Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in T & E (Travel and Expenses - Journal Expense Report)
Purpose: Journal Expense Reports are used to adjust accounting entries for expense that have been posted and paid, and whose payments have been posted. Journal expense reports are not associated with changes to monetary amounts, nor do they create any payments. You process journal expense reports to correct accounting entries that have already been recorded in General Ledger.
Audience: EX Administrator.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Expenses Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Scenario: A Expense report has been created using an incorrect Chartfield string, and is posted and paid. To avoid making a manual General Ledger entry, we simply enter a Journal expense report in Travel and Expense module. On the journal expense report, we reverse the amount to the incorrect Chartfields and add the amount to the correct Chartfields. This will keep the General Ledger and T&E in sync.
Correct Grant/Project Accounting Entries in T & E
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Manage Accounting > View/Adjust Accounting Entries > Adjust Paid Expenses
In order to create a Journal expense report, you must first know the Employee ID associated with that expense report and original Expense Report ID that requires an adjustment.
- The Journal Expense Report search page displays. You can search for an Empl ID by selecting the Look Up button next to the field.
- Select the Add button.

- The Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report page displays. In the Journal Report ID field, enter the original expense ID that requires an adjustment. (Available expense IDs are those that are associated with employee IDs.
- Enter valid value in the Report Description field.
- For EACH expense line that needs to be corrected, select the entry in the Expense Type column to view and/or modify the the ChartField for the expense.
This page displays the selected journal expense report line item and its associated ChartFields. A row displays a reversing entry that the system automatically created. You can modify the entry and create additional entries if necessary.
- When the Expense Type link is selected, the Accounting Detail page for that expense line displays.
- Modify the ChartFields to reflect the correct expense charges; enter or lookup valid values. If you charge the line to more than one set of ChartFields, adjust the amount to reflect the appropriate portion for these accounts by using the Add button to add rows.
- Select the Add button to add a row for additional adjusting entry.
- Select the Add button again, so that you now have 2 new rows (there will be a total of 2 blank rows, including the 2 rows that the system auto generates.
Note: All of the distribution amounts added together must equal zero for the expense line. Every Journal Expense Report requires a total of at least 4 distribution lines. Journal Expense Reports are not "paid", but journal entries will be generated. The Cash Lines need to be added in order to move the cash with the expense. For Example:
- Line 1 - Expense Line (Reversal of Original Entry and auto generated by system).
- Line 2 - Cash Line (Off-set of Reversal of Original Entry line, coded to 1000199).
- Line 3 - Expense Line (New Entry, correcting original Entry).
- Line 4 - Cash Line (Off-set of New Entry, coded to 1000199).
- Add the correct ChartField values as needed. For Grant/Project related lines, enter the PC Bus Unit or Business Unit prior to entering the Project ID and Activity ID fields.
- Select the OK button.
Note: Be cautious when entering the new chartfield values (it’s recommended to double check your chartstring), as currently there is no way to update the values, if entered incorrectly and Submit for Posting is selected.
If the Journal Expense Report fails budget checking due to an incorrect ChartString, you must submit a Service Desk ticket to have the ChartField values updated by our technical team. We are working on an alternative solution with Oracle, but we do not have a time frame on when an alternative solution will be offered. For more information on Correcting Grant/Project Errors and coding please see QRG Project Tree and Correcting Grant/Project Errors.
- The Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report page displays.
- Mark the Select checkbox(es) so that it contains a checkmark of the Expense Report Lines you would like to correct. Optional to add details in the Notes box.
- Select the Submit For Posting button.
The system may take several moments to process your request. If you have budget checking Warnings or Errors, you will receive a message.
If the Journal Expense Report fails budget checking due to an incorrect ChartString, you must submit a Service Desk ticket to have the ChartField values updated by our technical team. If it fails due to a correctable project budget issue; make the budget corrections and then run the Expenses Batch Budget check process on the Journal Expense Report, to clear the budget error. Once the error is cleared, You can proceed to run the Post Liabilities process and post the Journal Expense Report.
- The updated Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report page displays. Note that the Submit for Posting button is grayed-out and unavailable. Note that the Report ID has been populated. Select the OK button.
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Process Expenses > Expense Processing
- The Expense Processes tab displays. If this is a new Run Control ID, please see T&E Expense Processing Prerequisite: Select Business Unit.
- Select the Refresh button to update the transaction counts.
- Under the Process Request Parameters, select the boxes next to the Expense processes you want to run when the Run Control is executed. Select the following processes for this process:
- Post Liabilities: Select to create rows in the EX_ACCTG_LINE table for the journal generator to send to PeopleSoft General Ledger to post liabilities. The Post Liabilities process generates accounting entries for expense reports, cash advances, and reconciled cash advances.
- Select the Run button. The Process Scheduler Request window opens. Select OK to run the Expense Transaction Processing. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the Process Monitor shows a Run Status = "Success" and a Distribution Status = "Posted", select the Go back to Expense Transactions link.
- Back on the Expense Processes page and select the Refresh button to update your transaction record counts.
When corrections made in EX get picked up by the Project Costing process, they generate a "Billable" cash line that you will see in project resource queries such as QFS_PC_PROJ_RESOURCE_PYMNT. Since cash lines should not be billed in a grant, the college will need to do a GL journal to back out the cash line using a GLE analysis type and put back in the cash line using a DNC analysis type. This will generate an offsetting billable cash line that will net to zero when combined with the original.
For more information please see the following QRGs: Analysis Types and Creating and Submitting a Manual Journal Entry. Using the example in the following video, the GL journal would be a positive $199 with GLE and a negative $199 with DNC. No need for the expenses in that GL journal as they will come into project costing correctly. It’s just the cash lines that need that GL journal to correct them.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
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