performed.  Search/Match found more than one possible record. The process is suspended and there is no enrollment or payment in PeopleSoft since there is no EMPLID.  

Action: Use the Search/Match link at the bottom of the ctcLink Response tab to navigate to the search/match page.  Using the data on the CampusCE Request tab enter the first and last name, DOB, gender, and address and search.  You will find 2 or more EMPLIDs associated with the information submitted.  If any of the students listed are a match, note the correct EMPLID and enter it in the student's record in CampusCE. You can then try to update the record. If that fails then drop the enrollment in CampusCE and submit a new order.  DO NOT Quick enroll or post payment in PeopleSoft.

If a student has multiple EMPLIDs choose the one with the most enrollments or most comprehensive record and use that ID.  If one ID has UGRD classes and one has only CNED classes use the ID with the UGRD classes as this is the EMPLID likely to be retained.  Support will merge the records and retain one EMPLID, so the class and payment will be merged even if the number used is not the one that it retained.  

Duplicate EMPLIDs:

Review the search results.  If it appears to be the same person with 2 different EMPLIDs please submit a ticket to support.  Include the bio demo info and any associated EMPLIDs.  

Once support resolves the ticket and determines which EMPLID will be use you will need to make sure the Id in CampusCE is the correct EMPLID.

Additional Resources: Running Search/Match

Invalid Postal in Request - Process Stopped

Explanation: Missing Zip code.

Action: Enter the correct zip code in CampusCE , go to the Registration > Order Processing page and search for the transaction.  Go to the Order Detail tab. Change status to registered and use the Update button. DO NOT Resubmit.  

Additional Resources: NA

Class not found, no transaction processed.

Explanation:  Class was not created in ctcLink PeopleSoft, or did not meet the requirements to be sent to CampusCE. This class was created in CampusCE and does not have a matching class in ctcLink with the required information which will only occur when classes pass from ctcLink to CampusCE.

Action:  Create the class in ctcLink.  Merge the class with the class in CampusCE once the new class comes over to CampusCE.  

Additional Resources: Create Class

No Response Generated

Explanation: An error occurred with transmitting the data.  

Action: Review in PeopleSoft to see if the enrollment or payment has taken place.  If the students is not enrolled in CampusCE submit the request again from CampusCE.  If the student is already enrolled in the class in CampusCE update the record.

Additional Resources: NA

Error Messages

Reminder: Students and staff do have the ability to add and drop classes in PeopleSoft.  Make sure the schedule print box on the class is not checked.  This will prevent students from seeing and scheduling the CNED classes in PeopleSoft.  Make sure registration staff are aware that students should not be registered in CNED classes using PeopleSoft. ALL enrollments should be done in CampusCE.  

If you see discrepancies in enrollment between CampusCE and PeopleSoft check if a transaction (add or drop( occurred in PeopleSoft.

Duplicate Transaction - Payment Already posted  -or-  Duplicate Request - Order Detail already processed

Explanation: The order has already been processed and payment posted in ctcLink PeopleSoft.  

Action: No further action is needed.

Additional Resources: NA

Payment Posted, Enrollment Failed -

Using the Enrollment Request Page to manually enroll after "Payment posted, Enrollment failed"

Use the View Enrollment Request link at the bottom of the ctcLink Response tab.  Select the Academic Career = Continuing Education to narrow down the enrollment requests.  Find the request with a status = "Pending" or "Errors Found".  If you do not see an error message at the bottom of the page click on the Submit button.  

Refresh the Class Nbr by copying the number then use the looking glass. Copy the number to the Class Nbr field and click on Search and then Select.  This will update the class with any updates or corrections you have made.  

If the issue was corrected in the class then you can click the Submit button. If the error is date related you will need to override the specific problem and Submit.

Last Date to Enroll has expired.   First Date to Enroll has not been reached - not enrolled

Explanation:  The last date for enrollment in the class has expired, or the first date to enroll has not occurred yet, so enrollment is not processed.

Action:  Check the Session Table page's Last Date to Enroll field and First Date to Enroll, or, for dynamically dated classes, the Dynamic Class Dates page.  Verify that the dates are correct.  

Staff can override dynamic dates using the Enrollment Request page.

Note: Each section needs to have a unique Associated Class number on the Basic Data tab. Once that is updated, the dynamic class dates need to be re-generated for these sections. You’ll be able to register until the deadline after these cleanup steps are complete.  If the class associations are not updated the dates for the first section created will be used to validate the enrollment, which may cause this error.  

Additional Resources: Enrollment Overrides

Hold on record, Add not processed.

Explanation:  There is a hold on this record, placing the registration in a Pending status. You must remove the hold to continue processing the registration.

