Journal Spreadsheet Template
Purpose: Use this as a reference for instructions and links to download the JRNL1_WS and Macro to access the journal spreadsheet or import template (Image 47) in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance Staff/Supervisors or end users who import journals into the General Ledger using the spreadsheet template, either as a “Write to File” or “Import Now”.
NOTE: Before you down load, please read the recommendations from the Application Services Team (below) as these files are easy to corrupt.
Instructions from Application Services
Please ensure to delete older versions of JRNL Spreadsheet and MACROs before downloading this version. Upon downloading both files, save your files as directed by APP services from the above directions.
- Macros: From your File Explorer, right click on the MACROS file and scroll down to select Properties. On the General tab, select the Unblock box and then select OK.
- Spreadsheet: Then right click on the main JRNL1_WS file and scroll down to select Properties. On the General tab, select the Unblock box and select OK.
- When you download these two files, save them on your C drive (recommended) to a brand new folder ALL BY ITSELF. If you put these files in other folders you run a risk of file corruption. Also, the reason it's best to load in the C drive is so there are less levels of folders (once again, corruption).
- Upon creating a download import or spreadsheet, navigate to the Setup screen and change the path to Production. Copy and paste this path for Production:
- Save the files to a new folder on your C drive and do not rename them. Please use the name App Services provided to avoid file corruption.
- When you are ready to create your upload, select the JRNL1_WS file. Do not open the Journal Macro file to avoid file corruption.
- Verify with your local IT Security Team or LSA that you have the same password for PT-production and FS-production. Passwords must be in sync. Additionally, there may be some security settings that need to be adjusted if your files are being blocked.
- Please save the following links in order to your C drive:
If you get a Security Risk warning, please select the Learn More link for more information and troubleshoot issues when downloading macros. For the direct link to Learn More, please see the Microsoft article.
Changing Spreadsheet or Import Settings
Please refer to the following QRGs to help with updating and changing settings:
QRG Importing a Journal Spreadsheet (Import Now)
QRG Uploading a Journal Spreadsheet as a Text File (Write to File)
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