Monthly Mass Closing of Sub-Modules and General Ledger (SBCTC ONLY)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to close the sub-modules and the General Ledger at month end.
Audience: SBCTC Accounting Staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD CC Local Config Inq
- ZD GL Local Config Inquiry
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
NOTE: Closing is performed by the SBCTC Accounting Staff.
This QRG is about closing modules as a group, but they may also be closed individually. There are certain modules that must be closed first (Addressed at the end of this QRG).
Mass Month End Closing of Sub-modules and General Ledger
Navigation: Setup Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > General Ledger > Open Periods > Open Periods Mass Update
- The Open Period Mass Update page displays. In the Selection Criteria section, in the PeopleSoft Product field, enter "GL".
- Note: you can choose one module at a time and change each module individually, but if you choose GL you can update all the modules at one time.
- In the Calendar field choose "01"; this represents the monthly calendar.
- In the Unit field enter appropriate unit number.
- In the Ledger Group field enter the appropriate ledger group, or % for all ledger groups.
- Select Search.
- In the Update Selected Rows section you are choosing the year and the periods you want OPEN.
- Note: you are not CLOSING months you are telling the system what months to leave open.
- Enter From Year, From Period, To Year, and To Period; if you are closing regular months you will not be selecting Def Adj Year or Def Adj Period.
- In the Open Period(s) section select all ledger groups.
- Select Apply.
- You are now choosing the modules you want to update with this open period. In the section “Migrate Selected to Subsystems”, identify the sub-modules to adjust with the mass update to open period. (In our example we chose AP. In most cases if you are doing Mass Update you will be choosing more or all).
- Select Migrate.
- Select Save.
- Notice in the Open Period(s) section the column “First Open” has changed. This represents the OPEN date. Anything before this will be closed.
- Look at the “Last Open” column. This is the last date this is open.
- It should be noted that the mass open may not be the most widely chosen way to open and close module. If modules are to be closed one at a time it may be more appropriate to use the “Open Period Update”. It is located along the same path as Open Periods Mass Update.
Review Open Period Display
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD CC Local Config Inq
- ZD GL Local Config Inquiry
- ZD General Ledger Inquiry
- ZZ CC Local Config
- ZZ GL Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
- To review the modules after you have updated the open dates you can look at the “Open Periods” in the page above or navigate to:
- Set up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > General Ledger > Open Periods > Open Period Display.
- Enter or lookup the Finance Module you wish to review.
- Enter or lookup the appropriate Business Unit.
- Enter the Ledger Group “Actuals”.
- Select Search and/or select from results displayed below.
Leaving the field “PeopleSoft Product” blank will bring back a search criteria for all modules.

- In the example below, AP is open with the first open date of 02/01/2025 through 06/30/2025. January 31st, 2025 and before are "closed" periods.
Closing Modules in Order
Because ALL modules flow to the General Ledger, General Ledger should be closed the next day after the modules are closed.
- Part of your closing will be a business decision of the college. However, the following should be considered.
- Billing should be closed Before AR because billing flows to AR.
- PC has cost collection run at night and thus should be closed the day AFTER the other modules.
- Expense should be closed before AP because EX flows to AP.
- AP should be closed before Assets because AP can flow to Assets.
- Because ALL modules flow to the General Ledger, General Ledger should be closed the next day after the modules are closed.
- Your processes might look like:
- Billing
- AR
- Expense
- AP
- Assets
- PC
- General Ledger
- Process complete.
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