Action:  Check the student's service indicators.  Work with the college Registrar to determine holds (Service Indicators) you may override.  

OEE Enrollment Start Date is earlier than the Session Start Date.

Explanation:  A student enrollment date can not be prior to the date of the first day of the class. When enrolling a student via CampusCE the date of the enrollment is used for the student's enrollment, If this is prior to the first day of the class this will cause an error.

Action:  Use the View Enrollment Request link at the bottom of the CampusCE Request tab to change the Start Date to match the first day of the class.  

No Valid Appointment Found and Open Enrollment Period Has Not Begun  -or-   First Date to Enroll has not been reached - not enrolled

Explanation:  The open enrollment period has not begun and no valid enrollment appointment was found.  The enrollment request was not processed. The integration between CampusCE and PeopleSoft does not support appointments for student enrollments.  

Action:  Review the Term Session Table for the CNED career. The Open Enrollment Date should be the same as the First Date to Enroll.  Override the appointment and dynamic dates on the Enrollment Request page for the pending enrollment.

Invalid Input Value for Units Taken

Class is a %1 Unit Class.

Explanation: This class in the CNED career has units associated. These should be 0 unit classes.

Action: Update the course to 0 units.

Course Units/Hours/Count screenshot - all should be 0

Additional Resources: Catalog Data tab

Invalid Grade Basis for Class

Explanation:  Grading Basis is set on the course on the Catalog Data tab.  Only these three grading Basis may be used in CNED:

No Grade Associated (NOG)

Pass/Not Pass (PNP)

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (SUS)

Action:  Correct the grade basis on the course

Additional Resources: Create Course

Already Enrolled in Class, Add Not Processed.

Explanation:  The student is already enrolled in this class, so this enrollment was not processed. This is possible if the student was manually enrolled in PeopleSoft.  However, because the integration posts a payment before enrolling there is a payment posted that is not correct.

Action:  Reverse the payment from the student's account.

%1 to Enroll in Class, Add Not Processed.

Explanation:  Consent is needed to enroll in the class. The add transaction was not processed.

Action: The student must have a permission number to enroll in this class.  A permission number can be generated, or a student-specific permission can be granted on the Class Permission page.  Because permission numbers are not part of the integration classes should not require permission. Use the class link to remove permissions.

Additional Resources: Create Class

Class Number %1 Not in Active Status. Cannot Enroll.

Explanation:  The add transaction was not processed. The class to be added is not in ACTIVE status for enrollment.

Action:  Verify the class status on the Schedule of Classes - Enrollment Control page. - use the class link.

Additional Resources: Create Class

Updates to Class Sections in CampusCE

New Classes

Do NOT create new CNED classes in CampusCE.  Always create them in PeopleSoft and wait for them to move to CampusCE the next morning. A class created in CampusCE first, even if a course is then created in PeopleSoft, will not have the required coding to allow enrollments to pass back to PeopleSoft.

If you are using CampusCE to create sections for testing or registration payments these should only be created in CampusCE.  No enrollment information will pass to PeopleSoft. All financial information will need to be reconciled.

Additional Resources: Contact CampusCE

Class Capacity

Class capacity is a persistent field. Once this field comes over to CampusCE a changed version will not pull again from PeopleSoft.  This allows colleges to adjust capacity in CampusCE immediately and then go to PeopleSoft to also adjust the capacity.  If a class is full and staff want to allow and extra student to enroll they can increase capacity in CampusCE and allow the student to enroll and pay.  Staff then need to go to PeopleSoft and change the class capacity there also.  Until the capacity is increased the enrollment can not take place in PeopleSoft.  

Instead of overriding the capacity for a student changing capacity in both systems allows them to remain in sync.  

CampusCE will enforce the capacity of the class section in CampusCE.  PeopleSoft will enforce the capacity that is in PeopleSoft.  If staff have enrolled a student in PeopleSoft instead of CampusCE this will use a seat that CampusCE does not know about and may cause an enrollment to fail if the capacity has been met in PeopleSoft. Capacity can be changed in both systems if expanding the capacity, or you can over-ride to enroll the student.  

If multiple class sections have been combine PeopleSoft will use the combined section capacity.  This may not be the same as the capacity on the class section in CampusCE.  This will require the college to manually manage.  

Additional Resources: Create Class

Student Finance

Purchase Orders

When the Purchase Order (PO) option is used as the payment type in CampusCE the amount of the payment is posted to the student's account as if the student had paid for the class.  This payment should be reversed off the student's account.  Follow the college's business process for POs and ensure that the student's account has the payment by a PO noted so that the charge does not remain outstanding.  

Third Party Payments

When payment for a class is being made by a third party this QRG should be followed.  Enrollments would need to be made through CampusCE, and then the payment on the student account reversed as discussed above.


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